
Wormwood or absinthe is a drink in which the alcohol content is from 70 to 86%. Refers to known aperitifs that arouse appetite. component w is wormwood.

  1. Composition <
  3. Properties
  4. Practical use
  5. Medicine
  6. Prescription <
  7. Absinthe at home
  8. Terms of use
  9. Undiluted
  10. French
  11. Poeshish
  12. Conclusion

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Wormwood vodka


A strong alcoholic drink is made on the basis of extracts from bitter wormwood – a herbaceous perennial plant with a strong aroma and famous bitter aftertaste. The chemical composition of essential oil of bitter wormwood contains a high percentage of monoterpen (thujone) with a menthol odor and properties that are toxic to the human body.

In absinthe containing wormwood extract there is only a small proportion of toxic thujone, which makes it possible to use strong alcohol a drink without harm to health if the norm is respected.

Refers to the category of aniseed spirits. In the industrial production of absinthe, in addition to the most important component – common wormwood – it includes the following:

  • herb calamus;
  • spices – anise femme, coriander, wild anise, lemon balm, mint and mint blue St. John’s wort;
  • Veronica flower;
  • angelica;
  • licorice;
  • parsley;
  • narrow-leaved wormwood;
  • chamomile;
  • fennel.


The main classification of absinthe is based on color:

  • green with shades from emerald to light – classic color a drink made from foliage and inflorescences of bitter wormwood, this color is due to chlorophyll, which decomposes under the influence of sunlight, for this reason the drink is poured into containers made of dark glass;
  • yellow – obtained through the use of food colors, however in some cases, the color is the result of the natural decomposition of chlorophyll, which confirms gives the naturalness of the alcoholic product;
  • red – it gives a pomegranate extract, it also provides a characteristic aftertaste, the use of food colors is also acceptable;
  • brown (black) – this drink is made from wormwood roots with adding tincture of black acacia, providing a dark shade.

Due to the bright green color, absinthe was called “green fairy” and “green witch”.

In the process of adding water, the absinthe becomes cloudy, due to the formation of an emulsion of essential oils ate anise and fennel, as well as a high alcohol content.

A strong alcoholic drink is also divided by the alcohol content:

  • of a large strength, the proportion of ethyl alcohol is 55-65%, this category includes products from France, the Czech Republic and Spain;
  • of extreme strength, reaching 70-85%, such varieties include Swiss, Italian and German.

Absinthe happens with different amounts of thujone:

  • with a high content – from 25 to 100 mg / l, they produce such drinks mainly in Switzerland (Swiss La Bleue) and the Czech Republic (Logan 100, King of Spirits);
  • with a low content – from 1.5 up to 10 ml / l, most recipes of European drinks;
  • containing wormwood extract and a minimum proportion of thujone or tinctures imitators.


Drink can cause severe intoxication

Absinthe is considered a harmful alcoholic drink, linking its adverse effect on the body with toxic monoterpene, which is attributed to hallucinogenic properties. Overdose leads to a number of adverse effects:

  • general excitement;
  • altered consciousness;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • the occurrence of unmotivated aggression;
  • headaches;
  • muscle cramps.

This is explained by the excessive strength of the drink, in which a high concentration of alcohol when drinking a dose of 100 g or more leads to severe intoxication and a hangover syndrome. At the same time, thujone and essential oils mask the taste of alcohol, which weakens control over the use of strong tinctures.

Practical use

A strong alcoholic drink has several areas of practical use.

Medicinal product

The herbal composition of wormwood vodka has healing properties and benefits to health if you drink it in small quantities. Wormwood alcohol stimulates the appetite and is able to regulate digestive processes, treats anemia.

The recommended amount is up to 30 g per day.

Contraindications to the use of alcoholic wormwood drink – individual intolerance of plant components, children’s age, pregnancy and lactation.


Wormwood vodka is used in cooking during the preparation of meat dishes and savory sauces. It is combined with coffee and is used as the main or additional ingredient in alcoholic cocktails.

Absinthe at home

Absinthe is made at home. For its preparation, you will need components that should be collected during the flowering period of plants:

  • bitter wormwood – 3 tsp.;
  • anise and coriander seeds;
  • tansy – 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cardamom – 15 pods;
  • angelica root – 3 tsp.

Originally according to the recipe for 2 days wormwood grass insist. Keep the broth both cold and hot. The hot method, in which the herbal harvest is heated in a water bath, speeds up the aging process. 1.75 liters of ethyl alcohol and other components and spices are added to the herb or warm broth of wormwood, and after 7 days they are insisted. The resulting alcoholic infusion is distilled and filtered, resulting in about 1.25 liters of finished products with a strength of 65%.

In the manufacture of absinthe at home, pure ethyl alcohol is not replaced with vodka and moonshine.

Distilled home absinthe has a clear color. The addition of mint, lemon balm, fennel gives a classic green hue.

The home-made drink is not subjected to special purification, as required by the industrial production instructions, but retains a significant proportion of thujone.

Terms of use

Absinthe must be drunk correctly

In order to avoid adverse effects, absinthe should be drunk correctly. There are several common ways.


Often wormwood is drunk undiluted. Before use, the drink is cooled, drink hall. In this form, it goes well with dark chocolate and citrus.


Absinthe is drunk in French using a special spoon with small holes on which to place a piece Sahara. A spoon is placed on the edges of the glass with a drink and cold water is poured onto sugar, which when combined with wormwood vodka enhances the properties of thujone and provides softness.

In Czech

Po – Czech wormwood vodka is also drunk using a spoon, but sugar is not poured into water, it is set on fire. Cold water is added to the liquor at the end to soften the taste.

Wormwood vodka. The first production method.
Fragrant wormwood vodka, pure distillation, steam maceration of herbs.


A strong alcoholic wormwood drink called absinthe. Its plant composition has healing This remedy treats a number of digestive disorders. alcohol tincture is prepared according to a simple recipe at home on wormwood broth. It has contraindications and limitations in use.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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