Patisson, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Patisson is an annual herb of the family
Pumpkin, the plant has a bush or semi-bush
form with large, relatively hard leaves. Flowers
solitary, unisexual, monoecious, yellow in color. Fetus
squash – pumpkin. Depending on the type of plant
the shape and color of the fruit can vary significantly,
for example, the shape can be bell-shaped or plate-shaped;
and the color is white, yellow, green, sometimes with spots
and stripes. The fruit of the squash tastes like asparagus.
or artichoke.

Homeland of squash, like all plants of the Pumpkin family
– South America, where they were grown 5000 years ago.
In ancient Egypt, squash and other pumpkins were also cultivated,
but these plants came to Europe only after the conquest
by the Spaniards of South America. Patisson is cultivated by
the whole world, the plant is unknown in the wild.

Squash is used in the same way as zucchini.
The unusual shape of these fruits is ideal for stuffing,
and if you cut off the “lid” and quite a bit – the base
(for stability), remove the pulp, put inside any
stuffing (vegetables, rice, fried minced meat) and bake,
it will turn out no worse than in a pot, and the dish served
in squash, will decorate any table. In addition to fruits, for food
shoots, flowers and young leaves of squash can be used.

Useful properties of squash

At a young age, squash is the most delicious and nutritious.
They contain from 4 to 12% dry matter, crude protein,
pectin substances, fats, sugar. Moreover, sugar is mainly
presented in the form of glucose and fructose, which increases
their digestibility.

Squash are a valuable source of mineral salts: potassium,
calcium, phosphorus.
They contain sodium, iron,
copper, cobalt,
titanium, aluminum,
lithium, zinc and other trace elements. There are also vitamins B1,
yellow fruits contain carotene and ascorbic
acid. By the way vitamin
They contain more E than squash and pumpkin.

Due to its low calorie content and high content
cellulose squash are widely used in dietary
nutrition. They normalize metabolism, prevent
diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.

Patissons are used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis,
hypertension and anemia.

In addition, scientists have found that orange
squash contribute to the elimination of cholesterol from the body,
and also contain 3-5 times more lutein than others
varieties. Once in the blood, lutein begins to act as
antioxidant, preventing blood clots, strengthening
immunity, as well as neutralizing free radicals,
which are the cause of various diseases. Antioxidants
– this is a guarantee of youth and longevity. Another useful
the property of lutein is a beneficial effect
on vision, which is very important for the elderly.

Squash seeds contain up to 50% edible oil,
which is a highly nutritious protein and vitamin
product of excellent quality. 100 ml contains 603
kcal In addition to oil, there are many other active ingredients in the seeds.
active ingredients such as glycosides, resins,
unsaturated fatty acids. Lecithin content
(430 mg%) they are almost as good as eggs,
rich in this compound.

With edema, to normalize the work of the nervous and endocrine
systems, seeds are peeled and ground into powder
on the grinder. Take 1 – 2 tbsp. spoons three – four
once a day, 15 – 20 minutes before meals, washed down with water.
Easy digestibility and nutritional value make these
fruits are indispensable in case of impaired liver and kidney function.
They contribute to the assimilation of protein foods, better separation
bile and the restoration of glycogen in the liver.

Squash juice removes excess salts from the body,
improves bowel function and calms the nervous system.

Dangerous properties of squash

The only harm of patisson is that it is contraindicated.
people with intestinal disorders, as a vegetable can only aggravate the situation.

Canned patissons should not be eaten by children under ten
years, as well as people with diabetes,
diseases of the pancreas, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Caution must be treated
people with low blood pressure to dishes from squash.
Otherwise, this product no longer has any contraindications.

Squash, like zucchini, can be stuffed with meat and baked in the oven. Try the recipe from the video and you will definitely be satisfied!

See also the properties of other vegetables:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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