Rules for feeding indoor plants – how to do it correctly care

Indoor plants have long and so firmly entered our life that it is impossible to imagine a habitable house without greenery, foliage and bright inflorescences. The grayest room comes to life with the appearance of even one flower, and even green groups and compositions can completely change the interior, make it cute and cozy or stylish and elegant. But no matter what tasks are set during landscaping, it is important that the plants are well-groomed and healthy. A huge role in the cultivation of potted crops is played by top dressing, or rather, their competent use. Read this article on how to preserve the bright gloss of the leaves and achieve lush bloom with the help of special fertilizers.

Rules for feeding indoor plants – how to do it right

Flowers need care

Even when buying a houseplant, it is advisable to find out recommendations for its location and care requirements. Shade-tolerant plants will wither in a sunny window, as well as light-loving plants in a dark corner. Therefore, taking into account the needs of the flower is an indispensable condition for keeping. The plant should be comfortable.

Plants have different attitudes to watering, humidity and air temperature, so you need to read the basic information about the flower, and for this you need to know its name. Those who have been engaged in floriculture for a long time and with pleasure do not have such problems. But those who buy a flower for an office or home as an element of the interior often simply forget what they bought. Care in this case comes down to the usual watering and the introduction of some kind of fertilizer. Plants with this approach may not die in the near future, but they will not show all their beauty.

Why do indoor plants need feeding

For plants living in pots, competent feeding is especially important. Those nutrients that were in the soil during planting are consumed by plants very quickly, after which there is a need for their replenishment. Unlike garden crops, which, in addition to feeding, are helped by soil microorganisms, and insects, and worms, and birds, potted plants are practically devoid of natural help. Therefore, fertilization for indoor plants is simply necessary.

Due to the lack of nutrients, plants develop poorly – in some, deformation of the shoots occurs, in others, the leaves turn pale and dull, and others shed their buds. In addition, weakened plants are susceptible to various diseases, which are difficult for them to fight due to reduced immunity.

The habitat of indoor plants is limited to a pot with a small earthen clod, so potted plants are very easy to overfeed, and the result may be worse than underfeeding. A depressed appearance, spots on the leaves, lack of flowering and other problems occur precisely due to an overdose of nutrients. To prevent this from happening, it is better to make the fertilizer concentration weaker.

An excess, as well as a lack of macro- and microelements, often occurs due to a violation of the timing of feeding. To avoid this, for convenience, you can apply fertilizers at specific dates or write dates in a diary.

Fertilization rules

When growing indoor plants, it is very important to organize competent fertilization. The basic feeding rules apply to almost all indoor plants (unless you are the owner of a rare exotic species with special requirements):

  • Top dressing is applied regularly from spring to autumn, that is, during the period of plant growth.
  • If the plants overwinter with a decrease in air temperature, then feeding during this period is excluded. In a room with normal room temperature, they are fed no more than once a month.
  • Freshly transplanted flowers and diseased plants should not be fertilized.
  • Dilute liquid fertilizers in water at room temperature or slightly warmer.
  • It is worth preparing the solution strictly according to the instructions and never exceed the recommended concentration.
  • Be sure to adhere to the top dressing schedule.
  • Fertilizers need to be applied in the morning – this is the best time for foliar and root dressings.
  • For complete assimilation of nutrition, you can alternate root (through watering) top dressing and leaf (spraying), with the exception of those types of plants for which spraying is contraindicated.

Fertilizers for indoor plants

Another important factor of competent feeding is the fertilizer itself – of high quality and from a reliable manufacturer. Such a manufacturer is the Buyskie Fertilizers company, which offers the Flower Paradise series of products for indoor plants.

It is known that plants of different groups and species need a different set of nutrients, so the line includes both universal and fertilizers for specific crops. The convenience of such an offer can hardly be overestimated, because flower growers and amateurs will find liquid complex fertilizers here – the Flower Paradise housing and communal services complex:

  • for decorative deciduous plants;
  • for decorative conifers;
  • for cacti and succulents;
  • for orchids;
  • for bulbous plants;
  • for azalea, heather, rhododendron;
  • for palms, ficuses, yucca and dracaena;
  • for primroses and violets;
  • for roses, begonias and chrysanthemums.

The list can be continued, as the assortment is really rich. Here you can find not only special or universal fertilizers in various packaging – from ampoules to sprays, but also nutritious peat soil, also intended for different types of plants.

Special liquid complex fertilizers of the Flower Paradise series for azalea, heather and rhododendronSpecial liquid complex fertilizers of the Flower Paradise series for azalea, heather and rhododendron

Fast-acting complex fertilizers of the Flower Paradise series contain the main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, as well as a complex of microelements. The balanced composition allows you to provide indoor plants with all the necessary nutrients, and detailed instructions on the package will save you from mistakes in dosage and timing of fertilizing. Healthy growth of shoots, bright saturated colors of leaves, timely lush flowering plus excellent immunity and chic appearance are the result of the use of liquid complex fertilizers of the Flower Paradise series.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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