Why do black tomatoes on the bush

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Tomatoes turn black on the bush

  1. Causes of fruit blackening
  2. Diseases
  3. Improper care
  4. Prevention of the problem
  5. Methods of control
  6. Chemicals
  7. Folk remedies
  8. Conclusion <

If the tomatoes turn black on the bush, this means that the plant is uncomfortable, more often it is a lack of nutrition or violation of agricultural rules. what is the state of the crop is a disaster in itself, there is also a risk that the disease will turn into wu will infect new plantings.

Causes of blackening of the fruit

Black spots on vegetables may indicate that the plants were affected by the disease. The second reason for this reaction of tomatoes may be improper care behind the bushes. Darkening is the first symptom that should encourage gardeners to take action.

Tatyana Orlova (cand. S.-kh. Sciences):

Tomato diseases can be infectious, caused by various pathogens and physiological, due to a violation of any processes in plants.


Tomatoes often blacken due to fungal infections.

Especially they breed in greenhouses and greenhouses. Moisture and heat are beneficial conditions for these pathogens. The disease can spread from the cultures that grow nearby. Also, fungal spores are carried by wind on open ground from other sites. They can be in the soil after infected crops that grew earlier in this place.

The most common diseases that make tomatoes black:

  • late blight;
  • gray rot;
  • phomosis;
  • macrosporiosis.

late blight

late blight is a fungal disease. It affects the leaves and fruits of tomatoes.

Brown spots on the top of the leaves indicate a lesion. On the bottom – a gray coating forms. Over time, they darken, and after them tomatoes turn black. Sometimes there are no external signs of tomato damage. But during ripening, brown spots appear on them, which indicate rotting of the vegetable from the inside. Damaged fruits can not be eaten, even if the browning is slight.

The disease spreads quickly between the bushes, soon it infects the whole area. She feels especially well in rainy damp weather. July-August is the time when late blight is most rampant. After all, at this time night and daytime temperature drops are observed, dew and fogs fall out.

Gray rot

On the leaves and stems of tomato plants brown wet spots appear, covered with a gray coating.Grayish-watery spots also appear on the fruits, which are then covered with gray mold.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

This disease occurs in mainly in protected ground, especially in the autumn-summer turnover.


Fomoz only damages the fruit. Tomatoes blacken near the stalk. From it, the disease spreads deep into the vegetable. Tomatoes fall unripe.


When brown spots appear on the base of the fruit and a black coating on the top, the plant becomes sick with macrosporiosis. The disease is distinguished by black spots on the lower leaves, which gradually move to the upper leaves.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

This disease may to hit tomatoes at all stages of development from seedlings to fruiting. It is also called dry spotting. As a rule, this infectious fungal disease is affected by weakened plants

Improper care

In addition to fungal diseases, the blackening of the hearths can be caused by incorrect actions of gardeners or dry soil.This happens when there is a lack of fertilizers, namely preparations containing boron and magnesium. Insufficient watering also threatens fruit spotting. If the roots of the plant from the soil are still visible, they begin to absorb moisture from the air. It is unevenly distributed in tomatoes, which leads to spoilage of fruits.

Vertex rot

In case of calcium deficiency, the fruits may turn black

There are times when the tomatoes turn black from the bottom of the fruit and the flesh under it is hard and without juice. This disease is known as dry apical rot. Not contagious. It arises due to the large number of introduced nitrogen fertilizers, which leads to the displacement of calcium from the soil solution. High air temperature and uneven humidification are also associated causes.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

If the fruits with dry top rot will come into contact With moist soil, then after a while secondary microorganisms invade them, causing them to rot. In addition to tomato, vertex rot infects pepper fruits.

Preventing the problem

Damaged fruits may not always be saved.To prevent the situation when the tomatoes turn black, you need to take such measures:

  1. Do not plant tomatoes near the potato and after it. Tomatoes can only be cultivated at the same place after 5 years.
  2. Maintain a distance between bushes of 30 cm. This will help to stop the spread of the disease from plant to plant.
  3. In the greenhouse, after harvest, remove everything the remains of tops, roots, as well as on the open ground. Disinfect it with copper sulfate. It is also worth cultivating the soil.
  4. Airing, because the tomatoes turn black when the greenhouse has poor lighting and ventilation. Tomatoes do not like such conditions, but for mushrooms they are quite acceptable.
  5. Top dressing must be done in exact dosages, because oversaturation with some minerals leads to blackening of the fruits, leaves and stems of tomatoes.
  6. Watering is necessary to carry out in early time with warm, settled water. If moistened in the evening, excess moisture does not have time to evaporate. She becomes a hotbed for spores of mushrooms. For the same reason, you should not use a hose (so that the drops do not fall on the leaves).
  7. So that the tomatoes do not begin to blacken, it is worth resorting to folk remedies. Among them, garlic, soap and saline solutions can be distinguished. Also sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  8. Correctly form tomato bushes and carry out garter. The lateral shoots must be cut, and pinch the top. Plants are tied to a vertical trellis.The lower leaves from the soil surface should be at a distance of 30 cm.
  9. Choose early ripe tomato varieties. In this case, you can collect most of the tomato before the onset of the disease.
  10. Before planting the tomatoes, lime, ash, and ground chalk are added to the soil with high acidity.

Methods of control

When the tomatoes turn black, the affected fruits, leaves and stems should be picked. It is better to bury or burn them. Do not throw in a compost pile. It is useful to cut out a portion of healthy leaves. In this way, they improve ventilation and illumination of plants.


Chemicals can be used to combat the problem. The number of treatments depends on weather conditions. In rainy weather, it is worthwhile to process the plants carefully. The amount can reach 5 times. Spraying should be carried out in dry, calm weather. Feeding will be effective to strengthen weakened bushes.

In the fight against diseases, drugs such as Fitosporin, Trichopol, calcium chloride, and copper sulfate solution are used. It is necessary to do the processing of all parts of the plant: stems, leaves from below and above, the stalk. So you can prevent rot from entering the middle of the fruit.

Calcium nitrate

So that the tomatoes do not turn black due to vertex rot, they must be treated with calcium nitrate. It is used on any soil, especially effective on acidic.Fertilizer is used as foliar top dressing, dosing 1.5-2.5 g per 1 liter of water. To spray plants, 10 square meters. m. 25 g of the drug is diluted in 10-15 liters of water. Processing is carried out twice: the first time during mass flowering, the second time when the fruits are the size of a walnut.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are also used in the treatment of plants. A milk-iodine solution is prepared: 1 liter of milk and 15-20 drops of iodine are given per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out every 2 weeks. You can apply whey, which is diluted with water in equal parts. Processed every day, starting in July.


To prevent your favorite vegetable from blackening, use preventive measures. If the tomatoes are sick, you need to respond immediately.

Following the recommendations, you can get a healthy and generous crop.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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