8 Houseplants That Are Not Afraid of Drafts – Care

Among indoor plants, there are many very capricious and very unpretentious. But almost all indoor cultures do not like drafts. They are contraindicated even for cacti and lithops. Finding a plant that feels comfortable near an air conditioner or a window that is constantly open is not easy. But, fortunately, the range of indoor plants today is so great that even such unique species can be found in it. These are the kind of plants that cannot grow without fresh air and frequent ventilation, capable of amazing compromises in the selection of conditions.

8 indoor plants that are not afraid of drafts

General characteristics of houseplants that are not afraid of drafts

Draft resistance is a relative concept. After all, not a single houseplant can withstand a strong wind, too sharp temperature changes, drafts on frosty days. Even the hardiest of houseplants are still indoor plants. They are accustomed to much more stable conditions than their natural cousins. And any endurance and tolerance should not be constantly tested for strength. A slight draft or constant flow of warm air is acceptable, but cold and icy drafts are not.

If you are looking for indoor crops that can decorate a place with drafts and temperature changes, you will not be able to limit yourself to ordinary reference books. After all, if a dislike for drafts is often indicated in the characteristics, then they forget to mention the ability to “painlessly” endure them. True, this does not mean that there are no such plants at all.

Indoor plants that can grow in a draft often have a whole set of special characteristics:

  • prefer to spend the summer outdoors and do not need a garden for shelter;
  • require frequent ventilation in the room, even in cool winter conditions;
  • not sensitive to low air humidity;
  • adapt well to different lighting and temperatures;
  • sufficiently cold-resistant.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to “weather” plants – crops capable of signaling changes in humidity and temperature with their leaves or edges. In addition, in this regard, indoor crops are interesting, which are planted in summer in city flower beds. But some fans of drafts do not give out their increased endurance to drafts except for the love of airing.

Let’s take a closer look at the best plants that will not lose their decorative effect at the slightly open sash of the window.

1. Bilbergia

Among the bromeliads, no plant can boast such lush greenery as bilbergia drooping (Billbergia nutans). She has something to surprise: graceful pink inflorescences, thin “grass-like” leaves, the ability to grow lush bushes and constantly release daughter plants, rich colors and durability.

Drafts for Bilbergia are almost a replacement for its outdoor air in summer. At least, exactly how this plant reacts to moving to the garden. And at a distance from the window, it endures drafts even in winter.

The amazingly hardy Bilbergias love more than just fresh air. They need bright lighting, protection from the heat, scant feeding and regular watering.

Bilbergia drooping (Billbergia nutans)Bilbergia drooping (Billbergia nutans). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Sydney Living Museums

Read also our article 10 simple rules for growing bilbergia.

2. Aloe

Aloe (Aloe) today can offer a considerable selection of shapes and colors. But both tree species, and hybrids growing in the form of compact rosettes, and the beloved aloe vera with its long fleshy leaves are distinguished by the ability to be content with minimal conditions. Not a single aloe will be afraid of drafts. If temperatures remain within the recommended range for a particular species, they will not suffer even on an open window.

Aloe adapts well to different lighting conditions, requires minimal maintenance, and easily forgives mistakes. Excessive watering and overfeeding are the main enemies of this unique succulent.

Aloe. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Azra Magazin

Read also our article Aloe is back in fashion, or The most decorative species of the familiar succulent.

3. Pelargonium

While everyone’s attention is focused on the luxurious hybrids of royal pelargoniums, the shy Pelargonium zonal (pelargonium garden) still does not disappear from the windowsills. Shields of pink or red fragrant flowers, easily recognizable rounded leaves with large toothed edges, covered with a special edge and sensitive to the weather are always current classics.

It is no coincidence that zonal pelargonium adorns flower girls in parks and open windows in Spain: it has no equal in its ability to bloom even in the wind. And in the rooms, if we are not talking about frost, she is also not afraid of drafts.

Pelargonium requires standard care – stable soil moisture, frequent feeding, annual pruning and cool wintering.

Pelargonium zonal (Pelargonium hortorum). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com My Garden Life

Read also our article Pelargonium – the most hardy of the flowering flowers.

