Liana anredera – tuber miracle

Among indoor lianas, a more “strange” plant than anredder is not to be found. Not only does the plant develop from tubers, but it is also capable of reaching stunning height, surprising with its unusual details. Heart-shaped leaves and unique drooping inflorescences, whose lace texture you want to endlessly admire, fully compensate for any difficulties in care. Moreover, when growing in an anredder’s room, she is far from being capricious.

Anredera cordifolia. Farmer redland

Anredera cordifolia – tropical vine with amazing leaves and inflorescences

Among indoor climbers, classic and even traditional plants have always dominated. But ivy, cissus and their company are not the only option for decorating the interior with climbing, climbing and climbing plants with flexible and long shoots. Today, exotic crops are increasingly used in vertical landscaping and green walls. And one of the most unusual indoor lianas is the magnificent anredera. Combining the status of a tuberous, flowering and decorative leafy plant, it cannot but surprise with its leaves, structure, and character.

Anreders represent a rather unusual family in room culture. Basell (Basellaceae). In nature, this plant is found only in tropical climates, but it is not limited to one continent: the liana can be found in the tropical latitudes of both Americas and in Asia. Despite the fact that the genus of unredera is not at all small, only one type of vines is used as a houseplant.

Anredera hearty (Anredera cordifolia) – climbing herbaceous vine with thin and long curly shoots. Its stems are twisted counterclockwise. Root tubers are brown-silvery, pineal, with age they protrude above the soil surface. In the absence of control over the formation and in good conditions, the branches grow quickly, exceeding 3 m in length.

The heart-shaped leaves of anredera are alternately arranged, seem large, although their length does not exceed 7 cm, and are interesting due to their bright shine and a solid, but unevenly wavy edge. Only up close can one appreciate their meatiness and juiciness, beautiful muted green color and impeccable shape. A distinctive feature of the plant is very fragile, easily breakable shoots, contacts with which are best minimized.

It is not by chance that the Anredders were ranked not as decorative deciduous, but as flowering species of herbaceous lianas. Small, but strikingly graceful flowers of the anredera are distinguished by a whitish-green color and are collected in an unusual, narrow and long, drooping panicle. Vine inflorescences can be compared to thin threads of exquisite lace, they look like exquisite jewelry and look like a jewelry miracle.

One of the unexpected features of this vine is aroma. The strong smell of flowers is especially well felt in the evening, it can be too intrusive for the bedroom, but it will not hurt in other rooms and will create a delicate scent. Traditionally, anredera blooms on the eve of autumn, delighting with its lace threads in August and September.

Anredera, unlike many other indoor climbers, can only be used for vertical gardening: the plant does not form into bush forms, even lush semi-drooping bushes. Therefore, anredera is grown only on supports or used for landscaping walls or shelving, along which its shoots can climb. Anredera is one of the best vines for creating continuous screens and eco-walls, draping large planes.

Anredera can lose the entire aboveground part for the winter or continue to develop in the absence of a normal temperature regime during the dormant period. Depending on whether the upper parts die off, the plant retains or completely loses its decorative effect.

Anredera cordifoliaAnredera cordifolia. Farmer Forest & Kim Starr

Caring for anredera at home

This liana can be called unpretentious only conditionally. The plant requires careful care and reacts poorly to mistakes in the selection of growing conditions, and in watering or feeding. But if the care is regular, then the difficulties in growing anreder are practically excluded. Particular attention should be paid to lighting and abundant watering. Anredera is suitable for novice growers, but still requires a responsible approach.

Unreader lighting

This is an extremely light-loving plant, which, even with the slightest lack of light, immediately begins to signal problems in its development. Even light shading is undesirable for anredera, because it causes etiolation, stretching of shoots, and gradual wilting. The anredder is not afraid of direct sunlight, but still it is better to protect it from midday, since too bright rays can cause yellowing of the foliage. A place on a bright windowsill, lit by the sun in the morning or afternoon, is ideal for this vine.

In winter, the lighting mode directly depends on the temperature. If the plant is left warm, the ground parts do not die off, then you need to provide the anreder with the brightest possible lighting. When wintering in the cool and dying off of the aboveground parts, lighting does not play a role, the plant is moved to the shade.

Any change of place for anreder should be carried out gradually, adapting the plants to changing conditions as slowly as possible.

Comfortable temperature

In room conditions, the anredder feels great in an air temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. The plant is not afraid of high rates and heat, but reaches the greatest decorative effect at temperatures from 21 to 25 degrees Celsius.

The temperature regime in winter directly affects the “behavior” of the plant.

In this vine, the aerial part dies off for the winter if the plant is transferred to a cool content. While maintaining a warm environment, the anredder does not lose shoots and leaves.

