Proper horse breeding as a business

Animal husbandry, namely horse breeding as a business, is one of the most amazing activities. Powerful and very smart cattle were tamed many centuries ago. Mankind used horses in agricultural labor, as a means of transportation, and they also received various raw materials. The ability to properly feed and raise stallions can be turned into a very solid source of income.Equally beneficial or not, horse breeding as a business, you need to look based on the capabilities of the farmer.

  1. Household costs
  2. Earnings options
  3. Purchase horses
  4. Choose the breed of horses
  5. Characteristics of meat
  6. Growing horses on pastures and stables
  7. Basic principles of fattening
  8. Production and sale of horse meat
  9. Conclusion

Разведение лошадей как бизнес

Breeding horses as a business

Even a small farm with the right approach will not be at a loss. Breeding horses is a difficult and very expensive craft. Any competent calculation primarily relies on a detailed business diagram. The main goal of a business scheme is to determine the benefits of investing in a project. It can be used to determine what the initial investment should be, what difficulties may arise, and what are the options for eliminating them. Breeding horses for meat should pay off, for this you need to find points of sale and supply them with quality products that need to be checked periodically.

Household expenses

Household expenses include a number of things, including:

  • buying (renting) a plot of land;
  • purchase of livestock;
  • construction of a stable;
  • animal feed;
  • salary of staff (workers).

Registration of this type of activity is inexpensive, since such a business does not need any additional licenses. You can get a land plot in the property if the registration took place as a legal entity. Also, the site can be partially or fully leased if the budget is limited or if the horse business does not work at first. A very important point for opening a real meat horse breeding is the selection of personnel.

In this case, both professional grooms and simple laborers will be useful. Also, for regular preventive examinations, treatment and vaccination of horses, you will need the help of a veterinarian. At the very beginning of investing in the future, horse meat may require several tens of millions of rubles. However, if you accurately and competently build a business scheme and economically spend the budget, the income level will be high: it can reach up to 300%. If events will develop successfully, then the costs justify themselves in 5-7 years.

Earnings options

As a production activity, horse breeding has several ways of implementation.The main part of the funds must be invested in areas that bring the greatest wealth. What is usually chosen as the main focus? Livestock breeding. If you breed and then sell thoroughbred stallions and mares, you can secure a high income. You can also raise horses for meat. The insignificant costs to provide livestock make this direction very attractive and promising.

The cost of feed is usually much lower than the income received from the sale of horsemeat. But in this case, any farmer should know how to feed their horses meat. To do this, professional breeders and stud farms have a table according to which they feed, depending on the age and condition of the animal.

The business of breeding different breeds of horses can also consist in training. We are talking about such areas as a riding school and hippotherapy. Often, citizens are willing to learn horseback riding, as well as take part in various developmental events, for which they are happy to pay.

Many owners try to combine several directions. Most options for the sale of profit can be both primary and secondary. It depends on what angle to look at the situation.

Another option for running a horse business is to rent animals. This implies riding and caring for the animal by those who rent a horse.Sometimes it happens that a person is saturated with feelings for a particular horse and eventually redeems it.

Many owners like to leave their animals in stalls located near. You can also sell accessories. By selling products intended for cattle and horse riding, you can provide an additional flow of customers.

When choosing a development path, it is necessary to take into account the location of the farm plot. Typically, developing and therapeutic classes are preferred by representatives of large cities. Hiking and horseback riding with a group are very popular in resort areas. Places with a grazing zone are ideal for horse breeding.

Buying horses

The horse meat business will be profitable if you choose the right breed. Thoroughbred animals are the key to valuable meat and good performance in horse racing. The purpose of horse breeding with a meat marketing direction is to breed and feed horses for meat breeds. If the business is based on breeding horses for meat, it is recommended to immediately buy purebred animals with a good pedigree. Such animals give more meat with better taste characteristics. Thanks to such an acquisition, the return on investment is increased.

To start the meat production, you need to calculate everything before buying horses, to evaluate the productivity of a particular breed.Each breed has its own nuances both in breeding and in feeding, you need to understand that such a horse profitable business requires effort and a lot of work. In the beginning it is difficult to understand which breed to choose, whether it will be profitable or not. Farmers have many concerns about this. In this case, you can consult with other breeders, chat on the forum, see photos and videos of your favorite breed.

Choose a breed of horse

Horses have a massive physique, wide back and short legs. In Russia, a lot of breeds have been bred that are grown specifically for meat, which include, for example:

  • Yakutsk;
  • Kazakh;
  • New Altai.

It is preferable to give preference to that breed which is adapted to this or that environment, there it is easiest to produce fattening. Such animals are not too demanding, resistant to various viruses, quickly gaining mass. At home, such breeds of horses breed better and are considered not so whimsical.

