Peat moss as a substrate for growing plants – Hydroponics

Peat moss as a substrate for growing plants

Peat moss – a marsh plant, a genus of moss from which peat is formed. Peat is formed in shallow depressions called bogs in cold, humid, oxygen-poor, acidic environments. Such an environment is found mainly in the northern hemisphere (in Canada, Scandinavia and Russia), in such a habitat microbial life is inactive, and vegetation, mainly mosses, accumulates in compact layers in a semi-decomposed state. This is peat. Peat deposits are ancient and began to form 14 thousand years ago. These deposits are mined by machines that cut strips 10-20 cm thick, which are then dried. Peat mosses differ in composition and properties, depending on the types of accumulated plants and the degree of decomposition. All types of peat are acidic. They are widely used in mixtures, often in combination with sand and loams, with the introduction of organic matter into the mixture and with a favorable pH.

Peat is classified into three types – from least to most decomposed: light, dark and black. It can also be classified by the type of plant it contains and the amount of nutrients it contains. All types of peat have a high moisture capacity and shrink during irrigation. Therefore, and also due to their acidity, they cannot be used in pure form in pots, but only in small quantities for rooting cuttings and germinating seeds.

The cation exchange of peat varies over a wide range, depending on the stage of decomposition. The more peat decomposes, the more ion exchange and chemical interaction with the nutrient solution.



Anna Evans

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