The optimum temperature for growing tomatoes

Heat-loving tomatoes require favorable conditions, including a proper microclimate, watering and light. A properly selected temperature for tomatoes becomes one of the fundamental factors ensuring yield.

  1. Features of planting tomatoes
  2. Recommendations <
  3. Temperature during cultivation
  4. Tolerance
  5. Critical marks
  6. Conclusion

Оптимальная температура для выращивания помидоров

The optimum temperature for growing tomatoes

Features of planting tomatoes

When planting tomato seedlings and seeds in soil, both the ambient air temperature and the heat indicators in the soil at planting depth.

To plant tomato seedlings in insufficiently warmed soil means to doom the plants for disease.

The optimum temperature for tomatoes is 15 ° C. At temperatures below 10 ° C, the root system of tomatoes does not grow and 10 ° С rots, respectively – the minimum allowable temperature.


The film shelters of tomato plants allow the soil to be warmed up to the desired thermal regime as soon as possible if they are closed immediately after disembarkation, especially at night. In urgent cases, when seedlings need to be transplanted, but there is no time to warm up the soil, planting time is not tolerated, and when planting tomato bushes, a small amount of hot water is poured into each well.At the initial stage, such irrigation provides the seedlings with the desired day and night temperature, which is easy to maintain by covering the plantings or using artificial heat.

The established temperature regime for tomatoes affects whether plants will take root or actively grow , develop and bear fruit in the future.

Before planting tomatoes, you should know the weather forecast. The absence of frost will allow the plant to harden in the soil and survive even in unexpected cold weather.

Avoiding the death of tomato bushes at an insufficiently optimal temperature during planting allows rooting to a shallow depth.

Temperature at growing

Plants need to be hardened

Heat-loving tomatoes sharply react even to the slightest changes in temperature and the appearance of frosts in the greenhouse and on the open ground.The optimum temperature for growing tomatoes is supported, depending on the stage of development of the vegetable crop:

  • from the time of sowing of seed material to the first tomato shoots, the temperature is maintained at a level of 20 ° C to 25 ° C;
  • at the first shoots or after planting seedlings, the heat level in the greenhouse is maintained for at least 4-7 days in the range from 12ºС to 15ºС in the daytime and at least 6ºС-10ºС at night;
  • in subsequent periods of growing tomatoes the temperature maintain at a level of 20ºС-26ºС in days with clear weather th, 17ºС-19ºС on cloudy days and 6ºС-10ºС at night.

Raising the temperature of tomatoes to 25ºС-30ºС gives a significant impetus to the growth of seedlings, but in order to avoid excessive stretching of the tomato stems, thermal indicators later several days again return to the usual 15 ° C during the day and 10 ° C at night. Thermal hardening of plants when changing thermal conditions within acceptable limits strengthens the roots and develops root processes.

Permissible fluctuations

When the temperature drops below 15 ° C, the tomatoes slow down the process of absorption of mineral nutrition, which leads to a slowdown in the development of the root system. As a result, seedlings do not take root well.

Lowering the heat to 10ºС stops the process of assimilation of mineral complexes by tomatoes completely. Growth is paused.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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