Burdock, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

The beekeeper will say about burdock that it is beautiful
honey plant. Culinary expert – that burdock can be added to salads, broths and
make drinks out of it. But the most “useful” list of possible uses
burdock will be at the representative of traditional medicine. Dozens will appear in it
diseases in which burdock improves the condition of patients. And more recently
Since then, scientists have also become interested in the therapeutic potential of burdock.

Useful properties of burdock

Composition and nutrients:.

Water 80,09 75,64 Proteins 1,53 2,09 Fats 0,15 0,14 Carbohydrates 17,34 21,15 Dietary fiber 3,3 1,8 Calories (Kcal) 72 88 Potassium 308 360 Phosphorus 51 93 Calcium 41 49 Magnesium 38 39 Sodium 5 4 Iron 0,8 0,77 Zinc 0,33 0,38 Vitamin C 3 2,6 Vitamin E 0,38 0,46 Vitamin
B3 0,3 0,32 Vitamin
B6 0,24 0,279 Vitamin
B2 0,03 0,058 Vitamin
B1 0,01 0,039 Vitamin
V9 23 mkg 20 mkg Vitamin
K 1,6 μg 2 μg

What exactly is used and in what form

The roots, leaves and seeds of burdock are used for medicinal purposes. On the
decoctions and infusions are prepared on the basis of the roots. Use the root in fresh
form and in the form of a liquid extract. Medicinal recipes use
burdock root powder. Infused with olive
or almond
oil, the root of the plant is used as the famous “burdock
butter”. The root is a part of ointments and tinctures, medicinal tea.
Burdock leaves are used in compresses, lotions, for cooking
broth. Fresh burdock juice is used for various diseases
skin. Fresh burdock root is used in homeopathy..

Medicinal properties

Burdock root contains 0,17% bardan oil, 45%
inulin, 12,5% ​​proteins, antibacterial substances (polyacetylene
components), potassium nitrate, sterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol),
acids (palmitic and stearic), tannins. Seeds
burdock contains arctin glycoside, leaves contain tannins,
mucus and essential oils.

In herbal formulations, burdock is prescribed for chronic rheumatism,
skin diseases (eczema,
itching, hair loss as a result of seborrhea)..

Burdock root preparations have diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic
and disinfectant properties; stimulate the formation of proteolytic
enzymes and accelerate the insulin-forming function of the pancreas
glands; promote the growth of glycogen in the liver, have a beneficial effect
on metabolism. A decoction of burdock root inside is prescribed for diseases
metabolism (gout,
articular rheumatism, kidney and gallstones, sugar
diabetes); for skin diseases (skin rashes and suppuration
against the background of scrofula, boils, acne);
gastritis and gastric ulcer, with chronic constipation,
and delayed menstruation. Burdock root powder is taken orally
with gout. Burdock is a part of diaphoretic tea. Infusion of
burdock leaves are drunk in violation of functional activity
stomach and with fever, and an infusion of burdock fruit – for constipation.
Young leaves have antibacterial properties. Juice from
leaves and flowers, as well as an aqueous infusion of flowers, traditional medicine
used to treat wounds and skin cancer..

In official medicine

Among the pharmaceutical preparations based on the plant: burdock
oil, dried burdock root for the preparation of medicinal preparations,
burdock root extract.

In folk medicine

  • As a diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic and for
    enhancing metabolism and removing toxins from the body, is useful
    decoction: pour half a tablespoon of crushed burdock root
    200 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, let it brew
    in two hours. Take 100 ml in small sips
    2-3 times a day..
  • For diabetes mellitus, a tablespoon of a mixture of crushed roots
    burdock, bean husks, blueberry leaves
    and walnut (in equal parts) insist in 250 ml of water,
    boil for 5 minutes, and take after meals during the day, drinking
    from 5 to 6 glasses per day.
  • With gout, stomach ulcer, metabolic disorders,
    itching of the body a tablespoon of a mixture of burdock root, wheatgrass rhizomes,
    herbs of a string, herbs of Veronica and violet tricolor pour a glass
    water, simmer for a quarter of an hour, take up to 3 glasses
    per day (first intake on an empty stomach).
  • With eczema, rheumatism, a decoction is taken orally, which is prepared
    from a mixture of burdock root and elecampane
    high (in equal proportions), while using the ointment,
    therapeutic baths and warming compresses on the affected areas
  • For chronic constipation, an infusion of burdock seeds is used: 20 g
    seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 60 minutes, take
    1-2 tablespoons up to 4 times a day.
  • With dermatoses, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, urticaria,
    seborrhea, acne vulgaris recommend a decoction: 2 tablespoons
    crushed root in 500 ml of water. Take half a glass
    four times a day, before meals.
  • In folk medicine, a decoction of small burdock leaves is drunk as tea with
    malignant tumors, liver diseases, from
    abscesses, wounds, warts.
  • For allergies, mix a tablespoon of fruits
    rose hips, crushed dandelion roots
    and burdock roots. Pour a tablespoon of this collection
    a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. To give
    cool the broth and strain. Drink 0,3 cups three times a day.
  • RџSЂRё
    for asthma, prepare a mixture of 4 tablespoons of burdock leaves
    large, 4 tablespoons of aspen leaves and a teaspoon of pine needles
    fir. Pour 200 ml of cooled boiling water over the collection, add half
    a teaspoon of soda and withstand the infusion for 6 days in a darkened
    cool place. After that, strain the infusion and drink in the dining room.
    spoon once a day.
  • For rheumatism, a recipe is recommended: mix half a glass of juice
    burdock and linden honey. Insist a week in a cool darkened
    location. Drink a teaspoon three times a day before meals..


