Treatment with beekeeping products

Various beekeeping products have been used as medicinal products for thousands of years in a row, and their effectiveness has long been proven in practice. Apitherapy in the modern world is gaining more and more popularity, consolidating its position in the medical field.

Thanks to numerous laboratory and scientific studies, the unique and useful properties of bee products have been proven. Many apitherapy recipes are used today in combination with drug treatment of complex and dangerous diseases, that is, they are recognized by official medicine.

The content of the article

  • 1 Honey
    • 1.1 Recipes
  • 2 Wax and capping
    • 2.1 Recipes
  • 3 Obnogo and bee bread
    • 3.1 Recipes
  • 4 Propolis
    • 4.1 Recipes
  • 5 Royal Jelly
  • 6 Bee venom


If you collect all the popular recipes for treatment with bee products, known to folk medicine, you can compile not a single weighty book on apitherapy. In this article, we will touch on just some of the popular recipes and give a brief overview of the products obtained from the apiary.

Honey is the most popular beekeeping product, well known to everyone, without exception, and is often used in cooking, as well as to improve well-being in case of colds.

It is an effective sedative that has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and does not cause any harm to the body. For colds, honey is used to treat throat and cough. The product is also known as an anti-inflammatory agent for arthritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. By right, honey is ranked among the products that bring health and longevity.

This bee product contains more than 300 trace elements that can affect the rate of metabolic processes in the body. And in terms of the content of vitamins, it is one of the leaders in food products. Only vitamin A here is 60 times more than in beef! Honey is always absorbed by 100 percent.

The only contraindication to its use is individual intolerance, expressed in an allergic reaction.

The daily requirement of an adult is 100-150 g per day. For children under 14 years old, 30-50 g per day is enough (one or two tablespoons). It is preferable to use honey in a diluted form, placing 1-2 tablespoons of the product in a glass of warm water.

Honey water is drunk one hour before meals three times a day, or three hours after meals. If necessary, honey can be combined with pollen, royal jelly, propolis. This will give a complex effect on the body – the effect of prevention or treatment will be higher.

The main positive points for the body:

  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • removal of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of toxins and cleansing of the liver;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • stopping the growth of bacterial flora;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • expansion of the coronary vessels;
  • improved urination;
  • normalization of the endocrine glands;
  • recovery of physical strength after exertion;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • removing sputum from the lungs and relieving severe cough;
  • removal of toxins from the body.

It is undesirable to mix honey with nuts, bran, fruits and berries! These foods have different rates of absorption by the body. It is best to take the listed foods separately.


With a runny nose and inflammation of the tonsils honey is bred in half with boiled water. The solution is used to rinse the mouth, throat and instill 2-3 drops in the nose several times a day.

For diseases of the bronchi and lungs you can make a homemade cough remedy. To do this, mix 2 cups of black radish juice with a glass of liquid honey. The medicine is drunk in 1-2 teaspoons or tablespoons every hour.

With the flu it is necessary to mix honey and grated garlic in equal proportions. Taken a teaspoon twice a day. You can drink it with warm water.

With whooping cough and colds a mixture of honey and warm olive oil is prepared in a one-to-one ratio. It is given to children in a teaspoon three to four times a day.

With gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer a tablespoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of warm water. The solution is drunk half an hour before meals two to three times a day. With low acidity, honey water is drunk immediately before eating. The remedy relieves pain, promotes healing of the ulcerative surface, reduces enzymatic processes in the stomach and normalizes the content of hydrochloric acid.

RџSЂRё RіRёRїRμSЂS,RѕRЅRёRё it is practiced to take honey with juices in equal proportions. A mixture with red beet juice is taken 20-25 ml up to five times a day. A mixture of carrot juice, horseradish, honey (200 ml of all ingredients) and lemon (1 pc.) Is thoroughly mixed and drunk in a tablespoon one hour before meals.

With angina a mixture of a liter of honey, juice of 10 lemons and 10 chopped heads of garlic helps. The remedy is drunk once a day for 4 teaspoons. Break between taking each spoon for 1-2 minutes!

For ulcers and wounds the affected surfaces are smeared with honey, which leads to a decrease in pain, cleansing of the wound surface from purulent secretion and accelerated epithelialization.

Wax and capping

Treatment with bee products also includes the use of wax. This healthy product is produced exclusively by bees. It contains biologically active substances, a large amount of vitamin A, an admixture of pollen and propolis.

At home, wax can be chewed along with a bezel (sealed honeycomb lids). Actually, the wax caps, cut off before pumping out the honey, are the best option for treatment… When chewing, beneficial substances penetrate into the nasopharynx, relieving inflammation of the maxillary cavities. This recipe is suitable for the treatment of hay fever, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.

