Why there is no ovary in tomatoes

When you do not meet the requirements for soil, moisture, watering, lighting and mineral nutrition when growing tomatoes, plants begin, as they say gardeners, “fatten”. This usually leads to a situation where there is no ovary in the tomatoes, and, therefore, you can not wait for the harvest.

  1. What you need for the ovaries
  2. Why are not tied
  3. Thermal conditions
  4. Exceeding thermal performance
  5. Too low temperature
  6. Temperature at night
  7. Humidity level
  8. Too wet
  9. Too dry
  10. Measures
  11. Mineral nutrition
  12. Deficiency
  13. Overfeeding <
  14. Measures
  15. Pollination <
  16. Affecting other factors
  17. Diseases <
  18. Poor seed
  19. G planting frequency
  20. Impairment of pinching
  21. Lighting <
  22. Processing plants for ovaries

Отсутствие завязей на помидорах

Lack of ovaries on tomatoes

What is needed for the ovaries

For the full formation of the ovary, the tomato when grown in a greenhouse, it is necessary to create the correct microclimate indoors, which assumes:

  • maintaining the humidity level at 60%,
  • ensuring the temperature regime in the range from 21 ° C to 23 ° C,
  • observing the rules of irrigation, including carrying out the procedure under the root of plants completely preventing moisture from getting on the leaves of the tomato bush and its foliage,
  • maintaining the frequency of watering of tomato bushes twice in a weekly interval with abundant moisture,
  • performing frequent loosening of soil in the greenhouse, which will increase the aeration of the earth.

Why do not knot

Among the main reasons why tomatoes are not knotted in the greenhouse, there may be:

  • lack of natural pollination insects in the greenhouse or improper artificial pollination,
  • insufficiency or excess of mineral nutrition of tomato shrubs, improper use of fertilizers in violation of dosage,
  • irregular watering due to lack or excess of moisture,
  • lack of sunlight or lack of sunlight,
  • inadequate humidity in greenhouse,
  • improperly selected thermal conditions.

Thermal conditions

Tomatoes quickly respond to temperature changes. Fluctuations in the thermometer often cause tomatoes to not set in the greenhouse after they bloom.

Excessive heat indicators

Excessive heat in the greenhouse when the air warms up to 30 ° C and above, leads to the fact that pollen on tomato bushes loses its reproductive properties. Such overheating of tomatoes within one day is enough to lose the ovary of tomatoes and lose the crop of vegetables.

Too low temperature

Lowering the temperature in the greenhouse during flowering of tomato bushes to limits at 15 ° C can also adversely affect the condition of plants when future tomatoes are not set. Most likely, in such a cold air, the plant will stop its development without having passed the stage of fertilization of inflorescences and fruit formation.

Temperature at night

Night time differs in its fluctuations in thermal indicators downward after daytime heat. Most often, at night, tomatoes are exposed to cold air masses, when after a warm day, condensation begins to form on the foliage and stems of the plants, and the humidity in the greenhouse rises sharply. The observance of optimal indicators on the thermometer and access to fresh air are important factors affecting the quality of the process of formation of ovaries for tomatoes.If there is insufficient heat at night in the greenhouse where vegetables grow, it is recommended to install additional heat sources.

Humidity level

Plant health depends on air enclosure

Control of the required humidity level should be ensured along with observation of the thermal regime, since the level moisture in the greenhouse is the second important factor affecting the formation of fruits in tomatoes.

The level of humidity in the greenhouse determines how much your tomatoes its bushes will be healthy and whether vegetables will appear on the tomatoes.

Too wet

Excessive increase in moisture content in the greenhouse is the reason that the ovaries are ovary falls off. With moist ambient air, the inflorescences fall off and do not pass into fruits.

The pollen that has been saturated with excess moisture becomes sticky and does not show off from the anthers, so pollination of the inflorescences does not occur.

Too dry

Excessively dry air in the greenhouse is also an unfavorable situation, which leads to the loss of future fruits by plants, since flower pollen loses its ability to germinate when it gets on the pestle of a female inflorescence. Tomato culture is able to maintain a short drought only after fruit has set.


Excess moisture is obtained in the greenhouse after the irrigation procedure carried out with the windows closed. As a result, water vapor begins to settle on the stems and foliage of the plants, creating a greenhouse effect. To avoid the appearance of unnecessary condensation, they resort to frequent ventilation.

To increase the humidity in the greenhouse and at the same time reduce the surrounding degree by cold watering the greenhouse paths. This procedure is done in the first half of the day so that the evaporation created at night does not lead to a greenhouse effect.

Mineral nutrition

Mineral nutrition of tomatoes should be in moderation, as any deviation from the recommended norms, both in the direction of increasing and decreasing the number of fertilized complexes, there are no ovaries on the tomatoes.


If mineral nutrition is insufficient Tomato plants can develop the root system poorly, as evidenced by yellowing foliage, developing rot on the tops of tomato bushes and dropping flowers.

