Horse mackerel, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Horse mackerel fish of the order perchiformes. Body length up to 50
cm, weigh up to 400 g. The body is oblong, fusiform,
with a thin caudal peduncle, slightly compressed laterally. Characteristic
a sign of true horse mackerel – bony scutes along the side
lines, sometimes with backward-directed spines. … Side
line with bony scutes along its entire length. Horse mackerel
– this name is associated with the Black Sea, with fishing
of the tyrant.

Horse mackerel are schooling pelagic fish that grow up to
50 cm.The largest horse mackerel, measured by experts,
weighed 2 kg. Smaller individuals are usually found.
They live up to 9 years. Horse mackerel feed on zooplankton,
small fish, sometimes benthic or benthic crustaceans
and cephalopods.

In fact, this fish is very widespread.
The family of horse mackerel (Carangidae) unites 140 species
fish of different sizes from twenty centimeter horse mackerel
up to two-meter seriol. Horse mackerel fish have an important
commercial value.

Useful properties of horse mackerel

Horse mackerel has tender tasty meat without small bones. In summer
and in autumn, some horse mackerel contains up to 15% fat.

Horse mackerel is a rich source of vitamins B1, B2,
B6, B9, A,
C, E, PP.
It also contains omega-3 fatty acid, which is
the basis of a healthy heart. Horse mackerel contains up to
20% proteins, on average from 2 to 5% fat, as well as calcium, magnesium,
sodium, potassium, phosphorus,
chlorine, sulfur, iron,
zinc, iodine, copper,
manganese, chromium, fluorine,
cobalt, nickel.

Due to its fast pace of life, horse mackerel is practically
does not contain fat, which is why nutritionists recommend consuming
horse mackerel for metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis,
hypertension and coronary artery disease.

They sell horse mackerel in fresh and frozen form. Use
for the preparation of high quality canned food (in oil
and tomato sauce). Part of the catch is hot smoked
or salted and cold smoked.

Dangerous properties of horse mackerel

By all accounts
specialists, in the meat of such fish predators as shark,
swordfish, perch and horse mackerel, contains a large amount
mercury compounds. Mercury is known to cause in children
persistent neurological disorders, and therefore use
for food these types of fish for children, pregnant and lactating women
strongly discouraged. Mercury is stored in the body
during the year.

From the video you will learn a simple and quick recipe for making a delicious stewed horse mackerel.

See also properties of other fish:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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