Valerian, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Valerian in herbal teas is usually responsible for the calming effect,
diuretic function and restoration of the digestive tract. However, its capabilities
much wider. Both in scientific and traditional medicine valerian
successfully used in the complex treatment of thyroid diseases
glands, asthma, epilepsy and some other serious diseases.

Useful properties of valerian

Composition and nutrients

What exactly is used and in what form

For the preparation of medicinal recipes, use rhizome
и valerian roots… In folk medical practice
the plant is used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, powders, extracts.
Valerian is a component of many herbal crops and is irreplaceable
a component of gastric, sedative and diuretic teas. On the
the root decoction is used to prepare baths with a calming effect..

Medicinal properties

Valerian rhizomes contain volatile oily substances (terpineol,
pinene, terpene and its derivatives, camphene); derivatives of estrol;
isovaleric, acetic, formic, butyric acids; tanning
substances; saponins; hatinine and valerin (compounds for which
the properties of alkaloids are characteristic); crystalline substance with bright
pronounced sedative effect; epoxy esters and mineral
salt. The content of essential oil in the valerian root system is
from 0,5 to 2 percent. Among the constituents of essential oil, valerian borneol
ether, isovaleric acid, borneol, myrtekogol, limonene,
caesyl alcohol (azulene)..

Valerian preparations are used as a sedative for
long-term and systematic sleep disorders, heart neuroses
and the vascular system, with a rapid heartbeat. Used by
valerian in the systemic treatment of ailments such as asthma,
nervous exhaustion, menopause, thyroid disease

The valerian plant has a calming, antispasmodic effect on the body,
antiepileptic and has a mild laxative effect. With mental
loads valerian stimulates the functions of the cerebral cortex,
eliminates violations in it..

In official medicine

Medicines based on valerian:

  • Cut valerian rhizomes with roots, in packages of 0,1 kg;
  • Valerian tincture, bottled. Single dosage –
    20 to 30 drops;
  • Ether-valerian tincture. Release form – drops in bottles.
    As an antiemetic, 20-30 drops are used
    four times a day;
  • Thick valerian extract;
  • Valocarmid (drops). With cardiovascular neurosis, it is recommended
    from two to three times a day, 20-30 drops;
  • Corvalol, in drops format. For insomnia, tachycardia, intestinal
    convulsions, convulsive conditions of peripheral vessels and irritability
    recommended appointment: 15 to 20 drops twice or thrice a day;
  • Camphor-valerian drops, which include valerian tincture
    and camphor. Used in the treatment of cardiovascular neuroses;
  • Lily of the valley-valerian drops with adoniside. Recommended for patients
    in the complex treatment of ailments during menopause, as well as people
    old age;
  • Valocordin;
  • Cardiovalent..

In folk medicine

Valerian at
insomnia: pour one teaspoon of roots into a glass barely
warm water, leave in a sealed container for about 4 hours. Drink
2-3 times a day for a quarter of a glass. With constant,
frequent sleep disorders are prescribed half a glass before nighttime
a dream..

With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, nervous excitement, hysterical
reactions, epileptic seizures, convulsions, with tachycardia
and cardiac neuroses is useful valerian tea.
The drug is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of finely chopped roots is boiled
in 200 ml of water for about less than a quarter of an hour. Drink a glass at

Valerian alcohol tincture (valerian
drops) available for preparation and at home: crushed
pour dry valerian roots with 70-degree alcohol in proportions
1: 5. Insist in a warm place for a week. Formed
drain the liquid, let it stand and strain. Take from 15 drops
a day.

Folk cooking method valerian ether tincture:
crushed to a coarse-grained powder valerian root
insist on alcohol (in proportions 1: 4) for 4 days. Then
add two parts of ether, mix thoroughly and stand
another 72 hours.

For painful sensations in the abdomen (as a relaxation agent),
with uterine spasms, nervous exhaustion and stress, take tincture
valerian on water
… Ground valerian roots are soaked
in warm water in a sealed container for at least 5 hours. Raw materials of rhizomes
take in an amount of 5 to 15 g per 160 ml of water. Drink tincture
in several steps.

Valerian root is used in powder form
(in a single dosage from 1 to 2 g), but not more than 4 servings
powder per day, with scarlet fever, typhoid lesion, pneumonia,
some diseases of the uterus, migraines..

