Which orchids are the most beautiful in the world

Orchid is one of the most beautiful plants in the world. There are about 20-30 species of orchids, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. These flowers are often planted in suburban areas. Before you start growing, you need to figure out what they are, the most beautiful orchids.

  1. Localization of orchid species
  2. Ghost Orchid (Dendrofillax Linden)
  3. Kinabalu Gold
  4. Radius Habenaria
  5. Black
  6. Fluttering butterfly
  7. Cymbidium <
  8. Venus slipper
  9. To summarize

Какие орхидеи самые красивые в мире

Which orchids are the most beautiful in the world

Localization of orchid species

The first mention of these flowers occurred in the Mesozoic era, Cretaceous. Today orchids more often than not About grown in China and Japan: there are more favorable climatic conditions for them. Thanks to modern technology, the flower can be grown in Europe.

Climate conditions influence the orchid growing: the plant is whimsical, likes heat and moisture At the same time, in the north, the flower feels much better than in the south, it is in the northern hemisphere that there are about 75 plant genera, in the southern hemisphere there are only 40 of them. It is difficult to explain this trend.

The most beautiful orchid species are more common in tropical their rainfall forests.

Of all the species, the most beautiful phalaenopsis are considered:

  • ghost orchid;
  • Kinabalu gold;
  • Radius habenaria;
  • black orchid;
  • Fluttering butterfly;
  • Cymbidium;
  • Venus slipper.

Ghost Orchid (Dendrofillax Linden)

Ghost Orchid is an extremely rare species. This plant was named, due to the fact that it is constantly hiding in the thickets of tropical forests, and it is difficult to find. It settles in the Caribbean or Haiti, sometimes found in the moist forests of Florida (southern US state).

The plant grows on the bark of a tree, feeds only on the water flowing down the trunk, so it is not a parasite. Its feature is the lack of leaf contour, as well as white and transparent flowers. Flowering time is from July to August, duration is 3 weeks.

Kinabalu Gold

Some orchids are very expensive

Kinabalu gold is a rare species with a high cost: one shoot of a beautiful flower costs about 5-6 thousand US dollars.

The growing area is Mount Kinabalu, Barneo Island (Malaysia). This flower can grow only in the presented regions, in particular, in the Kinabalu National Park.

The plant has a huge minus: flowering occurs only at the age of 15 years.

Radius Habenaria

Radius Habenaria is a unique variety, its flowers resemble birds in flight. The species has another name, obtained due to the appearance of the flowers – the White Heron orchid. Growing area – Japan: almost every inhabitant of this country living in rural areas has this plant.


Black orchid – a hybrid that was bred in California American scientists. The flowers are black and smell like vanilla.

Fluttering Butterfly

It is believed that the most beautiful orchid in the world is the Fluttering Butterfly. The flowering period of the plant is about 6 months.

It grows in the south of Asia and got its name because of its appearance: the flowers resemble a fluttering butterfly.

The species settled down well in Russia.


They say that Cymbidium can cure a person of depression: the flower is so attractive in appearance that it makes people forget about all the problems. Along with an attractive appearance, the plant is capricious: it consumes a large amount of water.

An orchid is characterized by the presence of large green leaves and pale pink flowers, and tolerates temperature extremes.

Venus slipper

An ancient legend is associated with the appearance of the Venus slipper orchid: the naked goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite emerged from the sea on the Cyprus island (Venus in Roman mythology), after Cyprus is considered the birthplace of this flower.

The flower grows in subtropical, tropical and equatorial climatic zones. He likes coolness in the summer, and in winter it requires a temperature of 25 ° C.

To summarize

There are many interesting species of orchids in the world, each of which is attractive in its own way. the day is considered phalaenopsis A fluttering butterfly, which is real to grow: it has taken root in our latitudes.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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