Honey mushrooms, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Honey mushrooms, mushrooms of the row family. They begin to collect them
from late August to autumn frosts. Loves old stumps
the roots of coniferous and deciduous trees, and especially often
settles on oak and birch stumps, even occurs
in permafrost regions. A real mushroom hat has
the form of a ball, convex, then straightened, velvety,
brownish yellow. The edges of the cap are first spud
deep, then straightened, striped.

On top of the cap, there are small brown scales. LPs
extracted from top to bottom, whitish, then light brown and often
are covered with rusty specks. The leg is long, fibrous,
yellow or brown, darker towards the bottom. Young mushrooms
the leg is connected to the edges of the cap with a white foil, which
then it breaks and remains on the leg with a white ring.
It is this ring that helps to distinguish real honey agarics from
poisonous (fake, brick red and fake
sulfur yellow). The pulp of autumn honey mushroom is thin-fleshy,
whitish, with a pleasant mushroom smell.

Honey mushrooms are universal mushrooms. They are exposed to all kinds of
culinary processing. They are boiled, fried, salted and pickled,
dried. Mostly hats are eaten, since the legs are very
fibrous. The nutritional value of honey agarics is almost the same as kefir
or fermented baked milk, larger than carrots, cabbage, cucumbers,
onions and tomatoes.

Useful properties of honey agarics

Honey mushrooms contain up to 90% water, proteins? which are well absorbed
the body, by the way, in dry mushrooms there is 2 times more protein than in beef, they also contain mono- and disaccharides,
cellulose. There is no less vitamin B1 in summer honey than in baker’s yeast, and phosphorus and
calcium in mushrooms is almost the same as in fish. They also
contain vitamin B2, C, E,
PP, magnesium, sodium,
potassium and iron.

Honey mushrooms are low in calories (22 kcal) and serve as an excellent addition
during diets.

Honey agarics are recommended for use with Staphylococcus aureus
and Escherichia coli, they also have a beneficial effect on
functioning of the thyroid gland. Also in ages
contains a lot of anti-cancer substances.

Some believe that mushrooms collected in the fall have
laxative property.

Modern scientists of England, USA, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria,
India, Japan and other countries found out that the hoods from
many mushrooms, ranging from champignon and gray talker and ending with false mushrooms and fly agaric,
have a wide range of therapeutic effects. Alone
are bactericides for tuberculosis and purulent infections,
others are therapeutic for alcoholism and cancer.

Dangerous properties of honey agarics

These fungi are called “parasites” because they harm forest
trees. After a short time, the trees where the mushrooms are located,
dry up. For humans, they are also to some extent harmful. So,
despite its low calorie content, the harm that is done
the body is obvious due to the fact that honey mushrooms, like other types of mushrooms,
are heavy food.

The harm from honey agaric is also that they should not be consumed
many for those who suffer from diseases associated with digestion.

Honey mushrooms also harm those who suffer from the disorder
stomach as it can cause diarrhea.
It is also worth remembering that undercooked mushrooms can cause poisoning.

In addition, you need to pay attention when collecting to other similar
by the appearance of mushrooms, called “false”. Outwardly, they are the same, but the “false
honey agarics “, which contain a lot of toxins, there is no” ring “and scales on
leg, they have a gray-yellow or brick-red color, unpleasant
smell and rather pungent taste. We must learn to distinguish this kind
from edibles, so as not to harm the body.

Given the danger, only experienced mushroom pickers are advised to collect
honey mushrooms. You need to buy them only in specialized stores and
avoid spontaneous markets and hand-selling. Any preparation
these mushrooms need to start with thorough cooking. Otherwise, you can get poisoned.

One of the popular programs will tell about “false” and real mushrooms, as well as about the beneficial properties of these mushrooms in an interesting and accessible form.

See also the properties of other mushrooms:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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