Dandelion, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Dandelion in herbal medicine “specializes”
on the normalization of the digestive system: from improving appetite
and activation of the choleretic function to get rid of constipation and intestinal
parasites. Also dandelion can effectively
be included in treatment programs for dozens of other diseases, which is confirmed
both modern scientific research and traditions of application
of this plant in the medicine of the peoples of the world.

Dandelion health benefits

Composition and nutrients .

Fresh dandelion greens contain (in 100 g):

Calories 45 Kcal

Dandelion flowers contain carotenoids (bitterness
taraxanthin, lutein, flavonexanthin), volatile oils, triterpene
alcohols (arnidol, faradiol), inulin, tannins, mucus,
rubber, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, mineral salts.

Dandelion root has
about 25% inulin, triterpene compounds (amirin, taraxerol),
tannins and resins, mineral salts (a lot of potassium),
inositol, steroids, mucus, choline, vitamins A, B1, C, D,
fats, 3% rubber, a small amount of volatile oils
and flavonoids, organic acids..

What exactly is used and in what form?

  • Dried Dandelion Roots are part of
    various herbal teas, on their basis, medicinal decoctions are prepared
    and tinctures, and the fried roots are used in cooking
    dandelion coffee.
  • Dandelion leaf recommend before
    using soak in salted water to eliminate
    smack of bitterness.
  • Fresh dandelion flowers pickle, apply
    for the preparation of tinctures and lotions.
  • Dandelion milk juice used externally,
    as an effective cosmetic product.

Medicinal properties

For a long time, dandelion has been used as a means of reviving the body.
person. It contributes to the good functioning of the digestive tract,
activates the excretory function of the stomach, increases appetite,
has a positive effect on metabolism,
for example, eliminates the manifestations of high blood sugar, reduces
sexual dysfunction. Different parts of the plant are used for treatment
cough, constipation,
with stagnation of bile, to get rid of worms. Dandelion boosts
the tone of the human body, its immune capabilities..

The use of dandelion covers both the official and
and alternative medicine, in herbal medicine in particular. Written
confirmation of the medicinal use of dandelion geographically
this useful plant is associated with Asia, Europe and North America.
Dandelion root was originally regarded as
gastrointestinal agent that helps to improve digestion
and maintaining liver function, and the leaves of the plant were used to
achieving a diuretic effect. It has been proven that drugs on
dandelion root base cleanses the blood from
excess cholesterol, have a beneficial effect on the nervous
system and help with sleep disorders.

Specially prepared dandelion juice has
stimulating effect on the liver, while being a general tonic
means. Dandelion juice is effective for stones and sand in the gall

Dandelion Root Powder heals well
skin damage: wounds, deep abrasions, burnt places,
bedsores. The root drink will be appreciated by diabetics: root powder
dandelion is good for high sugar.

Oculists recommend consuming at least 12 mg of the combined
lutein and zeaxanthin daily to reduce the risk of developing
and age-related visual impairment. Dandelion contain
both of these nutrients.

Fresh dandelion leaves popular in cooking.
Dandelion flowers occupied their niche in winemaking:
the famous dandelion wine and dandelion jam are made from them.
Dandelion root decoction prescribed for damage
liver, and as a diuretic.

Peter Gale, author ofHealth Benefits of Dandelions»
I saw in this plant almost a panacea. According to his convictions,
«if you are looking for a wonderful medicine that, as part of
your daily diet (food or drink), depending on
from the characteristics of your body, is able to: prevent or
cure hepatitis or jaundice, act as a mild diuretic
means, cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, dissolve
kidney stones, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract,
improve skin condition and bowel function, reduce arterial
pressure, relieve you of anemia, lower cholesterol
in the blood, reduce the manifestation of dyspepsia, prevent or cure
various forms of cancer, regulate blood sugar and help
diabetics, and at the same time not have any side effects
and selectively influence only what worries you….
then dandelion is for you

The range of medicinal properties of dandelion is so wide that
you can safely assign to this plant the status of one of the most
famous healers in the world.

In Costa Rica, dandelions are marketed as a pharmaceutical remedy for diabetes.

There are two different types of dandelions used in Guatemala. Narrow-leaved
variety called dandelion, used
as a tonic to improve overall health,
while another variety called amargon,
used in cooking as salad leaves, and in medicine
used in the complex treatment of anemia.