  • For radiculitis, put 6-9 fresh burdock leaves on a clean
    cloth, press on top with a dish with very hot water. Withstand
    leaves under hot press for about 5 minutes. When it starts from burdock
    brown juice stand out, the leaves must be applied to the affected area
    body. Cover the compress tightly with paper and woolen cloth, and leave
    at 2-3 hours.
  • For hair loss, the following procedure is useful: 2 tablespoons
    spoons of burdock roots pour 200 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath
    about 10 minutes. Then cool the broth and strain. Add to
    100 ml of onion juice and 3 tablespoons of vodka. Rub this mixture
    into the hair roots several times a week for an hour or two before washing with
  • With rheumatism, arthritis, ulcers, lichen,
    eczema is added to the bathroom with a decoction of a mixture of burdock roots, herbs
    heather, nettle roots,
    marsh wild rosemary herbs, tartar grass and lingonberry leaves.
  • For hair loss and dandruff, wash your hair twice a week with a decoction
    burdock root and calendula flowers
    in a ratio of 2: 1 (a handful of collection per liter of water). Or use
    decoction: per liter of water, a mixture of burdock roots, heather herbs and
    nettle (2 tablespoons each) and one tablespoon of hop cones.
  • Burdock ointment for the treatment of skin diseases, seborrhea: collection
    from fresh burdock root, oak bark, walnut leaves
    nut and calendula flowers (2: 1: 1: 1) are combined with a glass
    sunflower, almond or olive oil, boiled a quarter
    hours over low heat, cover and leave warm
    place for the night. In the morning strain the oil broth. The resulting
    ointment is applied to the affected areas. Burns are treated with such an ointment,
    obsolete rheumatism.
  • When erysipelas
    inflammation, young burdock leaves are smeared with sour cream and applied
    to the affected areas.
  • For dandruff, place burdock roots in a saucepan, cover with water
    and simmer. Cook until the roots are very
    soft. Then strain and cool the broth. Lubricate with this broth
    hair roots every day
  • Burdock root tincture is prepared with strong vodka (in proportions
    1:10). Tincture of the root on vodka lubricate the areas of the body affected
    circular or nested baldness, red acne (inflammation
  • Crushed (pounded) fresh burdock leaves are applied to the wounds,
    solid tumors, gouty nodes.

Burdock ointment (root-based): 40 g fresh
crushed roots to insist during the day in half a glass
vegetable oil, after boiling for a quarter
hours. The ointment heals well burns, ulcers, wounds.

Burdock oil recipe: 75 g fresh burdock leaves
rinse, grind and pour a glass of vegetable oil, give
brew for a day, then boil for a quarter of an hour and
strain. Rub into scalp 60 minutes before washing. This
the procedure helps to strengthen the hair.[2,7,9]

In oriental medicine

Ancient Chinese medicine used burdock seeds (“niupangczi“)
in the treatment of fever, colds and coughs, arthritis,
and various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. China also
consumed burdock seeds and all fresh parts of the plant in
as a diuretic for the accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

In scientific research

In the herbalist (1653) of the British N. Culpeper about burdock it is said: “Leaves
burdock treats ulcers and inflammations on the skin. Small amount composition
burdock root and pine seeds (nuts) helps with hemoptysis
and a purulent process in the bronchi and lungs. Pain in damaged tendons
can be removed by attaching burdock leaves. Burdock leaf juice
mixed with wine is used for snake bites. Burdock root, minced
and mixed with a small amount of salt is used externally for
rabid dog bites. Burdock juice combined with honey acts
diuretic and relieves pain in the bladder. Infusion
on wine from burdock seeds is useful for sciatica. Burns are treated with lotions
from crushed burdock leaves and egg white “..

Numerous burdock-based recipes have been collected and actively
used by the famous Soviet herbalist from Irkutsk Elena
Vasilievna Lohe, who made a huge contribution to the research system
about the medicinal properties of the plant.

The pharmacological properties of burdock were investigated by J.S. Chan,
L.N. Cheng, J.H. Wu et al..

