Lunar calendar planting tomatoes

When growing plants, gardeners often use secrets to help get the most out of the variety. The influence of the Earth satellite on the development of cultures has long been noticed, therefore it has been used in agricultural work for several years. What is the lunar calendar for planting tomatoes? Let’s figure out how best to plant and care for tomatoes in order to achieve yield.

The lunar month is a certain period of time during which the luminary makes a complete revolution around our planet. Growing crops on their site, many summer residents are trying to choose favorable dates. There are four phases that affect the life of not only plants, but also people.

  1. New Moon. On this day, any manipulation of seedlings is prohibited, except for removing weeds and loosening the soil.
  2. The growing moon.The period lasts approximately 11 days and activates the vital processes of cultures.
  3. Full moon. The phase lasts 3 days and is an excellent time for trimming, weeding and fighting diseases.
  4. Waning Month. The stage proceeds within 12 days and affects the root system. Planting negatively reacts not only to picking, but even to the slightest damage.

When to sow

Tomatoes for seedlings according to the lunar calendar must be planted in favorable days. If you choose “unlucky” dates, plant development will deteriorate. Astrologers noted successful periods that could facilitate the work of the farmer.

  1. March. Great time for growing tomato seedlings. Sowing is recommended to be carried out 3, 11 and 12, and then 20, 21 and from 24 to 26.
  2. April. The last month when you can plant late varieties of tomatoes. We recommend that you catch them by the 17th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 27th and 28th days, after which it is contraindicated to seedlings.

Unfavorable days

There are also unfavorable days days when it is forbidden to plant seeds of a crop. Gardeners who break the taboo will get weak, painful plants. Dangerous numbers include:

  • in February – 1, 2, 9, 10 and 15;
  • in March – from 8 to 10, from 13 to 16;
  • in April – from 4 to 6, from 14 to 16.

When to dive

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For the development of the root system, picking

is necessary so that the root system of the plant develops strong and branched, a special procedure is needed. Tomatoes are carefully pulled out of the landing cassettes, after which the top of the rod is shortened by 2 mm. As a result of the operation, the culture begins to actively form lateral rhizomes.

Are there any recommended periods for picking? It is believed that the best period for the event will be the full moon. Other phases are responsible for other processes, and some of them can be dangerous. For example, during a waning star in plants, any injuries heal for a long time and with complications.

Dive tomatoes need 2-3 weeks after shoots appear above the ground. A characteristic feature is a pair of adult leaves on the stem.

The optimal time for root operations:

  • in March – from 8 to 12, after which – from 26 to 30;
  • in April – from 16 to 18 and from 24 to 27.

The development of overgrown bushes can be slightly slowed down, especially when the transplant is delayed due to weather conditions. While the plant restores its roots, it ceases to grow green mass.If, due to the climatic features of the region, the landing date is delayed for a month, picking is allowed to be done every 21 days, but no more than 3 times.

When to plant

Tomatoes are a culture , which prefers to grow in fairly warm soil. To improve the adaptation process in a new place, during the transplantation, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

In the open ground

Tomatoes should be planted in the ground only when the air temperature kept at a mark of at least 18 ° C. In the middle lane, the soil warms up to the desired level by May. The best time for landing is considered the end of the month – 18 and from 24 to 26 days. Return frosts are no longer terrible for this period.

In the climatic conditions of the Urals and Siberia, tomato transplants begin no earlier than in June. In the coming year, the best choice will be the middle of the month, from 14 to 15, after which you can try another 21 and 22. At this time, the Moon is most supportive of seedlings: plants quickly take root and practically do not get sick. In the North you need to choose tomatoes of early varieties, otherwise in the conditions of a short summer they will not have time to ripen.


Growing vegetables in greenhouses is a great way to get a plentiful harvest in any climatic conditions. In order for seedlings to develop rapidly, for planting, it is necessary to choose the optimal time. A lunar calendar for sowing early tomatoes will help to sort out the dates.