For prophylactic purposes, to prevent nervous breakdowns for men
shown valerian liqueur: a tablespoon of tincture
valerian is diluted with water in proportions 1: 1 (single dose). Efficiency
such prophylaxis depends on the duration of admission.

External use:

severe stress, fright, convulsions, children are prescribed baths
with a warm broth. A handful of chopped valerian roots are cooked
in a liter of water, boiling for 10 minutes. The resulting liquid is added
into the bathing water. Valerian bath is taken before bedtime,
for 15 minutes, every 2 days.

In inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the eyes due to overdrying
use the water vapor of valerian root and eyebright. They are washed
eyes, and before going to bed they apply lotions with a pair..

For adults, a bath on the collection of herbs from marigolds, chamomile,
valerian root, thyme and sage
prescribed for disorders of the nervous system, overwork, increased
irritability, radiculitis,
hypotension. A handful of a combination of the listed herbs are boiled in two
liters of water for half an hour and add to a full bath. Accept this
bath twice a week..

In oriental medicine

Tibetan medicine uses valerian to treat chronic
fever and fever caused by poisoning with any poison.

As well as traditional Western European medicine, in China
valerian is used as a sedative and as a remedy
improving blood circulation..

In Pakistan, valerian root is used in traditional harvests
in the treatment of spinal cord injuries and to restore it

In scientific research

The medicinal potential of valerian has long been an object of scientific
interest of medical researchers.

Briton Nicholas Culpeper, physician and botanist, described one of the medicinal
valerian-based recipes: “Valerian root, boiled
with licorice, raisins and anise seeds is useful for those who suffer
From cough
“. Culpeper mentioned Valerian in connection with attempts
healing from the plague. The scientist described one of the types of valerian –
valerian water..

Valerian edible (or tobacco root) in
1840s described in detail in his diaries by an American traveler
and explorer John Charles Fremont..

Critical impact assessment valerian extract
F. Dawnat devoted their research to the structure and quality of sleep,
S. Киспе, К. Дифенбах, А. Maurer, I. Фитцше, И. Ruts..

A group of Chinese scientists (Heng-Wen Chen, Yang Liu, Li Wong, etc.)
worked on the topic the chemical composition of valerian and its
effects on the cardiovascular system

The question of the use of valerian in the European healing tradition
и detailed clinical pharmacology of drugs based on
highlighted in a scientific article by S.V. Naletov..

The composition of volatile substances in the leaves of Valerian officinalis
investigated Shkrobotko P., Tkachev A., Yusubov M., Belousov M.,
Fursa N..

In dietetics

Is it used valerian for weight loss? Official
there is no data confirmed by comprehensive scientific research,
but some authors believe that valerian can suppress appetite,
affecting the human nervous system, eliminate the feeling of hunger,
and therefore it is possible to use this plant as a method of control

In cooking

According to the number of recipes and its taste characteristics, valerian
can hardly be attributed to the spices that conquered the world of culinary, but
the traditions of European cuisine quite allow the addition of a plant
in salads, marinades and drinks. This herb will originally complement and
diversifies the food quality of the dish. Valerian leaves
taste like ordinary salad
leaves, i.e. lettuce, differing slightly more concentrated
saturation. Contains significant reserves of vitamin

Valerian salad with tomatoes and cheese

For cooking, you need 50 g of valerian leaves, 200 g of tomatoes
cherry, 100 g of any hard cheese, some pine nuts
nuts, olive
oil and salt. Wash and dry valerian leaves. Grind,
but in small pieces. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters.
Cut the cheese into thin slices. Mix ingredients, season
salad with butter and salt, sprinkle with a handful of pine nuts..

Hot chocolate with valerian from British ethnobotany
James Wong, author of the book “How to eat better“And culinary

This drink relieves stress, tones and improves mood.
To implement the recipe, you need 3 tablespoons of chopped
fresh valerian root, 4 half-full cups of full-fat milk,
3 tablespoons chopped fresh lemon balm leaves
3 teaspoons fresh lavender flowers
one teaspoon of dried passionfruit
zest of one and a half oranges,
50 g of dark chocolate, a pinch of vanilla. Peeled and grated
on a grater valerian root together with milk, lemon balm,
lavender, passionfruit and orange peel, warm in a deep
skillet over low heat for about 10 minutes. Strain. Fragrant
pour milk into a saucepan, add grated chocolate and vanillin
and heat over a fire until completely dissolved. Drink hot..

In cosmetology

The essential parts of valerian are used by cosmetologists in combinations
with creams, lotions, massage oils. External use
valerian is aimed at reducing skin allergic
reactions of various origins.

