Pollock, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Pollock is a bottom pelagic cold-loving fish of the cod family,
genus of pollock (theragra). The most common cod fish
in the North Pacific Ocean. Is one of the main fishing
fish ..

This fish lives in cold waters (2 to 9 ° C), preferring depths
from 200 to 300 meters, although it can make migrations, dropping to
depths of 500-700 meters and deeper. Pollock lives for about 15-16 years. In
spawning time pollock approaches the shores, swimming in shallow waters
depth of 50-100 m. The spawning accumulations of pollock are very dense. Himself
spawning in different locations in the Pacific Ocean begins at different times.
So pollock spawning in the Bering Sea occurs in spring and summer (from March
to September), off the coast of Korea – in winter and spring (from November to March),
near Kamchatka – in the spring. At the same time, females can spawn even with negative
temperatures (- 1,8 ° C). Caviar develops in a 50-meter surface

Pollock reaches puberty at the age of 3-4
years, while reaching its maximum mass, which
also varies in different fish habitats
(from 2,5 to 5 kg).

Alaska pollock feeds mainly on planktonic crustaceans.
As the pollock grows, it begins to feed on larger
prey, namely small fish (capelin, smelt) and
squid. Cases of cannibalism are observed among pollock
– eating larvae and fry of their own species.

Useful properties of pollock

Pollock contains vitamin
PP, phosphorus, potassium,
sulfur, iodine,
fluorine, cobalt.
Pollock liver contains a large amount of vitamin A,
there is more of it here than in cod liver.
Therefore, pollock liver must be consumed.
people who want to save teeth, gums, hair,
nails and skin. Vitamin
And it strengthens the respiratory system, therefore the pollock liver
can be recommended for smokers. Also pollock liver will help
recovery after a serious illness.

Pollock is a real storehouse of protein and iodine, which
very easily absorbed by our organisms. Pollock is very
useful for children, especially in the first years of their life,
for the growing body of babies it is truly irreplaceable
the product, of course, you need to cook it for children either
steamed, or boil. Pollock is delicious in any form.
It is very important that pregnant women as well as lactating women
mothers included pollock dishes in their diet. Protein and
iodine is so important for the body, especially during its growth
or changes associated with pregnancy. After all, iodine contains
in very rare products, but in pollock it is.

Compared to other seafood, the price of pollock
low enough, and its nutritional properties in nothing
are not inferior to expensive varieties of fish. Pollock, like all cod,
relate to dietary products, it is useful to eat
to all people, both young and old, especially those living
in regions where water and food products
lack of iodine.

Pollock can be used to make many delicious
dishes. For example, stewed pollock. To prepare it
we need pollock fillet about one kilogram,
also a pound of onions
onions and a pound of carrots.
In a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour fifty grams of vegetable
butter, fish fillets cut into pieces of about five centimeters,
and add to the pan, pour the onion there, chopped
half rings and carrots, cut into strips, salt and
pepper to taste. We put the pan on a slow fire,
cover and simmer for three hours, stirring occasionally.
The finished dish will become a real decoration of any table,
it can be eaten not only by adults, but also by children, as well as
the same for those who are on a diet, because all the products were
cooked by stewing, we did not fry anything. TO
This dish is perfect for boiled rice and bon appetit.

In the record holders for the presence of iodine

Dangerous properties of pollock

The main contraindication to pollock meat is individual
intolerance to the product.

Pollock roe is contraindicated for ulcers and hypertension, as it contains
contains a huge amount of salt.

If you are tired of frying fish in a pan, try the original recipe for cooking pollock in the oven.

See also properties of other fish:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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