Chewing a honeycomb filled with honey can clear the nasopharynx of pathogenic microflora. This product is a great replacement for chewing gum, freshening breath and removing bacterial plaque from teeth.

Wax that accidentally gets into the stomach is not absorbed by the body, but it does not harm either – having turned into an elastic lubricant, it has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Wastes are cleaned and toxins are adsorbed.


Homemade ointment is made from the juice of onions and white lilies, natural honey, wax. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, heated over low heat with constant stirring with a wooden spatula. After cooling, the ointment is applied to the skin of the face and rubbed thoroughly with massage movements. The rest of the ointment is removed with a napkin. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. to improve complexion and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Zabrus in the amount of 25 grams is chewed for 5-10 minutes four times a day. The remedy helps with stomatitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, gum disease… The components of the cap penetrate into the saliva and are absorbed by the body, having a beneficial effect on the secretory function of the stomach and blood circulation.

With sinusitis It is recommended to chew the zabrus every hour for 10-15 minutes. The chewed mass is discarded and replaced with fresh. The procedure lasts a total of 4-6 hours. During this time, the nose is cleared, the pain goes away, and the sinuses return to normal. It is recommended to chew the combs once a day for a week to prevent relapses.

For hay fever Zabrus (wax) is chewed five times a day for two days, and then three times a day until it is completely cured.

Treatment with honey and bee products is effective in angina… One of the most popular and simple recipes is to chew the filled honeycomb for several hours with short breaks.

To heal wounds wax is applied mixed with olive oil. Two parts of oil and one part of wax are mixed by heating in a water bath. The resulting ointment is cooled and applied to a gauze bandage, which is applied to wounds or purulent formations on the skin.

Wounds or ulcers can also be healed with other medicinal products.… For its preparation, 20-25 ml of butter, 10-12 g of wax, 20 g of pine resin and 100 ml of olive oil are taken. Everything is languishing and mixed for 10 minutes in a water bath. Skim off the foam during the cooking process! After partial cooling, the ointment is transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Obnogo and bee bread

Pollen collected by bees is called pollen or nest – insects transport pollen on their hind legs. If special devices for collecting this bee product are installed on the hive, the polish gets to the beekeepers in an undried form. After drying, it is stored in a cool and dry place, preferably in a sealed glass container.

The peg has a high biological activity. Depending on the pollen prevailing in its composition, the agent acquires specific features of the effect on the body. For example, hawthorn strengthens the heart muscle, and canola helps in the prevention of varicose veins.

The foothill retains its medicinal properties for two years, and its highest therapeutic effect occurs in the first 6-8 months after harvesting.

Honey is used to increase the shelf life of pollen. To do this, 150 g of honey is dissolved in a glass of warm water and heated with constant stirring to 40 degrees. The resulting mixture is poured into a kilogram of dry polish. Everything is thoroughly mixed and packed in glass jars. The containers are kept in a warm place for 4-6 days for fermentation, and then canned with iron lids and placed in a cool storage place.

Bees use a similar technique. From pollen they prepare bee bread or bee bread – they place the pollen in the forage combs, add nectar and their own saliva, and then pour honey over everything.

Bee bread is three times more effective than pollen collected by a beekeeper.

For medicinal purposes, cells with bee bread are cut out, thoroughly crushed and filled with water. Water together with floating wax is filtered through a strainer, and the bee bread remaining at the bottom is dried and poured with pure honey.

The use of pollen and bee bread is extremely beneficial for the human body. These bee products:

  • improve appetite;
  • tone up the body and relieve fatigue during physical exertion;
  • normalize sleep;
  • stimulate the brain;
  • normalize the work of the endocrine glands;
  • strengthen the heart muscle and capillaries;
  • have a mild diuretic effect;
  • reduce swelling and bleeding;
  • normalize intestinal flora;
  • reduce intraocular pressure;
  • normalize blood pressure indicators;
  • restore the acidity of gastric juice;
  • relieve inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase the number of red blood cells in the blood;
  • inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • provide a rejuvenating and restorative effect.

Obozhka and bee bread are indicated for use during physical exertion, strenuous mental work, after surgery and previous infectious diseases, as well as in the treatment of cerebral vessels and peptic ulcer disease.


For constipation, chronic digestive disorders, colitis and enterocolitis a solution of honey and pollen is taken. For 800 ml of water, 180 g of honey is taken. After stirring, 50 g of pollen is added to the solution. The mixture should stand at room temperature for several days. It is taken 70-100 ml three times a day before meals for 30-40 days.

In its pure form, pollen is taken in a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. You can’t drink it! it anti-inflammatory and tonicthat has a positive effect on immunity.

With gastritis, nephritis and pancreatitis pollen is absorbed in the mouth twice a day for a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-1,5 months.

