How and how to spray tomatoes after rain

Often gardeners are asked the question is how to spray tomatoes after rain. Is it necessary to process tomato bushes after rainfall and what is better to use? Let’s consider how to carry out such a procedure.

  1. Harm of rainwater
  2. Than spraying bushes
  3. Dairy products
  4. Potassium permanganate <
  5. A solution of ash
  6. Bordeaux mixture
  7. Yeast
  8. Boric acid
  9. Antibacterial drugs
  10. Treatment of late blight
  11. Prevention of fungal development
  12. Conclusion <

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Spraying tomatoes after rain

Damage to rainwater

In rainy and damp weather on bushes along Idors develop fungus. The presence of droplet-liquid moisture on the leaves promotes the spread of late blight spores, which affects tomato bushes. Frequent changes in temperature and increased humidity only provoke the spread of infection.

Tatyana Orlova (cand. S.-kh. Sciences):

The tomato is highly demanding on soil moisture. With a lack of water, it stops growing, drops buds and ovaries. On the other hand, tomato suffers greatly from high air humidity (optimal 45-50%). At high humidity, the flowers are poorly pollinated and also showered.

Youngest seedlings are most vulnerable during the dive period. Plants in the greenhouse are also infected. It is important to process the tomatoes in time to prevent infection by the fungus and prevent its propagation.

How to spray the bushes

Dairy products

Gardeners recommend using improvised means in the fight against fungal diseases, namely dairy products:

  • Serum. The components of the whey composition feed and strengthen the stalks of tomatoes. Lactic acid stops the spread of fungal spores. For 1 liter of cold water take 1 liter of serum and spray the bushes every day for 2 weeks.
  • Kefir. A solution (10 l of water, 1 l of yogurt) is sprayed every 7 days before the start of the harvest.
  • Milk with iodine. To combat the fungus, take 10 drops of iodine per half liter of milk, the resulting mixture is sprayed with tomatoes for 3 days. For prevention, it is recommended to treat the mixture every 15 days (1 liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine in 8-9 liters of water).

Potassium permanganate

A mixture of potassium permanganate and garlic has an excellent preventive effect. For 2 cups of warm or hot water, you need to take 200 g of chopped garlic, mix thoroughly and leave for 24 hours in a dark place. The mixture is filtered.

The specified proportion is designed for 2 buckets of water. Bushes of tomatoes are sprayed after rain on dry seedlings.After 14 days, the procedure is repeated.

Ash solution

Spraying the bushes with ash solution helps to destroy the fungus and prevents infection. To prepare an antifungal mixture, 20 g of ash are dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. After 48 hours, the bushes and the soil underneath are treated.

The components of the wood ash composition are used to strengthen the immunity of tomatoes and stimulate their growth. Tomatoes and soil are dusted around with well-sifted ash.

Bordeaux mixture

When spraying, it is important to be careful

Bordeaux mixture is a well-known tool for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases. The composition of the drug contains lime, copper sulfate and water. It is quite toxic, and if the proportions are not respected, the entire bed can be destroyed.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Sign of excess concentration of Bordeaux liquid solution the appearance of a brown mesh and a border on the leaves is higher than permissible during processing. In this case, the leaves become stiff and wrap inward.

For tomatoes, it is recommended to use a minimum concentration of 1%, not more.To prepare the mixture, take 50 g of copper sulphate, the same amount of slaked lime in 5 liters of warm water. The mixture must not be cooked in metal utensils. When spraying, it is recommended to use protective gloves and a respirator.


Using yeast is a very simple and effective method to use: 50 g of yeast is melted in 5 l of water (warm) . The resulting mixture is treated with bushes when the first signs of the disease appear.

Yeast is also used as nutritious top dressing. For each liter of water, 10 g of yeast, 50 g of chicken manure, 50 g of ash and 1 tsp are taken. Sahara. Tomatoes are treated with a solution once a week.

Boric acid

Boric acid is a drug with an antiseptic effect. They are treated with tomatoes, finely sprayed on the bushes during flowering and fruiting. The acid will be dissolved in hot water: 1 g of the drug per liter.

Boric acid is used not only for the prevention of fungal diseases, but also as a quality fertilizer. In the same proportions fertilize the soil under the bush once every 2 weeks.

