Mung bean (golden beans or mung beans), Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

These are small oval-shaped green beans, smooth to the touch
with a glossy sheen, plants of the legume family.

This perennial herb was cultivated in ancient times by the Indians, it was the
inhabitants of this state who called it ” mung “.

The historical homeland of the plant is Pakistan, India and Bangladesh,
but it is also cultivated on an industrial scale in Indonesia, Myanmar,
China, Thailand, the Philippines and throughout the subtropical belt.

Beans are also cultivated in arid conditions in some
states of America and regions of southern Europe, where they are harvested in two
stages: in June and November, this is due to the slow maturation of the seeds.

How to choose

You need to choose transparent packaging so that you can check the
uniformity of the product (shape, shade). Wrinkles
on the beans or the presence of inclusions, dark spots should be alerted . It is important to pay
attention to the expiration date.

It makes sense to choose the “right” manufacturer. So, the highest quality
mung bean is the one packaged in Tajikistan, India, Australia and Uzbekistan.
It is better to refuse to purchase Chinese and Peruvian mung bean.
It is believed that it was grown there using aggressive technologies.

How to store

At room temperature, mung bean can be stored for more than one year, but the
“older” it is, the longer the cooking process will be, including the
obligatory soaking. Therefore, based on the expiration date on the package,
try to use the product before this time. In a sufficiently tight
bag or container, mung bean does not change its qualities for 2 years from the time of
manufacture. Store mung beans in a dark, dry, well-ventilated

In cooking

Mash is actively used in Chinese cuisine, dishes from Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Korea,
Japan, India and Southeast Asia. Mung beans are usually eaten whole, sprouted,
or shelled. The mung starch is used for gelling and the production of
one of the types of Chinese noodles.

In Chinese cuisine, whole mung bean is used for desserts or ” sweet
” chilled or hot. In Indonesia, beans are popular
as a dessert, a sweet porridge that is boiled with coconut milk,
sugar and ginger. Mung is actively used in India for preparing
first courses (for example, spice soup), and is also cooked and served
with rice.

In Tajik and Uzbek cuisine, the dish mash-shavlya, or mash-kichiri,
is known, which is a porridge of rice and unshelled mung bean with vegetable
oil and optional meat (beef, lamb), unripe
according to the season, postdumba. Also Uzbeks and Tajiks prepare thick soup
with these beans.

Hulled mung (after removing the shell) has a light green hue
and is
known as dahl in Indian cuisine. It is used to prepare a traditional dish
called dhal, make a paste for filling, desserts and the main
dish of Ayurvedic cuisine – “kichari” .

Mung bean sprouts are considered a typical ingredient in Asian cuisine. Mung bean
germinates easily within 24 hours (under appropriate conditions).

Mung bean starch in Chinese cuisine cooked noodles ” Funchoza “.
It is sold dried, often disguised as rice vermicelli
or noodles. Used in soups, deep-fried dishes, salads.

Calorie content of mung bean

The calorie content of mung beans is 347 calories, but despite this
rather high figure, mung beans are considered a dietary product,
since they contain little fat. Sprouted mung bean are included in their diet by
vegetarians and raw foodists as a source of vegetable protein, minerals
and vitamins.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 23,5 2 44,2 3,5 14 347

Useful properties of mung bean

Composition and presence of nutrients

Mung bean is a moderately high-calorie dietary product containing a
lot of fiber,
vitamins and proteins; it can successfully replace meat.

Useful and healing properties

These beans have antitoxic
properties and can accelerate the healing of various thermal
burns, remove harmful substances from the intestines, and have hypolipidemic
and diuretic effects. Masha gruel is also considered a good remedy
for acne, dermatitis and small wounds.

Mung bean is prized for its antiseptic and diuretic properties. For a long time, the Chinese have
used mung for detoxification. Beans and foods made from them help lower
cholesterol levels.
Considering that beans contain a lot of fiber, they are recommended for
use in case of constipation.