In Brazil, dandelion is a popular remedy in the fight against problems
with liver, scurvy
and diseases of the urinary tract.

In official medicine

Dandelion appellations available to the consumer: Taraxacum roots
(Radix) cut, packaged in one-hundred-gram packages; condensed
extract from the Taraxacum plant (Extractum spissum). Dandelion
the extract is used in the production of pills.

The healing ability of the active ingredients of dandelion, associated
with the restoration of cartilage tissue has been successfully implemented by specialists
in the preparation “Anavita +”. Tablets belong to dietary supplements,
their action has a beneficial effect on the joints, their mobility
and structure.

In folk medicine

  • Dandelion root decoction: tablespoon finely
    chopped root added to 2 glasses of water, allowed to boil
    over low heat for 10 minutes, insist for 2 hours. Drink a few
    once a day, 0,5 cups for liver diseases with insufficient
    secretion of bile, as a diuretic for renal
    insufficiency with edema, mild forms of diabetes mellitus, and
    also in case of liver damage provoked by large doses
    antibiotics and synthetic drugs. The broth does not induce enzymes
    in the liver, so it can be taken for a long time. IN
    mixed with other plants, it acts as an antiviral, mobilizes
    the body’s defenses, increases appetite.
  • Dandelion flower tea: a tablespoon of inflorescences
    brew with a glass of boiling water. They drink 2 cups 3-0,5 times a day.
  • Dandelion root potion: wring out
    100 g liquids from chopped roots. Combine juice with alcohol,
    glycerin and a water component (take 15 grams in total). The filtered
    the mixture should be taken 1-2 tablespoons per day. Such a mixture
    purifies the blood, acts as a tonic, diuretic, is used
    in the complex treatment of gout,
    with yellowness, inflammation of the skin.
  • Dandelion leaf infusion to increase appetite:
    pour 2 cups over . tablespoon of chopped fresh leaves
    boiled water, leave warm for 12 hours. Take 3 times
    per day half an hour before meals.
  • Dandelion root infusion with
    : two tablespoons of equal size combined
    parts of dandelion and burdock roots pour cold
    water, boil, let it brew and use half a glass
    3 times a day.
  • Dandelion root salad useful in case of crashes
    in the work of the thyroid gland, with male sexual dysfunction
    and disorders of the female reproductive system.
  • Dandelion juice treat rheumatism.
    Grind one part of the dandelion flowers with one part of the sugar.
    Let it brew for a week. Squeeze out the juice and store in the refrigerator.
    Drink one teaspoon before meals.
  • Dandelion for lowering cholesterol:
    insist one small root in a glass of water for
    3 days. Drink in portions, up to 400 ml. in a day.
  • With hepatitis a mixture of lettuce leaves is useful
    with the addition of dandelion.

  • Dandelion topical use: decoction of roots
    dandelion wash your face to get rid of freckles. To cook
    decoction as follows: 2 tablespoons of chopped roots
    pour boiling water (300 ml), boil for 15 minutes, then cool.
  • Dandelion to improve vision… Take roots
    dandelion, common onion and honey
    in proportions 3: 2: 4. Mix together dandelion root juice, onion juice
    and fresh honey. Insist for a couple of hours in a dark place. Mass
    apply lotions on the eyelids for visual impairment and prevention
    development of cataracts.
  • Dandelion as a remedy to fight cellulite:
    rub an infusion of dandelion leaves and nettle into the skin,
    taken in equal proportions.
  • Dandelion as a cure for herpes:
    mix a tablespoon of ground dandelion roots with 200 ml
    water. Boil for 5 minutes. Consume shortly before
    food intake.
  • Dandelion dermatitis:
    apply two or three sheets directly to damaged skin
    plants in the form of poultices, several times a day[5,8,10].

In oriental medicine

The Chinese used dandelions over a thousand years ago as a diuretic,
sugar-reducing, antispasmodic, anticancer, antibacterial
and an antifungal agent. In China, the plant was used for such
conditions like abscesses,
boils, caries,
dermatitis, fever, inflammation, liver disease, mastitis, scrofula,
for abdominal pain and even snake bites.

In Central Asian countries, juice from young dandelion leaves is consumed
for the treatment of anemia, with a general depletion of the body, as a means,
enhancing intestinal motility, with painful sensations
in the thoracic region. The juice squeezed from the roots is used to treat warts.

