Differences of broccoli from cauliflower

Cauliflower and broccoli are useful vegetables. Many mistakenly confuse them, due to a similar appearance. The difference between broccoli and cauliflower is that small and somewhat rounded leaves are typical for cabbage, whereas broccoli has much coarser leaves, their lobes are much deeper, petioles predominate in length.

  1. Features of each vegetable
  2. Cauliflower
  3. Broccoli <
  4. Useful properties
  5. Conclusion <

Отличия брокколи от цветной капусты

Differences between broccoli and cauliflower

Features of each vegetable

Of the most notable similarities of asparagus and cauliflower, almost identical appearance is noted, if one is not taken into account some details like sizes, shapes of the color of the shoots.

Broccoli and colored kapu They have differences:

  • the biochemical composition of cruciferous;
  • asparagus is used in its original form, while cauliflower needs heat treatment;
  • cauliflower is more demanding to growing conditions;
  • the broccoli vegetative period is up to 65 days;
  • while cauliflower bears fruit once a year, asparagus is able to produce crops for several months in a row.


Cabbage is characterized by white or yellowish hues. Cauliflower refers to annual spring or winter plants. The root system is fibrous and located below the surface of the soil.

The stem on the cut looks cylindrical in shape, its height varies from 10 to 70 cm, the leaves are oblique or straight, the plates have a spiral curvature. The configuration of the leaves also varies within wide limits: whole sessile or closer to pinnate-lyre-separate with petioles. The latter can reach a length of up to 40 cm. Coloring varies from light green to green-blue tones, there are gray shades and catchy anthocyanin pigmentation. The leaf blade is narrow, it can be truncated oval, truncated elliptical, ovoid or lanceolate. The size of the leaves is large, from 20 to 90 cm. The amount of wax coating is different for individual representatives.

The organs of cauliflower used are flower-bearing shoots located in the axils of the upper foliage, or the heads are highly branched shoots of the apex that are in a tightly twisted distance. The color of these heads and flower stalks varies within the green spectrum, but there are purple, yellow and white shades. The upper leaflets are small or have the shape of a short oval, the edge is even or serrated. The fruit is a multi-seeded pod 6-9 cm long.


The broccoli differs from cauliflower, first of all, because it is green in color, unpretentious to temperature and soil composition.

Cabbage can be eaten with diet

During the first year of life, the stem grows to sizes from 50 to 90 cm, forming on the top flowering succulent branches, on which densely greenish buds sit, forming the head. Until they have time to transform into yellow generative organs, the buds are cut off and later used by culinary specialists. By this time, the head diameter already reaches from 10 to 18 cm. After cutting, the side buds again form usable buds, so broccoli can successfully bear fruit for several months a year.

Useful properties

Like many other vegetables, broccoli and cauliflower contain fiber necessary for the digestive process, so these products are low in calories and useful for weight loss. Also, these cruciferous plants are important for humans due to the rich content of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, but cauliflower is inferior in terms of their content. A notable feature of these cruciferous plants is the fact that they can not cause harm, because do not have the ability to provoke an allergic reaction.

Both plants include water, fiber, vitamins, amino acids of various nature and mineral elements.Vitamin U is an effective action for various ulcers, A-retinol favorably affects many organ systems, especially the eyes, E-tocopherol is necessary for the reproductive system to function properly, ascorbic acid helps the body fight against viral diseases and develop stable immunity to them.

In addition, they contain such micro and macro elements: potassium for the removal of salts, calcium for connective tissues, magnesium for the cardiovascular system, sodium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc k, selenium and other elements.

The benefit is that beta-carotene is used in cosmetology to maintain youthfulness and freshness of the skin. Chlorophyll supports the composition of the blood, the amount of essential amino acids in large quantities is found in beef, which is why one cannot underestimate the usefulness of both types of cabbage. Another interesting ability is that these vegetables can literally “please”, because help to produce endorphins.

An absolute advantage over animal products is the absence of cholesterol in cabbage, how it differs, for example, from the protein part of chicken eggs. Therefore, this product is especially useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, these vegetables naturally cleanse the intestines, optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes.

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Cauliflower and broccoli, although similar in appearance, but the difference between them is the difference in biological and chemical description of the plant. Their properties are valuable in medical practice, because able to beneficially affect many body processes.A mixture of nutrients makes these products healthy and practically indispensable.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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