Antibacterial drugs

You can also spray the tomatoes after prolonged rains with antibacterial drugs that are not dangerous for humans and animals:

  • “Gamair” – a biological bactericide, a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for fungal diseases both on plants and in soil.
  • Gliocladin is an environmentally friendly preparation for disinfection and restoration of soil microflora.
  • Fitosporin is a microbiological preparation for treating both plants and soil for the prevention of fungal diseases.
  • “Alirin-B” is a biological agent based on a natural bacterium that inhibits the development of fungal spores and has a good therapeutic effect.


The preparation can be applied to wet bushes

fungicides are very effective preparations of chemical origin (Thanos, Ridomil Gold, Quadris, Strobi) or biological (Fitosporin, Acrobat, Ecosil, Difenoconazole), which help delay the development of infection.

One of the most effective in the fight against fungus is the Strobi fungicide. A single use of the drug per season is enough. It is important to use it before the appearance of the fruit, as it is toxic. The advantage is the possibility of using it in wet and rainy weather on wet bushes.

Fungicide “Quadris” helps to stop the spread of infection, but does not completely kill it. The Ridomil Gold remedy protects tomatoes both inside and out.


One of the most effective remedies is trichopol – a non-toxic bactericide with an antifungal effect.The proportion of the solution: 1 tablet of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

It is recommended to add liquid soap or a little milk to the resulting solution (25 g of the additive for each liter of water). You need to be extremely careful in the use of the drug, since this is one of the antiprotozoal medicines.

Fungal infections are able to adapt to the composition of chemical preparations, therefore they are not recommended for a long time to be treated with one drug.

Treatment of late blight

late blight (late blight) is a dangerous disease (fungus) that appears after prolonged rains. It is first at first the leaves, and then the whole plant, including the fruits. The first signs of late blight on tomatoes are the appearance and rapid spread of rusty spots on the leaves. In rainy and damp weather, on the infected leaves, a white plaque similar to fluff becomes visible from below.

The fruits are covered with gray spots and deformed, and in the later stages begin to rot. Do not eat infected fruits in any case. Leaves turn black and curl. Fungal disease affects the bushes and spreads very quickly. After infection, the plant dies after 1.5-2 weeks.

After the first signs of infection appear, immediately after rain, infected leaves and fruits are immediately removed from tomato bushes, which are subsequently burned. It is also recommended to harvest the fruits unripe.Before use, tomatoes must be thoroughly washed, and also disinfected in hot water. In this way, you can partially save the harvest.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

To disinfect green tomato fruits taken from a plant with late blight, they are dipped for several seconds in hot water at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. After that, immediately dry the fruits by wiping them with a paper towel.

You can save the crop by spraying the bushes with sodium chloride (100 g of powder for each liter of water). The solution is very strong, it is recommended to use it in cases when the plant is affected by more than 50%. The product will burn not only infected leaves, but also healthy ones, and stop the infection of the fruits.

Tomatoes. Spray after rain. Bordeaux mixture.
RAIN TOMATO Tomatoes May 25

Prevention of fungal development

There are basic rules for the prevention of diseases:

  • avoid the proximity of potatoes (danger of infection with late blight);
  • change place of pos Ki times for 2-3 seasons;
  • remove the lower leaves that touch the ground;
  • plant bushes at a distance of 20-30 cm for early varieties and 30-40 cm for late;
  • choose soil with a high nitrogen content;
  • avoid getting liquid on the leaves when watering the bushes;
  • choose early varieties (the fruiting period of which begins before the appearance of late blight);
  • treat seeds with fungicides.

Tatyana Orlova (cand. S.-kh. Sciences):

Tomatoes can not be watered by sprinkling spray on them from a hose.The optimal methods of watering by filling in the beds with a calm flow of water and drip irrigation. So-called dirty watering, when water with blurred particles of soil enters the leaves is a direct path to the appearance of fungal infections.


Protect tomatoes from rain from infection and timely preventive actions help preserve the harvest. Timely sprayed bushes are more resistant to attack by fungi. You also need to seriously approach the choice of varieties and soil for planting.

If the disease still partially damaged the plant, use means that can save the crop, if not completely, then at least partially.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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