Why does the rabbit tear down, but does not make a nest

Okrol is always the expected event on the farm. In order for the birth of rabbits to be successful, a number of preparatory steps must be taken. The queen mother, a rabbit’s nest, which the female isolates with her hair, is installed in the cage.

  1. Reasons for the lack of desire to build a power outlet
  2. Stress during rabbit pregnancy
  3. Pregnant rabbit diet
  4. How to make a Queen Mother DIY
  5. Additional nuances when building a socket
  6. Summarize

The rabbit is tearing down, but does not make a nest

The rabbit breaks, but does not make the outlet

The socket must be ready for the fight, otherwise the children may freeze, but pet owners often face the problem that the rabbit nest is not ready for childbirth. What to do when a female refuses to warm her mother?

Reasons for the lack of desire to build a nest

The female rabbit starts preparing the nest for about three or five days before giving birth and manages to do it. Her behavior during this period changes, the rabbit rakes straw in one corner, and then fights down fluff with which she wraps dry grass.

The construction of a future dwelling for rabbits does not take away from the animal a lot of time: the rabbit is able to build a nest in a couple of hours. Most often, how much she will build a rabbitry depends on the number of future cubs. An important material for creating queen cells is high quality hay.It is necessary to try not to use mixed grass hay as a litter: such a rabbit estate can provoke the appearance of allergies in small ears. Before use, the material must be checked: it should not contain dust, mold or parasites.

The mother liquor can be installed in the cage as soon as the rabbit begins to rake the hay in one corner. Usually this serves as a signal for the approach of the okrol. From this moment, you should check the condition of the animal every day in order to provide possible assistance during the birth of the rabbit in time.

Why the female does not build the nest

Pregnancy of rabbits lasts a little over a month. If it has already been 27-28 days after the hunt, and the female did not tear down the fluff, then something does not suit the animal in its own cage or it has health problems.

Rabbit breeders claim that similar behavior of future eared mothers Not unusual. The main reasons why the rabbit does not make a nest are considered:

  • stressful environment;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • lack of mother liquor or poor-quality materials.

The life of the cubs will largely depend on the speed of action. If you don’t equip the rabbit’s nest in time, it can refuse the offspring.

It happens that the mother is installed, the rabbit started to warm it and then, for unknown reasons, left the cooked nest without finishing it.In this case, you need to check: the workpiece may be damaged and the expectant mother feels uncomfortable in it.

Stress during the rabbit’s pregnancy

Okrol is always a high level of stress on the body of the newly-born mother of the rabbit. If the situation in the room makes the animal constantly nervous, the likelihood of a miscarriage is increased. Also, the animal will not build a nest in a place that it considers unsafe.

If the rabbit tears down fluff and lays hay with it, you should try to minimize the noise level around the animal to the limit. Also, there should not be chemistry with an aggressive smell near the cell. Cleaning the pet’s house is carried out without sudden movements, but do not neglect the sanitary standards.

Sometimes, due to the stressful situation, the rabbit tears down the fluff too early. Such nesting material should be removed from the cage, because it can fall down and become a habitat for various insects in 5-6 days.

When inspecting, the rabbit must be taken with clean hands. It is forbidden to use perfume or soap with a pronounced smell, it is better to rub your hands with wormwood. Other pets must not be allowed into the pregnant rabbit.

If the animal is first scoured, then the reluctance to build a nest may be due to the loss of maternal instinct. Breeding breeds of rabbits are especially prone to this.Care must be taken to monitor the actions of such a rabbit after a rabbit: if she did not correctly divide the rabbits, shows aggression or throws them over the cage, the cubs should be placed with another nurse.

Pregnant rabbit’s diet

A balanced diet is the key to the health of posterity and mother. Depletion can lead the female to the understanding that she will not be able to give birth and provide the first days to rabbits. In this situation, the rabbits do not make a nest and abandon the cubs.

The consequences of such a failure are often the death of newborns: without the nest, the babies freeze and die, thereby freeing the rabbit from an unbearable burden.

