Hair mask with honey: recipes with egg, cinnamon, cognac

Honey is of great benefit. It is taken orally, applied externally. Most women, ignoring expensive imported masks and balms, opt for a natural product. For example, a hair mask with honey can help your hair look healthy quickly. It is a product that restores shine and healthy hair structure.

It is important to choose the right recipe, as it is used not only in its natural form. Diluted with other components that have a beneficial effect on the hair, activate the action of other components of this amazing beekeeping product.

What is the use?

Traditional medicine constantly confirms the benefits of a mask with honey. Professional cosmetologists, dermatologists constantly emphasize that it is important to use the product as often as possible. It is a natural antibiotic, antioxidant that contains a large number of beneficial substances.

  1. Almost the entire composition of vitamin B has a beneficial effect on follicles, strengthens hair follicles, accelerates growth, returns shine and elasticity.
  2. Vitamin C normalizes fat metabolism by regulating the sebaceous glands. Hair after such masks retains its beautiful appearance for a long time, does not turn greasy for a long time.
  3. The presence of copper in the composition activates the production of collagen, elastin, which are responsible for elasticity, shine, prevent unintentional fragility, and eliminate the signs of split ends.
  4. Zinc, which is present in honey, is responsible for water-lipid metabolism. Eliminates signs of excessive fat content, dandruff, restores the structure of hair follicles, nourishing them.
  5. Iodine, iron prevent baldness, hair loss, improve fat metabolism.
  6. Potassium actively nourishes the hair follicles, eliminates the negative effects of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation, restores the structure after dyeing, chemical curling.

This is a unique remedy, therefore the components of honey and propolis are present in modern remedies. But the benefits of some funds can be questioned. In order not to expose your curls to the effects of dubious quality products, it is better to do the care products for your curls yourself. Moreover, there are no difficulties in this.

Recommendations for use

Do not assume that the hair will instantly change its structure immediately after the first session. They acquire a shine, but to achieve a lasting effect, it is better to repeat it at regular intervals.

For self-preparation of the mask, it is better to use fresh honey, without signs of crystallization. Candied does not lose its properties, but it will have to be dissolved. After that, he loses some of the beneficial properties.


You can not dilute the product with hot water, boiling water, so valuable qualities are lost.

It is better to wash off the mask with warm water, using a usual detergent. A healthy shine appears even after the first procedure. To achieve a greater, lasting effect, it is important to conduct several sessions.

Distinctive features of the application

When using honey as a hair remedy, there are several characteristics to consider. Without this visible result, it will not work.

  1. All components that make up the mask should be warm, but not more than 39 degrees.
  2. You shouldn’t cook them in reserve. It is more efficient to prepare them just before application. Storage leads to the fact that all nutrients will disappear.
  3. Apply to clean, moisturized hair.
  4. Withstand any composition for about an hour. Cover the head with a plastic bag, insulate with a terry towel.
  5. It is better to use herbal decoctions to wash off the mask. They are made from chamomile, St. John’s wort, nettle, string or herbal collection.
  6. It is enough to carry out therapeutic measures twice a week for a month. Then take a break (about 1 month) and repeat the course.

Following these guidelines will quickly lead to quick results.

Preparation of a remedy

Prepare before direct use. The easiest recipe is to rub honey into the hair roots. But having enriched the composition with other natural ingredients, they achieve the fastest healing effect:

  • with lemon juice – guaranteed shine, density;
  • will quickly return a healthy look with an egg;
  • cognac is used to give a darker shade;
  • olive oil will relieve the owner of oily hair;
  • castor oil will help to cope with dryness and excessive fragility;
  • adding cinnamon, you can lighten the curls a little;
  • onion juice nourishes the scalp, eliminates dandruff and excess oiliness.

Any recipe, provided it is used regularly, will quickly return a beautiful look to your hair.


Drying after applying the mask should not be done with a hair dryer. For the duration of the treatment course, it is better to forget about it. It is necessary to dry it in a natural way, so it is better to do it in the evenings or in the morning, if you have at least a couple of hours left before leaving the house. Warm or hot air of a hair dryer has a detrimental effect on the structure of the hair follicle, the treatment may be useless

Frequency of use

Honey masks with cinnamon, egg, cognac, oils are used at least twice a week. To obtain a lasting effect, carry out at least 10 procedures. Then take a break for one month and repeat the course.


A mask is applied, from the roots, further along the entire length of the hair. It is covered with a plastic bag, on top with a terry towel. Hold for an hour. Honey, dissolves on the head, flows down. Therefore, cover your shoulders with a towel or any other rag.


Wash off with warm broths, water, the temperature of which is not more than 39 degrees. You can use any shampoo, conditioner. It is advisable to prepare a herbal solution, apply warm. Honey rinses off well without leaving any sweet residue.


The positive result is noticeable after the first application of any mask. But a lasting result is possible only after the course, it is at least 10 sessions over equal intervals of time. Hair gains a healthy shine, becomes thicker and healthier.

Recipes for the most effective honey masks

You will need natural honey in its natural form. But for a positive result, it is better to add other useful components to it – the yolk of eggs, diluted with cognac, onion juice, lemon, cinnamon, it is also recommended to use a banana.

Classic honey mask

A hair mask with honey and an egg is considered a classic. For its preparation, the yolk of domestic eggs is better more effective. Separate two yolks, mix. For medium lengths, two spoons are sufficient. Apply the mask with a brush, starting from the roots. Wrap up, leave for one hour, then rinse.

