Characteristics of Tarpan Tomatoes

The seed market is widely represented by hybrids of high-yielding pink tomatoes. One of the most sought after is tomato Tarpan. It is distinguished by universality and abundant friendly fruiting.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Sowing seeds
  6. Seedling care
  7. Planting in the ground
  8. Top dressing
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Conclusion <

Характеристика томатов сорта Тарпан

Characteristics of Tarpan variety tomatoes

Characteristic of the variety

Tarpan Tomatoes are the result of Dutch selection and the description says they are intended for cultivation I’m in regions with a warm climate. Tarpan f1 tomato is characterized by early fruit ripening. 98-102 days pass from the moment of the first seedlings to harvest. tolerates relative shading, but grows poorly with a lack of moisture and nutrients.

Description of the bush

Tarpan early ripening tomato belongs to medium-sized plants. Its height does not exceed 70 cm. The bush is quite compact, which saves space on the beds and in the greenhouse.

The leaves of the crop are dark green, with a slight edge on the inner surface of the leaf. Powerful shoots, not prone to building stepsons. This means that the extra will not have to be removed.

Description of the fruit

Tarpan F1 is an excellent variety of pink tomatoes. They have a gentle juicy pulp and excellent taste characteristics.

You can use the fruits for:

  • fresh salads;
  • first and second courses;
  • whole-canning;
  • juices, sauces and ketchups.

The versatility of the variety makes it even more popular in the agricultural market. The fruit is divided into 6-7 chambers with a small amount of seeds. The walls are fleshy and very juicy.

The shape of the fruit is flattened, with a slight ribbing at the base. The average weight is about 160 g, in a greenhouse it can reach 200 g.

The skin is quite dense. This contributes to a longer shelf life and facilitates transportation. If there is a fresh tomato, the peel just chews and does not spoil the overall taste of the dish. To prepare ketchups and tomato pastes, it must be removed. You can do this by simply pouring boiling water over the fruit.


Pink tomato Tarpan f1 is unpretentious in leaving. It is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Sowing seeds

Seeds for seedlings are sown in early March. They are pre-soaked in a warm solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

The seedlings are filled with a nutrient substrate for indoor plants or specialized for seedlings. Drainage must be laid at the bottom.Seeds are sown to a depth of 1-2 cm and watered abundantly. The box is tightened with cling film and put away in a darkened warm place until the first shoots appear. If necessary, the earthen room is moistened from a spray bottle from time to time. After the box is placed on the windowsill on the sunny side.

Seedling Care

Proper care of the plant will ensure a good harvest

The further crop of tomatoes depends on the quality of seedlings. To grow strong and healthy plants, seedlings need to be watered, highlighted, loosen the soil and fertilize in a timely manner.


From the moment of seed planting until the moment when young sprouts dive into a separate container, seedlings Tomatoes are watered once a week. The amount of water directly depends on the conditions in which the sprouts are. Norma suggests slightly moist soil. Water stagnation must not be allowed, otherwise the roots of the seedlings will begin to rot. Fortified sprouts are sprayed once a week. The optimum water temperature is 12-15 ° C.


So that the seedlings develop well, the soil is systematically loosened. A day after the irrigation procedure, the soil is gently fluffed at the roots, taking care not to injure the plant, the young stems are very sensitive to mechanical stress.


When there is a lack of sunlight, it is recommended to illuminate young tomatoes UV lamps.If you dry the air, the seedlings will need to be sprayed from the spray gun.


Natural organic matter (bird droppings) is the best and safest fertilizer for young seedlings. Preparing a mixture for watering is simple: add 5 g of litter to 5 liters of warm water and mix thoroughly. The finished mixture is used as a liquid for regular watering. It is enough to apply fertilizer once a month.

Landing in the ground

At the end of May, when the threat of freezing frost disappears, the tomatoes are transplanted to a permanent place. In open ground, a 40 by 40 cm pattern is recommended. This is sufficient for good ventilation and uniform penetration of sunlight into the bush. In a greenhouse, where the humidity is much higher, the distance is made slightly larger to avoid outbreaks of late blight.

Organic fertilizers are added to the bottom of the hole so that the tomato grows and develops well. Watering is carried out only after the top layer is completely dried by 2-3 cm. Water is poured under the root so that it does not fall on the leaves and stems.


Tarpan tomatoes are fertilized in several stages. Each of them is based on the needs of the plant at a certain stage of the growing season.

Top dressing is done according to the scheme:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers – 2-3 weeks after planting in a permanent place. This component is necessary for intensive growth of the aerial parts of the plant.
  2. Combined fertilizers – the beginning of the formation of flowers and flowering. At this stage, make an infusion of grass, soaked mullein, as well as ashes.
  3. Phosphorus-containing fertilizers – accelerating the ripening of fruits. It also affects the friendliness of ripening tomatoes.

Before applying fertilizers, the soil is well watered and gently loosened. This contributes to a faster absorption of nutrients by the rhizome of the plant.

Pests and diseases

Tarpan f1 is resistant to many nightshade diseases. In greenhouses with insufficient ventilation, black dots and spots appear on the shoots and fruits. This is a sure sign of late blight.

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To prevent the development of fungal diseases, it is recommended to spray the bushes with copper sulfate. In the conditions of film shelter, a 1:10 serum solution with the addition of 3 drops of iodine also copes with this role.

From Spider mites, aphids, slugs and Colorado potato beetles are most often found in spiders. To control them, the bushes are sprayed with pesticides or dusted with wood ash.


Growing Tarpan tomatoes, you can be sure of a plentiful harvest. Even in the leanest year on one bush, 5-6 fruits ripen at the same time. Due to the excellent taste and attractive pink color of tomatoes, this variety has become a frequent guest in many household plots.

Since the plant is a hybrid, you cannot collect seeds from it for further planting. They do not retain the varietal traits of the parent plant.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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