When mineral feeding of tomato varieties, which are large and multi-fruit, is small and does not provide sufficient nutrition for flowers when grown greenhouse, and as a result after flowering stage in tomatoes there is no fruit setting stage.


Many summer residents make a significant mistake, considering the increase in the dose of fertilizers to be applied as a favorable factor for the growth and development of vegetable culture. Overfeeding the soil with nitrogen-containing compounds (bird droppings, urea, saltpeter, mullein), gardeners observe tomato seedlings that have grown stronger and grow before their eyes, but which subsequently does not produce vegetables when the leaf mass has grown.


Excess fertilizer can harm plants

During the transition of the flowering stage of tomato bushes to the formation of ovaries, the amount of introduced nitrogen-containing and potassium compounds should be significantly reduced trees that affect foliage growth rather than serve as an activator for fruit set. When all the forces of the plant begin to be spent on foliage, and the inflorescences are not pollinated:

  • temporarily stop watering, ventilate the greenhouse to make the surrounding air dry,
  • introduce the root and root method phosphorus-containing complexes,
  • partially remove the foliage, especially in places that close the inflorescences from sunlight.


Grown in open soil, vegetables are pollinated naturally through wind and insects.When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, the formation of fruits in tomatoes can occur both naturally and artificially. To this end, in warm time for natural pollination, windows open in the greenhouse, thereby providing air and draft access and opening the way for insects useful in pollination, and at cold temperatures they turn to artificial pollination methods.

Attract insects in the greenhouse are allowed in the greenhouse melliferous flowers.

During an artificial pollination method in the absence of fruit that has not set, pollen is spread by shaking the inflorescences or simply tapping the stems of the plant. This is done in the morning. Some summer residents in the greenhouse create an artificial wind by installing a fan in the room, moving it to different places in the room.

The fact that the female inflorescence was pollinated can be observed by the location of the petals: on the pollinated flower, the petals open and deviate backward.

You can also pollinate tomato inflorescences using the manual method using a simple brush with soft bristles, transferring pollen from male flowers to the pestle of female inflorescences.

After process artificial pollination is recommended to create the desired humidity. This can be done by spraying water from a spray bottle and watering and spraying tomato bushes.

Other factors affecting the ovary

When all other conditions of the microclimate in the greenhouse are met at the proper level, other factors may be secondary reasons that the tomatoes do not set.


Many diseases of tomatoes lead to the fact that the plant does not set a color or subsequently discards it. In some cases, the use of chemical treatment by summer residents at the flowering stage leads to the fact that the fruits of the tomatoes do not form. Therefore, it is recommended to dispense with folk remedies and not to use chemicals during the appearance of the first inflorescences.

If there are cases of diseases of some tomato bushes, they should be removed completely, since the tomato culture is poorly treated, and the disease in a closed greenhouse is healthy the plant spreads too fast.

Poor seed material

The seed material may cause the fruit to not appear on the tomato. Self-harvested seeds often do not yield crops, and hybrid tomato species are practically not grown from seed material.

Planting density

With densely planted tomato bushes, the path to inflorescences for pollinating is blocked plants of insects and the process of airing the greenhouse slows down.For the full formation of fruits on tomatoes, it is advisable to plant a vegetable crop so that between the bushes there is a distance of at least 0.3-0.45 m.

Violation of pinching

An untimely procedure Pasynkovaniya is one of the secondary reasons why tomatoes are not tied fruit. They do it at intervals of every 1-2 weeks, removing unnecessary lateral shoots that take away mineral nutrition and strength from the plant and prevent future vegetables from developing.


B when the greenhouse is covered with a film that has low light transmission, insufficient sunlight affects the development of tomato fruits. At the same time, the tomato in the shade not only does not have ovaries, the plant can die completely without light.

Processing plants for the ovaries

To provoke the formation of ovaries in the tomatoes and to increase the yield of vegetable crops, you can resort to processing plants at the flowering stage with various active drugs stimulants prepared with the necessary components.

  1. One of the compounds that are useful for forming the ovaries than you can process the tomatoes for the ovary is the mixtureboric acid with water in a proportion of 10g per 10l.
  2. To increase the activity of tying tomato fruits in the absence of ovaries, you can, if you process the bushes when they bloom, using a superphosphate extract made of 3 large tablespoons of superphosphate and a liter volume of water. Such an aqueous mixture is infused for two days, with constant stirring. Such superphosphate fertilizer is applied at a rate of 1 liter per root.
  3. The phosphate complex, which contains 50% phosphorus and 40% potassium, helps accelerate the development of ovaries. Such a powder is highly soluble in water and ready to use. They are sprayed with tomato bushes

Why do not ovaries form on the tomatoes?
Why do tomatoes bloom, but there is no ovary? Growing tomatoes. When to feed tomatoes.

Prepared preparations stimulants improve the process of ovary appearance:

  • The ovary and bud they contain the active substance of plant origin gibberellin, which affects budization and fruit formation,
  • Tomaton and Bloom – powdered preparations that stimulate the formation of tomato ovaries and further fruit formation yu.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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