Yakut breed of horses

The Yakut horse is a powerful and beautiful breed. It is known that such a variety of horses existed on our planet several millennia ago. The only refuge for them has always been the tundra. The breed is indigenous, changes in this variety took place under the strict influence of the environment and the indigenous peoples of Yakutia.reachGoal (‘sood’); “>

  1. Origin of the breed
  2. Characteristics of Yakut horses
  3. Appearance of horses
  4. Use of horses
  5. Purchase of the Yakut horse
  6. Caring for the Yakut horse

Якутская лошадь

Yakut horse

The main habitat of horses is the territory around the Lena River, adjacent floodplains and meadows, and also more northerly territories.Kony Yakuts, despite their physical parameters, are excellent hard workers, which are able to travel long distances quite quickly (about 3 km in just 5 minutes). The Yakut horses are able to carry heavy loads, since they themselves are heavy. The mare looks graceful and massive in the photo.

Before buying animals, you need to study the reviews about this breed, see the description, find out the nature, and also look at the photos and videos.

Origin of the breed

There is practically nothing about the origin of the breed it is known. In the harsh conditions of the nature of Yakutia, none of the scientists have ever asked this question. Also, the lands of this region do not allow archaeological excavations. However, at present, scientists have managed to find the remains of some ancient animals.It turned out that most likely these are mares from Yakutia, which came from old breeds of Asian species, the habitat of which is Mesopotamia and Asia. called horses Yakuts) have much in common with these breeds at the gene level. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the appearance of the Yakut mare for centuries has been formed under the influence of the harsh nature of Yakutia, so it is likely that the mares are somewhat related to the Asian species, but under the influence of the conditions of the north their exterior has changed significantly. Asian breeds boast a taller growth and a smaller layer of subcutaneous fat, as they live in a different region that is radically different from the homeland of the Yakut horse.

Characteristics of the Yakut horses

Yakut the breed of horses lives in small groups in the open all year. In winter, animals are not afraid of frost, even when snow is already everywhere. Heat is maintained due to warm hair. Pets are kept in herds, where 1 leader’s stallion has at least 15 mares, sometimes their number reaches 24. In this herd, horses from Yakutia move along the tundra and seek food. According to rumors, these horses withstand temperatures up to -60 ° C and are perfectly adapted to life in the harsh north. Food is frozen grass, which horses get out of the snow.

The animal world of the tundra is not so rich in representatives precisely because of natural conditions. Rare animals boast endurance and strength. Yakut horses are bred in the pedigree nursery of the Verkhoyansk region without crossing with any others. There were several attempts to violate the purity of the breed, but they were unsuccessful. As a result, the breed remained in its original state, the origin of the subspecies of the Yakut breed occurred only under the influence of natural and climatic conditions.

Appearance of the horses

The Yakut breed of horses always retained its original appearance . These horses certainly cannot be called tall: the height of an adult is not more than 136-138 cm. The Yakut horses also have a large and massive head, which is set on a thick neck, short in relation to the body. The back is even and long, the chest is wide. The chest circumference of stallions can reach 170 cm.

Physical data may become a reason to doubt the capabilities of the horses of this breed, since in appearance they are just cute little creatures that are unable to perform hard work. However, if you see these mares in action, there will be no doubt that the Yakut individuals are really capable of much.

The coat hair of the horses is long, thick and fluffy, which helps animals protect themselves from frost. In winter, the hair grows and in the coldest time of the year it can reach 10 cm in length. The undercoat makes up about 80% of the total skin.The horse’s tail grows and almost touches the ground, the mane covers the neck and shoulders, as these are the most vulnerable parts of the horse’s body.

Yakut horses grow up to 5-6 years, by this time they gain weight about 500-600 kg and reach their maximum growth. At the age of six months, the foal should weigh no more than 100 kg. At 2.5 years old, the weight should increase by about 70 kg.

Horses have a fairly bulky body fat, thick skin. The layer of fat in an adult mare can be about 10 cm thick, and in a young individual 2 times less – about 5 cm.

