Dragon Beans – Useful and Dangerous Properties of Dragon Beans, Calories, Benefits and Harm, Useful Properties

Dragon phosphate (lat.Psophocarpus tetragonolobus).
A type of legume native to India and China.
Small olive green seeds are high in vitamins and protein.

Draconic tongues (we also call this variety of beans
Georgian or purple) – these are variegated yellow-purple pods
12-15 cm long. But these purple beans are only raw. Worth though
boil it for a minute or steam it, as it immediately
turns green. So if you want to preserve the color of the dragon tongues,
eat them raw. And if the pods have already become leathery and dense,
the beans can be removed and cooked separately.

Calorie content of dragon beans

Dragon bean is a low-calorie, low-fat, dietary product,
which contains only 49 kcal. Its use will saturate the body
useful substances without harm to the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 21 2 47 3,6 14 49

Health Benefits of Dragon Beans

“Draconic tongues” are delicate pods.
They can generally be eaten raw, at least from aesthetic
considerations. It’s about their purple and yellow war paint
which the chefs find very beautiful. However, at thermal
processing “dragon tongues” turn green, which
makes them a little boring in appearance, but for what they are
tastes like mmm…. Real jam.

Beans are one of the few plant foods that
who can perform in different roles at the feast:
and in the center of attention (that is, in the center of the table), and in the very
inconspicuous, as an additional ingredient or
decorating dishes.

I must admit that we often see the prima donna not in the best
shape: small brown or dark red beans,
shriveled and sad, as if offended by the whole world.
But beans are not as simple as they seem at first glance. Look,
how many vitamins only does this beauty contain: A,
B1, B2,
B6, K,
PP, C,
as well as a large amount of natural antioxidant vitamin
E. And we are well aware of how all these vitamins affect
on the condition of our skin, hair and nails. We continue
list of usefulness of fruit beans. Minerals: iron,
calcium, phosphorus,
potassium, magnesium,
sodium, iodine,
copper, zinc.
And also – fiber, citric acid and ash substances.

5 tablespoons of boiled white beans covers the daily requirement
the body in folate (prevent anemia) and potassium (necessary
for the health of the heart and blood vessels).

Different types of beans, in particular mature legumes, do not
too different from each other, the choice is rather a matter
taste. On average, the nutritional value of 100 grams is 50 kcal.
Protein content – 22 g, fat – 1 g, carbohydrates – 50 g.

Green beans – tender, crunchy, just born
pods that are no more than a week old are eaten whole,
without taking out the barely formed grains. To Russia, this variety
beans came only in the 16th century, from France (see French
beans), and first as an ornamental plant. Exists
many varieties of green beans: long Chinese,
Kenyan, yellow wax and the so-called “dragon”
languages ​​”, which appear in Moscow in the spring at vegetable
markets. Green beans are prepared quite quickly: in
boiling water should be boiled (or better blanched)
no more than 5-6 minutes, for a couple – about 8-10. Frozen
beans are cooked in general for 2-3 minutes. Pod tips
before cooking, as a rule, they are pruned – they are quite tough,
and in some varieties, fibers passing through
along the edge of the pod. After the specified time, the beans
need to be thrown into a colander and ruthlessly doused with cold
water – then it will definitely not fall apart, it will be bright
green, plump, appetizing. The main thing is not to digest.

You will often see black beans in Mexican dishes.
cuisine, delicate greenish harmonolet – in French,
lima beans are good in thick soups, red (don’t forget
soak well before cooking) – in the filling
burritos and spicy chili. But white is universal. Small
addition for aesthetes: white beans go well
with products of any color. And wonderfully their
sets off.

Dangerous properties of dragon beans

Large quantities of dragon beans are contraindicated for gout.
and nephritis due to the content of purines and proteins in it, which lead
to the exacerbation of these diseases.

It is not advisable to use this product for diseases of the gastrointestinal
tract, for example, with ulcers and gastritis,
as it provokes bloating.

Also, dragon beans are contraindicated in the case of an individual

The author of the video briefly talks about the cooking methods, as well as
conditions for collecting and growing dragon beans.

See also properties of other products:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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