Such activities strengthen the roots, eliminate signs of fragility. Hair gets shine even after 1-2 treatments. But the course required for treatment and recovery is at least ten sessions with a break of three days.

Powerful regenerating mask with egg, oil, cognac

The most effective mask is considered to be with the addition of burdock, olive oil. It is better to leave the yolk of a homemade egg, but enrich the mask with oil. You will need:

  • egg (yolk 2 pieces);
  • two spoons of brandy;
  • 50 ml. burdock or olive oil;
  • a couple of tablespoons of fresh honey.

Mix everything thoroughly. Apply to damp hair. Wrap up, leaving for 60 minutes, rinse with warm herbal decoction, water, you can use shampoo. The course of treatment is 1 month, two sessions per week. It is not forbidden to use cognac if there is a desire to slightly change the shade.

Fortifying with onion juice for active growth

Onion juice irritates hair follicles, activating their active growth. In combination with honey, the roots receive additional nutrition. To prepare the mask, collect only two tablespoons of juice. To do this, rub 1-2 onions on a fine grater, squeeze. The juice is mixed with an equal amount of honey (2 tablespoons each) and applied to the hair. Wrap up with a bag, warm towel. Leave for one hour, rinse.

Many women are confused by the onion smell. You can get rid of it by adding apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and tea tree extract to the rinse water. The cognac mask will also change the unpleasant aroma of the onion. Such a remedy will be useful in case of loss. For an even greater, quick effect, strengthening the follicles, many women add a small spoonful of oil to the mixture, better than burdock.

Gentle lighting

You can lighten the curls by 1-2 tones with a honey mask, if you add 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed, applied to the hair, starting from the roots and along the entire length. Wrap with a plastic bag and towel, leave for an hour and rinse with warm water. This is a nourishing treatment that will not only brighten, but also strengthen the hair.

Best honey mask recipes

Honey is useful both in pure form and with the addition of various products. The best recipes are:

  • with egg yolk;
  • banana;
  • cognac;
  • castor or olive oil;
  • cinnamon
  • onions;
  • garlic
  • with mustard.

Any recipe chosen will certainly benefit, significantly improve the structure along its entire length. Natural honey already has visible benefits. The product with the addition of other natural ingredients will become a life-giving source of energy. The cinnamon and honey hair mask will brighten and strengthen the roots without harmful lightening agents. It may not help if the curls are dark. For fair-haired, the effect is noticeable after the first mask. Thus, the woman does wellness activities and lightens the curls. After 3-4 sessions, you will be able to achieve the result.


You should pay special attention to the cognac masks because of alcohol. It dries up, so it is better for owners of dry hair to use recipes that contain fats (olive, castor oil).

Care should be taken to use recipes for such pathologies:

  • allergic reactions to honey and honey products;
  • cosmetologists recommend adding aloe juice to honey, which is also an allergen;
  • gently add onion and garlic to the composition.

If the product is used for the first time, apply the ready-made mask to the wrist. If after half an hour redness, urticaria does not appear, you can apply a hair mask. You start with a small amount of honey, gradually introducing other herbal ingredients into the composition.


Most women have long appreciated the benefits of honey. Numerous reviews clearly testify to this. The most important thing is that it is a natural beekeeping product obtained in apiaries. The modern market presents many ready-made tools designed to help get rid of problems. But honey and other plant components have made it possible to preserve beauty throughout life for many centuries.

In addition, regularly improve the body. The following phenomena can adversely affect the condition of the hair:

  • violation of the diet;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • lack of regular humidification of the air in your own home;
  • weak immunity;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • the consequences of chemical and radiation therapy;
  • frequent stress.

These are just some of the negative effects that affect hair health. If this is not removed from life, then a honey mask will not help much. But in most cases, her help is hard to underestimate. Reviews testify to this.

“After giving birth, I lost a lot of hair. They became thin, split ends, not a pleasant sight. Was in the beauty salon. A young girl advised honey. At first I began to use it in its natural form. Later she began to add the yolk of a homemade egg. There were cognac masks that improved texture and color. She was persistent and did it twice a week. After a couple of weeks, the hair became stronger, a pleasant shine appeared. A month later, the former splendor returned. My worries were left behind. I returned beauty to my hair and I am grateful for this honey.

Victoria. Kirov».

“After a perm, I have a terrible baldness. I don’t know why this happened, but the hair on my head was almost gone and bald patches became visible. I rubbed all the means that cosmetologists advised me. The result was not visible. Once a girl near the office advised me to try honey and various additives. Well, I tried that too. On my head what was already not there. But after two weeks I began to notice that there was shine, bald spots began to close, the hair looked much healthier. Carried away. Now I add a homemade egg (yolk) and brandy to the honey. I do it twice a week, the results make me happy. I got rid of the problem and restored the beauty of my own hair.

Oksana. St. Petersburg».

“My husband started having problems early enough. At the age of 28, he developed characteristic bald patches. My grandmother advised me to try honey. I listened and began to rub the mask on him twice a week. At first I used it in its natural form, then began to add olive and burdock oil, onion juice, brandy, and an egg. I did it regularly for a month with short breaks. He was indignant until he began to notice that his hair was being restored. Now on his head is thick, silky hair and all this thanks to honey.

Victoria. Moscow».

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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