How to water tomatoes during the growing process

In order to collect a good crop of tomatoes, it is necessary to feed the plant with fertilizers in a timely manner. Consider when to water and how to properly fertilize with various fertilizers.

  1. Feeding with mullein
  2. Feeding of flowering tomatoes
  3. Feeding of horse manure
  4. Root top dressing of tomatoes
  5. Metronidazole treatment
  6. Feeding chicken droppings
  7. Potassium monophosphate treatment
  8. Feeding onion husks
  9. Folk remedies
  10. Shop preparations

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Means for watering tomatoes

Feeding with mullein

This is good shaving is widely used in horticulture. Mullein for feeding tomatoes should be used during the active formation of leaves and the formation of the ovary. This fertilizer is rich in nitrogen. When feeding manure, it is important not to burn the plants, therefore, the mullein is pre-diluted with water. When there is an excess of nitrogen, the plants grow actively. but the ovary is poorly formed.

Experts recommend using rotted manure to feed tomatoes, which contains much less nitrogen than fresh. You can bring rotted manure into the ground during the autumn digging. In this case, you will not have to add additional fertilizers during the planting of tomato seedlings.And you can dilute 1 kg of rotted manure into 5 l of water and add the mixture to the root of the tomato.

Fertilizing flowering tomatoes

During flowering, the vegetable crop needs complex fertilizers. They are easy to make, taking as a basis the mullein. The best fertilizer for flowering tomatoes will be a mixture of mullein of high concentration, wood ash and superphosphate. 0.25 kg of ash and 0.05 kg of superphosphate are taken on 5 liters of cow slurry. The resulting fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Another nutrient mixture is prepared from mullein, boric acid and nitrophosphate. In this case, a mullein diluted with water is used. To prepare 15 liters of fertilizer you will need 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of mullein, 1 tbsp. l nitrofoski and ½ tsp acids. The resulting fertilizer is rich in minerals.

Feeding with horse manure

Horse manure is rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It also contains calcium in a small amount. All these trace elements are needed by a growing and fruiting tomato. The quality of horse manure depends on the quality of the horse’s nutrition.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Horse manure is the best organic fertilizer for heating a greenhouse or greenhouse . Horse manure has a higher combustion temperature of up to 60 degrees, cattle manure up to 55 degrees.The duration of decomposition and heat generation in horse manure is also longer than in cattle manure up to 18 days. But the thickness of the layer of manure in this case should be at least 50 cm in the greenhouse. With a smaller thickness, the manure simply does not burn.

It is recommended to add horse manure during the autumn digging: it improves the soil structure and enriches it with microelements . Make no more than 6 kg of horse manure per 1 square. m of land. To fertilize the soil in this way should be no more than 1 time in 2 years.

Horse manure heats the earth, so it is advisable to use it when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Fertilizing tomatoes with horse manure in a greenhouse requires a certain procedure:

  • remove the top layer of soil (at least 30 cm);
  • lay a four-centimeter layer of horse manure;
  • we put in place the removed soil.

Such top dressing will not only warm the soil, but also saturate it with trace elements necessary for the development of a vegetable crop.

Using manure heavy soils can be made light.

Tomato root top dressing

Cor evye feeding do 3 times per season

Root feeding horse manure can be done 2-3 times per season. The simplest version of root dressing is an infusion of manure.In 8 liters of water, 0.5 kg of horse excrement is bred and everything is thoroughly mixed. The mixture is left to infuse for 7 days.

For root feeding, rotted manure is also suitable. In the location of the root system of the vegetable crop, a small layer of soil is removed, rotted manure is laid there, covered with earth and watered with water. In the northern regions of the country, horse beds are made using horse manure.

Treatment with metronidazole

If you need to water the vegetable crop with manure to feed it, then metronidazole will help get rid of late blight. This tool is non-toxic, which allows you to use it even during fruiting. If the disease has already affected the beds, before spraying the tomatoes, they get rid of all the affected leaves, after which they spray with metronidazole diluted in water. To prepare a 10 L solution, you need 15 tablets of the drug.

It is advisable to carry out preventive treatment of plantings with metronidazole. The first spraying occurs in June. Since the drug is not toxic, they can process not only tomatoes, but also other crops growing nearby. If the plants do not show signs of fungal disease, they are re-treated with metronidazole 14 days before harvest.

Tatyana Orlova (Ph.D. S.-kh.Sciences):

At present, there is no need to purchase antimicrobials in pharmacies intended for the treatment of humans. There are similar drugs for the treatment of fungal diseases in plants. These are Trichodremin, Alirin-B, Gliokladin.