With liver diseases the same dose of pollen is mixed with a tablespoon of honey and taken 2-3 times a day immediately after meals. The course of treatment is 1,5 months.

With vegetative dystonia pollen is absorbed in the mouth three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 20 days, a single dose of 7-10 grams.

With neuroses, neurasthenia, depression it is necessary to take 30 g of pollen, it can be mixed with butter or honey, in the morning and in the evening for 30-60 days. For children, the dose is halved!

For the prevention of influenza, ARVI it is necessary to dissolve daily 0,5-2 g of bee bread. In one course, you need to consume 40 g of bee bread. Adults absorb a quarter teaspoon of bee bread daily on an empty stomach. This remedy helps to stabilize the immune system during periods of epidemics of colds.

With eczema, psoriasis, herpes and neurodermatitis bee bread is absorbed three to four times a day, 2-4 grams half an hour before meals.


Bee glue or propolis has antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is used in the form of tinctures, water and alcohol extracts, both externally and internally.

Propolis is well stored without losing its medicinal properties. You can use this harvested bee product for 3-5 years.


With a runny nose 20 g of crushed propolis must be crushed with a pestle, adding butter and sunflower oil – the total volume of the finished drug is 80-100 g. Cotton swabs are moistened in the resulting mass and placed in the nasal passages in the morning for 10-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated until complete recovery.

With bronchitis and rhinitis inhalations based on propolis are shown. They are held in the morning and evening. To prepare the medicinal composition, 60 g of propolis and 40 g of wax are added to two glasses of water. The contents of the enamelled container are heated in a water bath until evaporation begins. Then the lid rises – the vapors are inhaled for 20 minutes.

With peptic ulcer 40 g of propolis is poured with 100 ml of vodka or 70 percent alcohol, shaken well and infused for 24 hours. After that, the tincture is filtered and taken 15-20 drops with tea or milk three times a day one hour before meals. The course of treatment is 18-20 days. The break between courses is two weeks.

For acute toothache the same tincture can be used to moisten tampons and apply to a sore spot. Propolis relieves pain and inflammation well.

With vegetative dystonia 20% propolis is taken (20 g per 100 ml of alcohol or vodka). It is necessary to dissolve 10-20 drops in 200 ml of milk and drink three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 15-20 days. The break between courses is three to four months.

Royal Jelly

This beekeeping product is a specific mixture of substances produced by the maxillary and pharyngeal glands of honey bees. A substance is used to feed the larvae of future queens.

In folk medicine, royal jelly is often taken in combination with bee stings. Effective for arthritis and rheumatism. It is used to treat hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, anemia, bronchial asthma.

Beneficial features:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • normalization of the functions of the endocrine glands, including the sex glands;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improved sleep and appetite;
  • prevention of infertility;
  • removal of physical and mental fatigue;
  • healing of burns and trophic ulcers;
  • suppression of pathogenic microflora, including mycobacterium tuberculosis and staphylococcus.

This product is collected exclusively by specialists, since its high activity is lost already two hours after excretion by the glands of the bees. Therefore, both collection technology and proper storage are important. The milk is placed in an airtight container and stored at a temperature not exceeding +4 degrees.

To preserve all properties, the preparation of an alcohol emulsion is shown. For 90 g of alcohol, 10 g of milk is taken. Mixing with honey is practiced at home.

But usually ready-made capsules are used for therapy. The drug is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, one capsule. The course of treatment is 10-20 days. The capsule is not swallowed, but is absorbed under the tongue, since gastric juice significantly reduces the biological activity of royal jelly.

With gastrointestinal diseases Royal jelly is taken in a mixture with honey – one part of the milk is taken one hundred parts of honey. The finished mixture is drunk 2 teaspoons three times a day. To exclude inactivation by gastric juice, it is necessary to drink 10 ml of borjomi 100 minutes before taking the medicine.

Bee venom

Bee venom or apitoxin has unique properties. In moderate doses and in the absence of allergies, it has a beneficial effect on the body. It is taken both in the form of stings, and in the composition of injection ampoules, tablets, ointments, beesworm.

A live bee sting is most effective. The poison stimulates the blood supply to tissues, accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level, relieves inflammation and pain. In this way, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernia and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated.

You can read about treatment with bee venom (bees) in our separate article: How to treat bee stings at home

Treatment with honey and bee products requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor! Bee production in about 3-5% of the world’s population causes allergic reactions due to individual intolerance.

First aid for individual intolerance is taking an antihistamine. For example, “Diphenhydramine”, “Suprastin”, “Loratadina” and others. With a decrease in blood pressure and urticaria, 20-25 drops of “Cordiamine” should be given.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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