In perfumery

The essence obtained from the root of the plant gives a long-lasting woody
smell with variations of its shades. Therefore, perfumers use ethereal
valerian oil
when you need to recreate forest
aromas: moss, tree bark, greenery. Combines the scent of valerian
only with certain components: perfect accompaniment
it is composed of notes of lavender, pine or cypress.

Other uses

Valerian is an excellent honey plant. The plant nectar is characterized by
high sugar content, which attracts a large amount
bees. Indicators of honey productivity of this perennial are enough

Has taken root in the cuisine of the Indians of North America valerian
the tubers of which were baked or thoroughly fried
and were a real treat..

Interesting Facts

In medieval Sweden, valerian was attached to the suit of the groom to
scare off envious elves who could interfere with the happiness of the newlyweds.

It is believed that in the ancient legend of the piper from Gammeln, a person
who saved the townspeople from the invasion of rats, he used the valerian root.
Intoxicated by the scent of valerian, the rodents left the city en masse,
following the source of the scent.

Valerian occupies a special place in the teachings of the Roerichs. In Letters
to Europe “Helena Roerich emphasizes the properties of the” miraculous “valerian
as a means that can restore mental balance and maintain
“Psychic energy”. According to Helena Roerich’s conviction, tea infused
on valerian roots must be made every day’s drink.
In “Letters …” recommendations are also given regarding the dosage of the tincture from
valerian root. Comparing the plant world with a living systemic organism,
Roerich’s theory views valerian as the “blood” of the kingdom of flora..

Dangerous properties of valerian and contraindications

Does it valerian side effects? Yes if
taking valerian drugs for a long time and
was out of control. In this case, the following symptoms are possible: dryness
mouth, headache, stomach upset, absent-mindedness,
confusion, increased excitability, strange dreams,
daytime sleepiness.

Consult a doctor about drug compatibility
and possible contraindications to taking valerian is necessary in that
if the patient is already taking medications related to the treatment
the following diseases:

  • any infectious disease (including malaria,
    tuberculosis, etc.);
  • depression;
  • cancer;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux;
  • high blood pressure;
  • psoriasis,
    rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases;
  • mental disorders..

In the literature on herbal medicine, there is sometimes information that
that long-term use of valerian can cause disruption in activity
digestive tract. Therefore, when prescribing, the attending physician always
takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his illness.
It is also taken into account that valerian increases the ability to settle.
blood. An important nuance proven by medical practice is
the fact that taking valerian for a prophylactic purpose in order to
prevent expected neuroses,
absolutely ineffective. Elimination and relief of manifestations of neuroses
occurs only in the process of their occurrence..

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of valerian
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
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Botanical description

It is a herbaceous perennial plant representing the subfamily
Valerian, family Honeysuckle.

Origin of the name

According to folk tradition, valerian is called aroma,
moun, overpowered, damn potion, earthy incense
… Most
the common version of the origin connects the word “valerian”
with Latin «valere»-«to be healthy»..

There is also speculation that the plant was named after
County Valeria – lands in the Roman province of Pannonia, located
southwest of the Danube. In addition, explain the etymology of the name
«valerian“And the consequence of borrowing from the German language
the name of the deity of light – Baldur. The term “valerian” is not
mentioned in classical texts written in Latin, up to
until the 10th century. First used in scientific work “Diaetis
Isaac Israeli (Jewish thinker, physician and outstanding
scientist of the Middle Ages), the name later appears in European


The species system of valerian is diverse, many types of valerian,
used in both official and traditional medicine, have
medicinal value.

  1. 1 Valerian officinalis (high)
    – originally a representative of the Mediterranean flora, but the growing area
    incredibly wide. It should be noted that under the designation “valerian
    medicinal “combines several different plant species with
    medicinal potential. They are characterized by a similar chemical
    composition, identical pharmacological properties, identical methods
    use and application in the medical sense;
  2. 2 Valerian elderberry – endemic
    Carpathian Mountains;
  3. 3 Valerian Volzhskaya (shiny)
    – belongs to rare species. Grows in the European part.,
    in Western Siberia, in the Urals;
  4. 4 Valerian Grossheim – growing
    on the Crimean peninsula. Also found in the Caucasus;
  5. 5 Valerian hill (narrow-leaved) is a medicinal species,
    with an extensive growing area;
  6. 6 Valerian Russian – representative
    flora of Western Siberia, the European part ..
    Occurs on the Left Bank of the Ukrainian forest-steppe;.
  7. 7 Valerian Japanese (Kesso)
    was derived from the Japanese variety of Valerian officinalis,
    however, it is practically not cultivated in Japan. Phyto essence production
    from Japanese valerian exceeds 10 times the amount of essence,
    extracted from the species of valerian medicinal;
  8. 8 Valerian Mexican – growing
    in Mexico. Contains a large amount of volatile oils since the 1980s
    made this species the subject of attention of large European companies,
    working in the pharmaceutical industry;
  9. 9 Valerian of the Pyrenees – endemic
    Pyrenees mountains. Has no medicinal value;
  10. 10 Valerian Indian – grows
    in the foothill part of the Himalayas. Used to flavor tobacco