4. Chlorophytum

Delicate, easily breaking even when wiped, narrow leaves in lush rosette bunches look very elegant. But glorified Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) long lashes of shoots, bearing inconspicuous loose inflorescences, then giving way to miniature rosettes with aerial roots. This unpretentious houseplant always grows quickly and recovers perfectly.

Chlorophytums can easily withstand ordinary drafts and high temperature fluctuations. Because of this, they are considered one of the best plants for the kitchen. They do not like the cold, but in the summer they grow in the wind. Chlorophytum needs only standard watering and rare top dressing.

Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com thompson-morgan

Read also our article 10 reasons to house chlorophytum.

5. Papyrus

Few plants fill a room with sounds like Cyperus (Cyperus). The large bushes of this bog dweller enliven the room with a rustle even with the slightest movement of air. Long thin “legs” of shoots, which are crowned with whorls of narrow grass-like leaves gathered in an umbrella-like whorl, create inimitable spreading bushes.

Cyperuses do not tolerate hypothermia, but they are not afraid of drafts – provided that the shoots do not break. By placing the bushes on an open window, you can additionally protect them with a circular strap for greater stability.

Cyperus needs constant, high soil moisture, average room temperatures and very rare fertilizing. It grows quickly and also recovers easily, but does not tolerate drought.

Циперус (Cyperus). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com centerofthewebb

Read also our article Tsiperus – unpretentious, but very moisture-loving.

6. Myrtle

One of the best phytoncides, famous for its ability to purify the air and release essential oils, common myrtle (myrtle common) and its numerous varieties captivate with the density of branching, the beauty of small glossy leaves and the impeccability of the silhouette. Fragrant and bright myrtle is one of the most beautiful evergreen woody indoor format.

Myrtles do not like frost and the proximity of heating devices, but they perfectly tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations and are not afraid of drafts. Cold drafts are dangerous for the myrtle grown in bonsai, but in the warm season, the wind will not frighten the myrtle. It is in a draft that he releases the most essential oils.

For success in growing myrtle, you need to take care of bright lighting, cool wintering, access to fresh air, constant humidity and standard feeding. Myrtle is easily formed into any strict shape and needs to be trimmed regularly.

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Gildshire

7. Sansevieria

The list of plants capable of tolerating drafts would be incomplete without Sansevierii (Sansevieria). The pike tail, with its long, xiphoid, tough, leathery leaves growing from underground robes, is familiar to everyone. And although the plant seems a little boring, it is irreplaceable. Sansevieria is afraid only of the cold. And such winds that are capable of overturning it. She will not be frightened of ordinary light drafts from a window ajar in summer.

Minimal care, the ability to withstand any drought, make sansevieria a suitable candidate even for over-busy florists.

Sansevieria. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Waitrose Garden

8. Kalanchoe

Loved by many Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe) offers a choice between extravagant foliage forms, small healing classics and flowering species. And in all cases, it flaunts with fleshy leaves with a dark color and a very beautiful edge.

Kalanchoe is not afraid of drafts, but not at the flowering stage. It is not worth placing bright bushes-bouquets in a draft. But deciduous forms will not give up regular airing at any time, except for winter.

Kalanchoe remains a typical succulent and requires careful watering. Despite the preference for cool wintering, all species adapt perfectly to indoor conditions.

Каланхоэ (Kalanchoe). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Apartment Therapy

Read also our article Kalanchoe – medicinal types, benefits and applications.

What plants cannot stand even light drafts?

When choosing plants that can withstand a draft and settle near a slightly open sash, you need to be careful. Often, as draft-tolerant crops, they advertise crops that are best protected from them not only in winter. So, drafts are contraindicated for such hardy and popular plants as the money tree (oval crassula), aspidistra, scindapsus, hovea, spathiphyllum and begonias.

You should not experiment with hoya if you want to achieve maximum decorative effect from them (and not only during flowering). Nor can Nolina-bokarnea stand them. A slight draft, even for a cissus birch, is permissible only in summer and if there is no “cooling effect”. And anthurium, with all its love for fresh air, does not tolerate drafts.

When choosing a plant, check individual recommendations and directions for temperatures. They usually indicate a houseplant’s dislike of drafts.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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