Of course, this alignment does not suit the farmer, and therefore, if it is noticed that the rabbit is behaving incorrectly, you need to prepare for the fact that the newborns will have to be relocated to another fluffy mother. three parameters:

    • food volume;

regularity of feeding;

  • caloric intake and saturation with nutrients.

The diet of a pregnant rabbit should contain a full complex of vitamins and minerals. With a lack of calcium and phosphorus in newborns, rabbits can deform bones. If there is no iron or magnesium in the menu, the nervous and circulatory systems will suffer.

Diet of the pregnant rabbit

Also, the quality of feed affects the level of difficulty in childbirth. Vegetables should be fresh and juicy, and cereals should be crushed.

A puppet female should eat 1.5 times daily feed volume per day. If you give the animal less food, then the risk of freezing the fetus and miscarriage increases. However, do not overfeed the female. Obesity has a detrimental effect on the okrol process, since the uterus is not able to contract properly.

The diet should be strict. It is important to try to feed the rabbits at the same time. An erratic diet also causes stress in the pet. Usually the consequence of this is a violation of the digestive system. Also, the female, unsure of the stability of the diet, can abandon the offspring, since she considers it burdensome in this situation.

If the animal’s diet is balanced, then it will calmly take up the construction of the nest. You can’t use hay from tops or herbs as nest material, otherwise the rabbits will eat it up.

How to make a mother queen with your own hands

To arrange a place for the future rabbit’s nest with your own hands, You need to fulfill several conditions. First, the cell must be large enough to fit the queen cell. Some rabbit housing designs imply a nest.However, in most cases, the animal’s cage may be too small for okrol.

For the mother liquor, you can use a special closed box with one round entrance. The size of the box should ensure that the rabbit and the cub can fit without any problems. A small mother can lead to accidents: the female is able to accidentally crush the cubs if she has no where to turn around.

The entrance to the box should be high so that the rabbits will not get out of it in the first few days. Sometimes, as a mother liquor, you can use a regular box with an open top, but the walls should be high enough so that the cubs do not fall out.

You can make a mother liquor with your own hands, for this they use good wood. Suitable oak, maple or birch. It is undesirable to use fruit tree wood for these purposes: rabbits may get allergic.

Rabbit uterine

Little rabbits are born completely helpless and naked. In the first few days, their life depends on how well the queen was insulated. It is necessary to ensure that the fluff that the female tore for the nest is fresh and does not fall off. Otherwise, there is no need to disturb the animal: careless actions can frighten it away.

The mother-child should be in a dry, warm place without drafts.The rabbit is demanding about choosing a place for the future nest and will not tolerate bad conditions. It is necessary to ensure that the female likes the place of the box: when the rabbit tears down for the nest, she often does not know the measure, and if she did not like the building, she can destroy everything and start all over again. This also affects the rabbit herself: the animal can be so carried away by the restructuring that wide bald spots appear throughout the body.

Additional nuances in the construction of the nest

In some cases, the female is so strong it breaks down, which can accidentally injure itself with sharp teeth. Such wounds are treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If this happens, the animal may stop making a nest and feel uncomfortable for a while. However, usually at the birth of the rabbit, they nevertheless finish the construction of a shelter for the cubs.

If the female could not make a nest, it is necessary to recreate the artificial one. Hay is kneading with hands, dressed in wet disposable gloves. After this mass is mixed with animal fluff and placed in the mother liquor. There is no guarantee that the rabbit will like such a replacement, but still the chance of a successful okroil increases. If the female refused to give birth in an artificial rabbitry, then she should be prepared. Immediately after the rounds, the babies most likely need to be planted with another rabbit, otherwise they will die.

To summarize

So, the organization of the nest is an important moment for the future scrolling. There can be many reasons why a female refuses to build rabbitry. Most often this happens due to the loss of maternal instinct, but stress or a poorly designed diet can also affect it.If this did not happen, then the nest can be artificially insulated, but in this case the rabbit is most likely to refuse the offspring. To avoid this, it is necessary to observe the sanitary standards of the pet, to protect the pregnant rabbit from sources of noise or a pungent smell. Also, therapeutic prophylaxis does not hurt: diseases can also be a source of animal stress.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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