Valerian officinalis – a plant from several
tens of centimeters to a meter high. The rhizome is vertical, cylindrical,
emits a strong fragrance. The root branches into many subtle
and long roots. The stem is single, hollow. Leaf arrangement
on the contrary, flowers come in different colors: dark pink, white,
reddish, sometimes purple. Valerian blooms in May, period
flowering lasts until early summer. Achene fruit. Grows in alder groves,
in areas with wet and swampy ground, in forests.

Growing conditions

Optimal for growing valerian are chernozem, sandy loam
or light loamy soil located in the lowlands and containing
a sufficient amount of humus. In autumn, the soil must be loosened
to a depth of 0,3 m.In the spring, dig out and cultivate before sowing
and harrow. To increase the yield of valerian, it is advisable
feed the land on the site with humus, mineral fertilizers
(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

The plant is propagated by sowing the soil with seeds. Seeding periods are guided
on environmental conditions, but not limited in time: sow valerian
it is possible in late autumn, with the beginning of spring or in the summer. Distance
between the beds 45 cm.Spring and summer sowing rates 80 g of seeds,
stratified, per 100 sq. m. The late autumn standard is different:
100 g of dry seed for the same sown area. Sprinkle
sown seeds with an earthen cover from 1 to 3 cm high, depending on
on the density of the soil.

Caring for the area where valerian grows includes weeding, plowing
row spacing, pest control and fertilization. Loosens the soil immediately
after the shoots appear. Top dressing, thinning and spraying
0,01% actellic solution of crops is produced during formation
leaf outlet. In biennial plants, the tops of the stems are cut off.
For collecting seeds, plants that are grown at least
three years..

how a centuries-old medicinal garden culture is susceptible to attacks
harmful insects, including valerian aphid, meadow moth.
Plants damaged by these insects must be treated with an insecticidal
means. Valerian is also often affected by rust, root
rot. Preventive measures to control these diseases include
seed treatment for sowing with a fungicidal substance and soil fertilization
phosphorus and potassium. In the case of the occurrence of rot on the rhizome
you need to completely eradicate the infected bush.

The collection of valerian should be carried out taking into account the existence of those species
valerian, which have no medicinal properties, and their roots
cannot be assembled. One of these types – valerian whole leaf.
An important distinguishing feature of the types of valerian that are not used
medicine is the absence of the characteristic Valerian officinalis
unusual and strong aroma. In addition, when sorting the collected
valerian roots collectors must learn to distinguish them from rhizomes
dangerous and poisonous tartar medicinal… Roots
this plant is somewhat lighter, creeping rhizomes. Raw material of the gourd,
being in the same place with valerian roots, tends to absorb
valerian smell. There are several more plants that are easy
can be confused with valerian. Similar in valerian rhizomes hellebore
(you can designate the hellebore by the presence of cord-like
adventitious roots of light color). The appearance of the leaves of meadowsweet
Elmaceae and the flowers and leaves of hemp sapwood are misleading
gatherers of raw materials who mistake the named plants for valerian.
Meadowsweet differs from valerian in cream-colored flowers (with separate
petals), collected in panicles. Sapwood has no rhizomes,
but only a single cylindrical root.

Harvesting valerian rhizomes happens in the first
autumn months or early spring. Rhizomes are dug out with
shovels, cleaned of soil masses, cut off the aerial part of the plant
and washed in cold water. The prepared raw materials are first dried,
and then dried, spreading it out in one thin layer and periodically shaking it up.
The rhizomes emit a persistent fragrance, the taste is spicy, with a combination
sweets and bitterness. Rhizomes can be stored without loss of properties
to 3 years..

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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