For the anreder, it is preferable to winter in a cool, guaranteeing a full period of rest. Ideal conditions are from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, but the liana is gradually transferred to the cold, starting from autumn to lower the temperature to 18, and then to 12-15 degrees, and only for the winter, transferring it to the stage of complete rest. The return to heat is carried out more abruptly, moving the unredera to summer mode as soon as signs of growth appear.

Anredera, which is grown not only as a houseplant, loves fresh air. In summer, the plant can, if desired, be taken out into the garden or on the balcony, used as a decorative liana, leaving it for all the time when the air temperature at night exceeds 10 degrees Celsius. Even a short hypothermia is dangerous, and frosts are fatal for anredera.

Anredera cordifolia. Farmer Rhizowen

Watering anredders and air humidity

Anredera loves high humidity and is afraid of dampness at the same time. Finding the right watering schedule for this vine is not always easy, because finding a balance between the stable average moisture content of the substrate and waterlogging can only be done by trial and error. Between these procedures, the top layer of the soil should dry out, but it should not be allowed to dry out too much. To avoid waterlogging, it is better to drain the water from the pallets immediately. Abundant watering is needed for anredera only during the period of its active growing season.

During the rest period, watering is not carried out, but at the stage when the plant withers or wakes up, tubers germinate, watering is carried out very carefully and with a minimum amount of water, only gradually increasing the intensity of the procedures after the plant begins to grow leaves. If the temperature regimes of the dormant period are not observed, then the plant continues to be carefully added, slightly moistening the topsoil and avoiding excessive watering.

Despite its tropical origin, the unredera surprises with its tolerance for the usual dry air of apartments. The vine does not need measures to increase the humidity of the air. Spraying for her is not carried out even in the midst of the heat.

Top dressing for anreder

During the active growing season, the anreder needs quite frequent feeding. Fertilizers for lianas are applied at a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks with a standard dose or weekly with a half-reduced dose of fertilizers.

For this plant, you can use both ordinary universal fertilizers and simple organic fertilizers, especially if the plant is exposed to fresh air in summer. Long-term fertilizers are also suitable for anreders (they are applied by embedding them in the soil during transplantation).

Anredera cordifolia. Farmer Andy Flo

Trimming anreders and installing supports

Anreder cannot be grown without support. It must be installed before planting the plant and make sure of the reliability of the structure: since the unredera is transplanted in exceptional cases, the supports must be chosen taking into account the development of the plant for many years.

Pruning anreder is reduced to removing dry leaves and damaged parts of shoots, removing wilting inflorescences.

Transplanting anreder and substrate

Anredera belongs to a rather atypical indoor plant that is best grown without transplanting or only transplanted if absolutely necessary. Vine shoots are so fragile that any transplantation leads to serious damage. Therefore, the plant is planted in such containers in which it can develop for many years without transplanting. Instead, only the replacement of the upper layer of the substrate is carried out annually. Both this procedure and the transplant are carried out only in the spring. For a dormant period, the plant is not removed from the soil.

It is very important to choose the right containers for the unreader. For this liana, large pots are immediately chosen, in which the plant can actively develop.

A key characteristic of an underdraft substrate is its fertility. Liana loves humus and organic matter, requires the choice of the most nutritious substrates. But the structure of the soil is also important: abundant watering in the active stage of development will not lead to problems only if the soil is sufficiently loose and loose. If you mix the soil yourself, then you can prepare an earth mixture from equal parts of sand, leafy soil, peat and humus. From purchased substrates, universal soil mixtures or intended for tuberous ones are suitable.

When transplanting anredders, a high layer of coarse drainage is laid on the bottom of the tanks.

Diseases and pests of anreders

Diseases on this vine are found only with improper watering. But pests are quite frequent guests on the leaves, since the plant is grown in rooms with dry air. Anredera can suffer from spider mites, aphids, mealybugs. It is better to fight insects on a liana immediately by treating it with insecticides.

Anredera cordifolia tubers. Farmer Rhizowen

Reproduction of unredera

As with any tuberous plant, anredera can be obtained from daughter tubers. True, we are talking not only about traditional tubers, which are formed in large quantities from the mother and are separated during transplantation (it is better to separate not individual plants, but simply divide the overgrown liana into 2-3 parts). The anredera also has airy nodules that develop in the leaf axils. When separated from the parent plant, they are rooted in small containers in a sandy-peat substrate. The process is very simple and fast.

Classic cuttings are a fairly popular breeding method for anredera. Its fragile shoots often break off, so there is almost always a large amount of material for grafting. Cuttings of a standard length from 7 to 10 cm are rooted under a hood in a mixture of peat and sand, maintaining the air temperature above 23 degrees.

You can get the unredera from seeds, but they are rare on sale. Sowing is carried out superficially, only slightly covering with soil or sand. Shoots appear very quickly under film or glass. Plants dive after the formation of two full-fledged leaves, in individual small containers. It is very important for young seedlings to provide a bright, sunny spot.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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