In scientific research

Different dandelion species used in Chinese
official and in Ayurvedic medicine for more than
2000 years. Therefore, modern medical research is especially relevant,
creating a scientific basis for the disclosure of medicinal potential

S. Klymer characterizes the plant as follows: “Dandelion
indispensable for
productive activity of the liver and bile
bubble. It stimulates the functions of these organs, eliminates stagnation
bile. It is also useful for the spleen. It is important to choose exclusively
green and fresh herb intended for potion or tincture

Diuretic (diuretic) effect of dandelion leaf extract
medicinal is described in scientific articles by B. Clare, R. Conroy and
K. Spelman..

Alternative Medicine Explores Possible Uses Of The Extract
dandelion root in the treatment of melanoma..
Foreign researchers (S. Scutty) see dandelion as a natural
an agent in the fight against skin cancer, indicating a powerful source of triterpenes
and steroids, which are dandelion roots. What is supported by
statement “Dandelion against cancer“? Dandelion
rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, luteolin, which
reduce the number of free radicals (the main pathogens
cancer), thereby reducing the risk of its occurrence. Dandelion displays
toxins from the body, which prevents further formation
tumors and the development of various types of cancer.

Luteolin actually poisons the major components of cancer cells,
connecting with them, making them ineffective and unable to reproduce.
This feature has been demonstrated most prominently in cancer
prostate gland, although other

In domestic science, the chemical components of the vegetative system
dandelion medicinal were analyzed by S.
N., Tiguntseva N.P. Scientists investigated the biological activity
dandelion constituents, including essential oils,
vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, etc.

A monographic study is devoted to the healing properties of dandelion
Bridgitt MarsDandelion Medicine: Remedies and Recipes to
Detoxify, Nourish, Stimulate
‘(‘Dandelion in medicine:
means and recipes for cleansing, fortification and regeneration
The author points out the underestimated potential of the herb, calling it one
from the safest and most effective means known to modern

In cooking and dietetics

The most popular dandelion recipe is
dandelion wine… Such popularity is associated
with the work of the world famous science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. His
novel “Dandelion Wine»Glorified not only himself
writer, but also a wine-making masterpiece of the same name. Recipe
dandelion wine
pretty simple. For cooking
Dandelion Wine You will need: fully blossomed petals
dandelions (equal to fill the 4,5
liters). The rest of the ingredients: water – 4 liters, sugar – one and a half
kilogram, zest and juice of four lemons,
500 grams of raisins, chopped and pounded in a mortar (or 200
ml of concentrated white grape juice), one sachet
wine yeast and one packet of nutrient used in winemaking
additives for wine yeast (sachets of 10 grams, respectively).

Boil water and pour over the petals. Covered container with petals
leave for a couple of days, stirring occasionally. After two days, pour
the infused dandelions in a large saucepan, add the zest of the lemons,
bring to a boil and stir in sugar until completely dissolved. Boil
5 more minutes. Remove from the stove, pour in lemon juice, connect the mass
with grated raisins or concentrated grape juice.

Pour the boiled dandelion mass into a carefully sterilized
fermentation vat. Cool, add wine yeast, nutritious
add and cover. Let it wander for three to four days, then pour
into a glass bottle using a sterilized sieve and watering can.
Insist for two months. After that, you can safely enjoy
wine, poetically named by Sir Bradbury “clogged in summer
in a bottle

Dandelion Coffee: Wash and clean the roots,
dry them and put them on a baking sheet. Roast the roots at low
temperature until they darken and become brittle. Grind
roots in a blender. Brew one teaspoon in a glass of water and
boil for about 3 minutes. Strain, add cream, milk,
sugar to taste. Store dandelion coffee in a tightly closed jar.

Dandelion jam: need flowers in
quantity to fill a 1 liter container, 2 liters of water,
2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 10 gr. fruit pectin powder,
5 glasses of sugar. Separate the flowers from the stem and sepals, carefully
Rinse. Pour the flower mass with water, boil for 3 minutes. Chill
and squeeze out. Measure 3 glasses from the resulting liquid, add
lemon juice and pectin. Bring the mixture to a boil, add sugar,
mix. Simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes.
Cool and pour into jars.