If rot appears on the leaves, plantings are processed daily. You need to spray the beds with a solution, during the preparation of which, for each liter of water, take 1 tablet of the drug. Spray the leaf plates on both sides.

Trichopol is an alternative to metronidazole. A tricholic solution is prepared by analogy with a solution of metronidazole.

Metronidazole treatment does not affect the taste of tomatoes.

Feeding chicken droppings

Chicken droppings are also used as fertilizer. It contains phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. Chicken manure can be used to enrich tomatoes with microelements in several variations.

The fastest way to prepare liquid fertilizer. For 20 liters of water take 1 kg of chicken droppings. All mix thoroughly and leave for 10 days. Plants are watered with this solution several times a season. The first time liquid fertilizer is applied 20-25 days after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place. The second time – 30 days after the first. Watering is carried out between rows. This product is quite concentrated and can burn the roots of tomatoes.

It takes 3-4 months to prepare the compost.Litter is spread on the grass or green tops of vegetable crops and added to the ground, mix everything thoroughly. All components are taken in approximately equal amounts. It is best to fertilize the beds with compost in the early spring, so it is advisable to cook them in the fall: during the winter, the litter will re-breed. Compost is placed between the beds. If you add straw to it, you get mulch.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

And the infusion of chicken droppings and mullein as a liquid organic feeding is done only after watering the plants, because there is always a danger of a burn of the root system. The fact is that the recommended breeding rates for chicken droppings and mullein (1: 10 or 1: 20) are not always true, a lot depends on the condition of the droppings: there is bedding (on straw) and bedding is more concentrated.

Potassium monophosphate treatment

Fertilizer mixture you can cook it yourself

Monopotassium phosphate is used if the tomatoes grow poorly or the ovary is weakly formed. This is a mineral fertilizer that is 52% phosphate and 33% potassium. The remaining 15% are other minerals.You can use the drug on your own or prepare nutrient mixtures.

To prepare a 10 liter solution you will need 15 g of powder. This solution is watered with tomato leaves. Re-treatment is carried out after 14 days. Potassium monophosphate cannot be used more than 2 times in one season.

There are no specific dates for the application of potassium monophosphate. It is introduced, if necessary, to stimulate the flowering of a vegetable crop. Also, the drug increases the resistance of plants to various diseases, but they should not be treated: it is suitable only for prevention.

Topping onion husks

Onion husks contain antimicrobial substances, vitamins, quartzetine and ascorbic acid. The use of onion husk products is justified at any stage of growing a vegetable crop. In addition, such products have low cost.

From peeling onions, you can prepare an infusion or broth. To prepare a decoction of cleaning, they are placed in a container of water, bring them to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes, after which they remove the pan from the heat and cool the broth. It is best to cook onion broth in an enamel bowl. To prepare the infusion, pour cleaning with boiling water and leave for 48 hours. The ratio of purifications to water should be 1: 2. Before use, onion infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. The frequency of watering the beds with products prepared from onion husks can be 3-4 times a week.

Onion products can also be used to treat tomatoes: they are effective in pest control. But before spraying tomatoes, crushed soap is added to the infusion or broth and wait until it dissolves.

Onion products are also used to disinfect the soil.

Folk remedies

  • Mash. You can compensate for the lack of trace elements with the help of yeast, from which mash is prepared. To prepare it, take 10 liters of water and 2 kg of fresh yeast. Before dressing, the mash is diluted with clean water. For 1 part of the mash should be 10 parts of water. The tool is used if seedlings grow poorly.
  • Bread. To prepare a nutrient solution, brown bread is also used. To do this, cut it into small cubes and dry it in the oven, then put it in a bucket and fill it with warm water. Then crush crumbs with a load and leave for 7 days in a dark place, then drain the water and pour 2-3 liters of fresh water. With this solution, young seedlings should be fed, on which 5-6 leaves have already appeared.
  • Beer. Diluting beer with water in a ratio of 1:10, you can get a good growth stimulator.
  • Kefir. This fermented milk drink, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7, is used for the prevention and treatment of late blight. Even from late blight, sediments are treated with saline.
  • Urine. This tool helps to increase productivity.You can use fresh urine, but experts recommend giving preference to a fermented product. Urine not diluted with water is added to the soil.
  • Ammonia solution (ammonia). This tool is used for nitrogen starvation of a vegetable crop. To prepare a 10 liter solution you will need 20-25 ml of ammonia. Its use is justified if the tomatoes do not grow well.

Shop preparations

During the period of active growth and the formation of the ovary, it is advisable to feed the vegetable culture with potassium humate. Fertilizer is used as root dressing. It is bred in accordance with the instructions on the package.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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