The beneficial properties of mung bean can prevent the development of tumors,
including those of the mammary glands, as well as regulate hormones
during menopause.

Mung has a low glycemic index, which helps maintain
normal sugar levels, preventing it from rising rapidly after eating

Also in Chinese traditional medicine, mung was recommended for poisoning,
for example, with poisonous mushrooms or plants, as well as pesticides
and heavy metals.

And mung sprouts are even healthier. They are rich in vitamins
A, C, B and E. Also, sprouted seeds are rich in iron, ascorbic
acid and calcium, which has a positive effect on the course of various
infectious and inflammatory diseases: tracheitis, bronchitis,
laryngitis, rhinitis and sinusitis.

Use in cosmetology

Due to its beneficial composition, mung sprouts have become popular
in cosmetology. So, gruel from grains helps to get rid of acne,
rashes, wounds and abrasions.

Beans have been scientifically proven to rejuvenate the body with regular
use and fight skin aging .

Dry bean powder is used to tighten pores, cleanse, soften
and nourish the skin. And masks based on this bean promote rejuvenation,
tighten the face contour, smooth wrinkles, give a healthy
color, making the skin soft and silky. Mung bean stimulates all intercellular
processes, protecting against free radicals and removing skin dullness.

Use in cooking

Mash is widely used as a side dish, and is also added to sauces,
soups and pastas. It shows its qualities well in the process of stewing
with pork, lamb and vegetables, it is also popular as an independent
dish: deep-fried mung.

For side dishes, the beans, after soaking, are stewed with seasonings and spices,
adding fried onions. Munga paste is used for filling dumplings,
pancakes, pies, and is used in the preparation of jellies, desserts and creams.

Hearty and delicious dishes are obtained by stewing beans with beef
and chicken, as well as paired with seafood and peanuts.

Beans with palm sugar leave a subtle aftertaste, with
ginger and
garlic they decorate the aroma of dishes, and when combined with vegetables, peanuts,
sauces, seafood, chicken and beef, mung beef makes
hearty first-class salads.

There are two most popular ways to cook mung bean :

  • Method 1. Cooking . You must first soak the
    beans for a few hours.
    The duration of the soak depends on your expectations – the harder
    you want the beans to be, the less time it takes to soak
    . depending on the grade, water hardness and
    utensils used .
    You can add sautéed onions and carrots, vegetables, brown
    rice, mushrooms to mung beans and season with hot spices (for example, chili powder,
    asafoetida, coriander, garam masala and curry) – this will make the dish
    healthier and much tastier.
  • Method 2. Germination . Sprouted crops are
    considered a powerful energy resource. In the process of sprouting
    beans, their nutritional value increases significantly. Also, this
    process makes it possible to reduce the content of phytates in beans, which impede the
    absorption of various nutrients.
    Sprouted mung bean sprouts can be consumed on their own,
    fresh, in salads, or by frying in oil with spices and adding
    to dishes.
    Germination of beans takes 3-5 days, during which you need to
    add fresh water to them as it evaporates, moistening the gauze.
    Before germinating, mungs need to be sorted out, washed, get rid
    of debris and broken grains. The beans are soaked in room water
    temperature for the whole night. Then they are washed with fresh water, transferred
    to a jar, covering it with gauze and tightening tightly with an elastic band. After
    that, the jar of beans is turned over and placed in a bowl with the collected
    water at an angle of 45 degrees so that they are soaked in moisture.
    Then the beans are removed in a dark place and washed as they dry
    in the same way.
    It is best to use mung bean immediately after germination, when the size of the
    bean reaches about 1 cm. In this form, their “potential” is
    fully revealed , you do not need to over-germinate – the beans will turn brown
    and not very tasty. In principle, in gauze, they can be stored in the refrigerator for
    up to 2 days, but it is better to use them immediately.

Dangerous properties of mung bean

Mung beans can cause an individual intolerance reaction.
And with excessive use by those who have digestive disorders
– flatulence
and dyspepsia.

This video will show you how to sprout mung beans properly.

See also properties of other products:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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