Cultivation in indoor structures involves winter planting. It is recommended to plant at the end of the month – from the 17th to the 19th or from the 25th to the 26th. In March, agricultural work with plants is carried out on the 21st and from the 24th to 26th.

For the cultivation of tomatoes in the greenhouse in April the best time will be the period from the 20th to the 22nd, it is additionally allowed to plant from 25 to 27. In the northern regions in May it will be possible to grow vegetables indoors. A favorable time on the gardener’s calendar will be dates from 9 to 11 and 18.

How to care

To get a plentiful harvest, you need to not only sow the tomatoes, but also provide them with sufficient attention. After sowing, bushes grow from the seeds, which need careful care. Let us analyze the basic requirements for the formation of healthy plants according to the lunar calendar.


In order to sprout sprouts, it is necessary to ensure favorable humidity. The first few days, containers with landings are under glass or covered with a film. After the emergence of the seeds from the seeds, you can remove the transparent protection. At this age, seedlings do not have a strong root system, so any differences (pouring, drying) are contraindicated.

Astrologers call the new moon and the phase of the waning moon the best periods for irrigation. Now plants are tolerant of any blemishes of moisturizing, quickly recovering after heavy procedures. The rest of the time, you should not experiment with the endurance of the culture.

By the way, for normal development, the vegetable should not be watered with cold water. The homeland of tomatoes is warm Latin America, so the drops negatively affect the root system. It is better to keep moisture for seedling irrigation near heating devices or dilute it with boiling water.


To get a plentiful crop, you need to remove excess shoots from the plant. Shoots located in the axils of the leaves consume the nutrients needed to form the ovaries. Breaking off stepsons, farmers distribute energy throughout the bush.

The full moon is an ideal period for operations on the stem of tomatoes. Astrologers note that in this phase everything goes painlessly for plants, the wounds heal quickly. To prevent large marks from remaining on the tomato stem, it is better to perform the manipulation with processes whose length is no more than 5 cm.

During the growing season, the procedure is repeated several times. According to the lunar calendar in May, stepsoning is allowed from 9 to 11, then – from 18 to 20 and from 26 to 29. In June, the best dates will be from 8 to 10, after which – from 16 to 18. In July, we recommend shifting pinching to 2- 5 and 30 numbers.In August, fruiting is on the decline, therefore 1 is suitable for events and the time is from 8 to 10.


When growing plants in limited containers you need to take care of the nutrient intake substances. After the first sprouts emerged from the seeds, you should not feed the plant for three weeks: during this period, the root system will develop sufficiently, become covered with a protective layer and will be able to absorb all trace elements.

The waning moon will be the best phase for making applications. Any mineral and organic preparations are perfectly absorbed without causing discomfort to the plant. By the way, before each fertilizer procedure, it is necessary to moisten the seedlings thoroughly.

In addition, several applications must be made throughout the growing season. In April, it is advised to feed tomatoes at the end of the month – 29 and 30, and in May the days from 4 to 6, 18-19 and 27-28 will be favorable days. In June, astrologers recommend paying attention to the 10-11, 14-15 and 23-24 numbers. In July, preference should be given 3-4, 20-22 and 30-31.

Fight against diseases

Errors in growing tomatoes often result in the appearance of ailments. Prevention is necessary not only for beginning farmers, but also for professionals. Sometimes, to activate fungi, it is enough to violate the thermal regime or increase soil moisture.

According to the description in the gardener’s calendar, it is better to carry out any procedures for combating diseases in the full moon phase: microorganisms lose their resistance to chemicals, so they quickly die. Tomatoes are restored after damage in a short time.

When to plant TOMATOES for seedlings?
When you need to plant seedlings according to the Lunar calendar.
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Before planting seeds in the ground, it is advised to soak the raw materials in any fungicide.For example, the drug “Fitosporin-M” destroys fungi and protects against re-entry into the ground within 2 months. The product is diluted according to the instructions, after which the plant is watered under the root.

If you grow and plant tomatoes for seedlings according to the lunar calendar, you can really achieve an excellent crop. If you know the favorable and unwanted days, it is easy to protect plants from the negative effects of the Earth’s satellite.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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