The work of Karomatov is devoted to the prospects of herbal remedies based on burdock
I. Dzh., Nurmukhamedova R.A., Badriddinova M.N..

The purpose of the scientific research Fedoseeva L.M., Knaub N.N. and Seligeeva
T.G. is a histochemical analysis of leaves and roots of burdock..

Therapeutic Effects of Burdock Root Oil Extract
analyzed in the work of A.G. Bekkuzhin and A.K. Berdgaleeva..

Scientists predict an important role for burdock drugs in the future
in the treatment of cancer. For example, anti-tumor effect
active substances contained in burdock roots are described in the dissertation
Boeva ​​RS.

In cooking

Salads from young burdock leaves are part of the therapeutic and prophylactic
diet. Young burdock root, baked or roasted
used as a substitute for potatoes.
Dried root, cut into small pieces and toasted
in the oven is also an excellent coffee surrogate. From the roots
burdock is cooked in a thick, jelly-like jam, of a beautiful yellow-green hue.

Burdock salad

Immerse young burdock leaves in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then
dry on a towel or napkin, chop finely, add chopped
green onions, salt, grated horseradish
and season with cream. For 150 g of burdock leaves, take 50 g of green
onions, 30 g horseradish, 20 g cream and salt to taste..

Burdock soup

Ingredients: 100 g of burdock root, a quarter of an onion, 2 slices of bacon,
a bunch of fresh parsley,
two tablespoons of vegetable oil, 0,5 l of water, 1 broth
cube, salt, pepper to taste.

Wash and peel burdock roots, cut into strips and soak
in water. Finely chop the onion, chop the bacon, chop the herbs
parsley. Heat oil in a skillet, fry bacon and onion,
add chopped burdock root, simmer everything over low heat.
Cover with water, toss in the bouillon cube, cook the soup until the root
the burdock will not soften. Salt and pepper. Serve serving
chopped herbs.

Burdock sandwiches

To prepare an appetizer, you will need: 2 burdock leaves, dining room
a spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese, carrots,
onion, 5 dandelion flower buds, 2 tablespoons of kefir,
some grated cheese.

Rinse young burdock leaves, cut into neat, even squares
or triangles. Prepare the filling: mix cottage cheese with chopped
raw carrots, onions, add grated cheese, kefir,

Put the sandwich mass on the burdock leaves, decorate with a flower

Burdock and Dandelion Beer

The original recipe for a drink that has become traditional and popular,
invented in Britain back in the Middle Ages.

To prepare such beer (Dandelion and Burdock beer) you will need:
150 g burdock root, 50 g dandelion roots,
0,5 kg of sugar, 2 tablespoons of molasses, juice of one lemon, beer
yeast (one sachet), 4,5 liters of water. Rinse and peel burdock roots
and dandelion, cut into thin slices and boil in half
water required for the recipe for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, add
the remaining amount of water (cold), sugar, molasses and
lemon juice, and stir until sugar is completely
dissolve. Strain into a fermentation dish, cover with a lid.
When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, add beer
yeast and let stand for a week. Then pour into a special bottle
and hold for another week. After that, the drink is ready. Herbal
store beer in the refrigerator..

Burdock root chips

To prepare such chips you will need: several large roots
burdock, olive
oil, sea salt. Wash roots, peel and cut into thin
stripes. Sprinkle the roots with a little olive oil,
salt to taste. Preheat oven to 220 0. Lay out the strips
on a brazier lined with baking paper. Bake chips for about
10 minutes until light brown, then turn and bake
the other side of the stripes. Add salt if necessary.

Carrot cookies with honey infused with burdock root

For the dough you will need: a cup of wheat flour, a teaspoon of baking powder,
a quarter teaspoon of salt, 100 g of butter, one yolk,
half a cup of honey infused with burdock root, ¾ cup grated on
grated carrots (take two medium root vegetables), half a cup of oatmeal
flakes, half a cup of light raisins,
34 cups shelled walnuts.

For cream: 120 g cream cheese, 100 g butter, 1 cups
powdered sugar.

For making honey infused with burdock root: dining room
a spoonful of dried burdock root, ground into powder, 160 g of honey.
Prepare honey in advance by mixing it with burdock root powder.
Let the honey brew for 5-10 days. Soak honey warm and not
dark place, stirring occasionally.

For the dough, sift the flour, mix with baking powder, salt. Whip
butter, gradually adding egg yolk, prepared honey and
grated carrots. Combine flour with butter-egg mixture, oatmeal
flakes, nuts and raisins. Preheat oven to 180 0 and spoon
place the dough in portions on a roasting dish covered with baking paper,
forming flat gingerbread cookies of a round shape. Bake cookies 15
minutes until golden brown, checking doneness. When
the cookies will cool completely, decorate with cream (beat cream cheese, butter
and powdered sugar, adding a drop of vanilla extract). To
the cream is frozen, leave the cookies in the refrigerator for a while..