Dandelion for weight loss: dandelions being
diuretic in nature, promote frequent urination
and thereby help to remove excess water from the body without causing
no side effects. In addition, dandelions are low in calories,
as are most of the leafy greens. Dandelions are sometimes used
as sweeteners, which increases their value in the field

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, a pair of dandelion flowers is widely popular. Them
heal skin formations, remove age spots. С
it gets rid of freckles.
Dandelion is
constituent in acne lotion.
Bitter milk juice is used to treat bee stings and blisters. Based
dandelion cosmetic masks are created for multifunctional purposes
(anti-aging, nourishing, whitening). Dandelion – component
a variety of organic massage oils.

Other uses for dandelion

In industry, dandelion is prized for its root, which is
a natural source of rubber. Rubber industry built
on growing dandelions, is in the development stage; not unimportant
the fact that dandelion rubber, unlike other species, is not dangerous
for allergies.

Unconventional uses

A simple dandelion flower has nothing to do with complex mechanisms.
hours or barometer, but this plant can definitely
indicate the time and predict changes in the weather.

Dandelion inflorescences open at exactly 6, and close at 10
hours. This feature of the plant was used by a Swedish botanist
Carl Linnaeus, in the creation of the so-called flower clock.

Dandelion also has barometric properties: at the first
the peals of thunder and the approaching storm close its flowers.

If you put leaves and flowers in a paper bag with unripe fruits
dandelion, the plant will begin to release ethylene gas and provide a quick
ripening of fruits.

A deep red dye is produced from dandelion root.

Delicate and weightless dandelion was honored to be praised not
only in reference books of medicinal plants. One of the loudest
voices of the Silver Age, Constantin Balmont dedicated to him an elegant
poem “Dandelion”.

The painters also did not escape the spell of the golden flower: Claude Monet,
Isaac Levitan captured the elusive beauty of this representative
flora on their canvases.

Dandelion symbolism is fascinating: this is the only one
a flower that embodies the three heavenly bodies (sun, moon
and stars). The yellow flower symbolizes the sun, fluffy and silvery
the soft ball is the moon, the flying seeds are the stars.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of dandelion.
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

It is a perennial herb of the Astrov family, widely
common in the CIS countries.

Its name in Latin is Taraxacum – presumably
goes back to Arabic borrowing “тарухшакун“(” Dandelion “).
The people also call him milkweed, bald head, cow flower,
a Jewish hat, a puff, a milkman, parachutes
… In Russian
speech, the name of the flower is associated with the verbs “blow“,”blow off».
It is noteworthy that in a number of European languages, representatives of the Romano-Germanic
groups, “dandelion” is literally translated as “lion’s tooth“:
dandelion (German), dandelion
(English), dandelion (Spanish), tooth
of lion
(Portuguese), dandelion

The dandelion genus has more than 2000 species, of which the most
about 70 varieties are known and studied.

Dandelion height ranges from 10 to 50 cm. Leaves are formed
into a socket, with cut, coarse-toothed edges. Flowers of the sun
colors form an inflorescence basket. The root system is pivotal, long,
strong roots are up to 20 cm long. The stem is hollow, smooth.
The fruit is an achene with a fluffy fly.

This plant can be found almost everywhere: on the roadsides,
in squares or parks, in fields and meadows, in the forest, in wastelands.

The best way to propagate a plant is by seed. The seeds follow
planted with row spacings from 25 to 30 cm.
dandelion is simple and involves plowing the soil three times
and weeding during the growing season.

Dandelion bloom begins in mid-spring and ends
late autumn.

Collecting the parts of the plant used includes harvesting the leaves and
roots. The roots are harvested before the beginning of the flowering period, or late
in the fall. Dandelion leaf it is more expedient to store
at the beginning of flowering. The roots are dug up, cleaned with a cool
water, wither for several days under the influx of fresh air, and
dried in a dark, dry room, in a dryer at temperature conditions
from 40 to 50 degrees. Properly prepared dandelion roots
do not lose their healing properties for more than 4 years..

When collecting dandelions, it is important to remember that it is strongly discouraged.
picking plants near the roadway, roads or within the city,
because dandelions are easy to digest and store lead and other
carcinogenic substances.

Dried up dandelion roots brown or dark brown
colors, wrinkled, oblong, often twisted in a spiral.
On the cut, white, or grayish-white with a brownish core, without
smell. When bent, they should break easily, with a bang,
their taste is bitter, with a sweet aftertaste. The output is
33-35% of the root by weight of the prepared raw material..

Dandelion seeds serve as food for small birds,
pigs and goats willingly eat the plant. Dandelion is also
valuable food for rabbits.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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