One of the features of Yakut horses is low but strong legs, thanks to which animals overcome huge distances and they get food from under the snow.


Yakut horses can hardly be seen as a Savrasa color, but gray or muscle color is much more common.

At home of these beautiful horses you can see a huge number of almost white horses. This is due to the fact that horses of the Yakut breed are prone to early graying. By the age of 4, the Yakut horse can become completely gray-haired. In rare cases, horses of brown and bay colors are found. Before acquiring such a variety of mares, it is necessary to carefully study all colors and characteristics in order to know what a real Yakut horse looks like.

Types of Yakut horses

At the moment, several types of horses are known

  • Northern species, including the Middle Kolyma and Verkhoyansk horses.
  • Southern species, which in turn is divided into large and small. It is said that the Southern large type was formed as a result of crossbreeding with other breeds. Horses of this type are notable for their higher height at the withers than for purebred Yakut horses.

Use of horses

The Sakha people consider the horse to be an animal of divine origin. Dzhesegey – the Yakut god, the god of brave husbands and stallions. In honor of him, the Ysyakh holiday is held, which can not do without horse racing, where the Yakut horse is the center of universal attention.

Indigenous peoples value their mares very much. It is impossible to imagine the life of a Yakut without its mount. You can rightfully be proud of animals, because these little horses are capable of performing quite hard work and traveling long distances, despite the harsh climate. Mares are also long-lived, many representatives are suitable for work up to 27-30 years.

Horses of the Yakuts were useful in the development of the North. They participated in some expeditions in the winter and served as faithful horses for researchers because of their ability to travel long distances in bad weather. Mostly such mares are used for horseback riding, as they are able to move even on snowy roads. Locals ride horses on a hunt, before keeping them a couple of days away from the herd. With the help of mares they even transport goods.Horses are intelligent and quick-witted, suitable for training, do not show aggression towards people, and are also able to orient themselves perfectly on the terrain even while running.

Mares are also used in the meat and dairy direction. Marble meat is a delicious folk dish. In the meat of the mare there are numerous layers of fat, which give it a special taste and texture. Kumis is made from milk that is taken from mares. It is highly valued by indigenous peoples, including for its healing properties. Mares, which are intended for the extraction of milk and meat, are never used for riding.

It is worth noting that the products received from the Yakut horses are highly appreciated not only in their homeland, but also in other regions Russia and even abroad.

Purchase of the Yakut horse

The Minister of Agriculture of Yakutia allowed to increase the export of the Yakut horse, as many want to buy unpretentious and hardy horse, and the demand for such horses is quite high. You can buy a Yakut horse in one of the tribal folk nurseries. Most likely the price will be very high, because this breed is quite rare.

Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture wants to increase the population of such horses. The number of species is likely to increase to 200 thousand heads by 2021, and this is more than 30 thousand more than the number of Yakut horses that currently exist.This means that soon the export of mares of this species will increase, and there will be more opportunities to purchase a foal. Perhaps the price of representatives of this breed will decrease due to an increase in the number of individuals for sale.

Yakut horse | Nature | Country Channel
Frost-resistant and cute-legged. Yakut horses take root in Yamal
Yakut horse | Russia | Country TV Channel

Caring for the Yakut horse

The Yakut horse is not at all whimsical to care for, because it is a wild breed that was not formed under the influence of man, but influenced by the world around her. Yakut horses are used to living in nature. All year round they graze on pastures, earning food from under the snow. Most likely, a mare who is accustomed to such conditions will not feel comfortable in a closed stable. If you plan to keep mares in a closed pen, you must not completely block access to the street, but be allowed to move freely around the territory.

A rural farm is best suited for keeping such a free variety of horses, where you can raise animals for yourself and allow they move throughout the territory. Periodically, it is necessary to comb the mare’s mane and clean the hooves. The veterinarian is invited to examine the horses once every 6-12 months. If you follow the simple rules for the care and maintenance of such unpretentious and independent mares, the Yakut horses will grow up healthy and active.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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