In cosmetology

Hair burdock

To strengthen the hair roots use a decoction: 2 tablespoons
burdock roots are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, then heated in water
bath for about a quarter of an hour. Strain the cooled broth and rub into
scalp and hair roots after shampooing.

Hair rinse with burdock: a mixture of calamus rhizomes,
roots of burdock, flowers of medicinal marigolds and cones
hops ordinary (each herb a tablespoon) pour a liter
boiling water. Heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Let the broth brew
and cool down. Strain and rinse hair after shampooing.

Good for hair and the following recipe: mix in a tablespoon
burdock roots, plantain leaves
large, mint herb, St. John’s wort and stinging nettle.
Take 3 spoons of this collection, pour a liter of hot water, heat
on a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool the broth, strain and use
as a hair rinse.

Strengthens and makes hair healthier by using this
decoction: mix chopped burdock roots and calamus rhizomes into
equal parts. 6 tablespoons of this collection are poured with a liter of water
and boil for a quarter of an hour. Then insist in a warm place. Rubbed
decoction into the scalp up to 3 times a week.

Firming burdock hair mask: mix one part of cognac,
4 parts strained onion
juice and 6 parts of a decoction of burdock roots. Grind the whole mass thoroughly.
Rub into scalp, then wrap with a towel to warm.
Wash off the mask after 2 hours.

Burdock for skin

For oily skin, an infusion of a tablespoon of fresh
chopped burdock roots and 200 ml of boiling water. To withstand the infusion
half an hour, then strain. Moisten a clean cloth or gauze in the infusion
and apply on cleansed skin for 10 minutes.

With acne, a decoction helps: prepare a mixture of burdock roots
and herbs St. John’s wort
perforated (a tablespoon). Collection pour 200 ml of boiling water
and heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool the broth, strain,
and wipe it on the skin affected by acne..

Other uses

To get rid of mice, use burdock burdocks. They are scattered
near the alleged mouse burrows. Burdock clings to the skin of a rodent,
causes itching, irritation and disengages from the habitat.

Burdock oil has found application in industry: in soap making,
the manufacture of drying oil and wrapping paper, in the operation of gyroscopic

In the fight against pests of agricultural crops (caterpillars
cabbage whitefish, scoop, moth) use an infusion: half a bucket of chopped
pour the leaves of burdock to the top with water. Insist for at least 3 days.
Then strain and spray garden and horticultural crops.

For skin diseases in pets and cattle
livestock, use a decoction (one part of burdock roots per 10 parts
water), with which animals are washed..

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of burdock
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Burdock is a biennial plant representing the Astro family
(Composite colors).

Popular names for burdock – lopushnik, rapeseed
(burdock), bully, dog lover, delay
… Latin name
kind – Arctium – goes back to borrowing from Greek
language and translates as “bear».

Modern botany has identified 19 burdock species, of which the most

Big burdock is a biennial herbaceous plant, with a height of 60 cm
up to 1 m and more. The root of the plant is elongated, fleshy, fusiform,
up to 0,5 m long. Stems are erect, furrowed, strongly pubescent
– woolly-cobweb, branched at the top. Leaf arrangement
alternately, the basal leaves are very large, the upper leaves are much
smaller, ovoid or heart-ovoid, green above,
bottom – gray tomentose. Lilac-purple flowers are collected in spherical
baskets. Burdock blooms from July to September. Achene fruits ripen
in September-October.

Burdock is a widespread weed plant. Grows on
wastelands, along roads, in vegetable gardens, over river banks, in fields,
near residential settlements, in weedy places, in places with high humidity
(in the floodplains of rivers, along the bottoms of beams), near hedges. Sometimes forms small
thickets, often grows in small groups or single specimens..

Burdock reproduces productively by seed. Sow the seeds
in autumn or spring, areas with unsuitable soils are suitable for sowing
for the cultivation of other plants. The plant is completely unpretentious
and does not require maintenance..

In the first year, only basal leaves are formed in burdock, and on
the second year the plant forms stems, the flowering period begins
and with the completion of the ripening of the fruit, the burdock dies off.

The roots of plants of the first year of cultivation are harvested in the autumn
period, and the second year – in the spring. Excavated roots free from
soil, cut off the aerial part and thin roots. Separated thick
the roots are thoroughly washed in cold water and peeled with a knife
from the bark. Dried burdock root outdoors, under awnings,
spread out in a thin layer on burlap or paper.

Leaves are harvested in July-August and dried in shaded areas, on
draft. The seeds are harvested as they ripen. Shelf life
raw materials from roots – 5 years, leaves – a year, seeds – up to 3 years..

Burdock roots are food for hop dwarf larvae. Feed on
burdock also moths and butterflies.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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