Characteristics of meat

Horse meat is a dense meat with veins and has a dark red color. By satiety, it is like beef, and the composition of this meat includes 5% fat, 23% protein and 70% water. The most delicious part of the back is recognized, and the neck and peritoneum give fatter pieces.The classification of horse meat does not have strict standards, it is usually divided into 2 groups: marble (has the highest percentage of fat content and is taken from adult animals 3-5 years old) and dietary (meat foals, whose age reaches 1.5-2 years).

Horse meat gained the greatest popularity among nationalities whose lifestyle was nomadic (Kazakhstan, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan).

As for Europe, there horsemeat is mixed with various sausages products, its pure appearance is not particularly welcome. Thanks to her, meat delicacies become more elastic and have a special taste. But Muslims do not recognize horse meat for food use, and there is no strict ban on it. It is extremely important to remember: agricultural labor negatively affects the growth of the mass and characteristics of horse meat, so at the same time getting both nutritious meat and a good worker will fail.

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Growing horses on pastures and stables


Horses are herbivores, pasture vegetation is best for their diet. Nutritious perennials are added to the grass to improve the characteristics of green mass. To survive the cold periods, stalls or herd pens are built near the pastures. These buildings must be provided with a supply of water, feed and salt. To raise horses in a herd, you need to make a detailed plan, as this is a rather complicated way for a beginner farmer.

In a stall

To increase the profit from breeding horses, animals are fed and kept in stables. The building is designed in such a way that from 6 to 10 square meters stand out per animal. m. Heating in the stables is not necessary, however, horses should be provided with high-quality thermal insulation and protection against drafts.For the starting stage, the purchase of expensive automatic equipment (feeders, drinking bowls) is not required: over time, materials can be purchased. However, it is extremely important that the cattle is always fed and kept clean.

Before purchasing animals and expensive equipment, you should draw up a business plan and calculate the possible costs and profits.

Which is more profitable

Pasture maintenance pays off within 1-3 years. Horse meat is very tasty and dense meat, however it is a little harsh. Due to the low level of fat, it has dietary properties. When divorced in the stable, horses gain weight faster, and meat turns out to be more fat and tender. Despite the high costs of providing animals with food, the effectiveness of this type of breeding is more profitable.

Basic principles of fattening

The quality of feed for feeding horses should be exceptionally good. Horse breeding is a difficult task on an industrial scale: these animals are picky and demanding food. To engage in their breeding, high-quality feed is required without possible solid additives (spines, molds). This also applies to home breeding.

Food composition

  • Basically, the diet includes grass and hay. They are enriched with many components that serve to gain live weight.
  • Barley, oats, clover serve to store energy that allows you to gain live weight.
  • Green foods and ready-made vitamin supplements provide the animal with vitamins.
  • For better digestion, bran is introduced into the diet.
  • Horses need about 1 kg of rock salt per month, however, mineral supplements perfectly replace it.

The yield of meat with proper feeding is as follows: horses reach a weight of 400-450 kg, if kept in a pasture. Usually these animals are slaughtered at the age of three, with a maximum of five years of age. From the carcass you can get 56-62% of high-calorie meat. The pulp yield is 80%.


Today, modern technologies are used for faster fattening. Along with hay, prebiotic feeds are included in the diet. Unlike standard mixtures, they are digested 30-40% better, which contributes to faster muscle building. Prebiotic feeds improve the realization of the body’s internal resources:

  • serve to stimulate the life of the body and microflora;
  • lead to the neutralization of toxic components;
  • accelerate the fermentation processes.

At the age of six months, the weight of foals reaches sizes up to 200 kg, and in a year-old animals weigh about 400 kg. Some species are capable of reaching 600-800 kg. After slaughtering this type of cattle, the meat yield is 54-62%.

Due to accelerated fattening, horse breeding is considered to be as effective an activity as cattle breeding.It is extremely important to promptly seek advice from specialists on the proper feeding of horses. Especially you need to be careful in the period before slaughter. The order of proper nutrition proceeds from the conditions of detention, health status and breed of horses. Feed suppliers need to select verified ones who will be responsible for the quality of the individuals.

Production and sale of horse meat

Harvesting for the winter

Usually the slaughter of horses begins before in the winter itself. For 3-4 months before slaughtering, animals are intensively fed: in addition to the daily diet, corn, turnips, carrots are added. Animals begin to gain weight rapidly, as a result of which the meat yield increases. This is also beneficial because, due to the reduction in livestock numbers in winter, the remaining livestock will need less feed. In addition, it is much more convenient to provide meat storage during the cold periods of the year.

Nomadic tribes passed from father to son their knowledge of the proper killing of horses. Having previously tied the horse, they cut her neck. Most often, cutting work was carried out on the ground, due to which the meat became dirty. Today, in production, an animal is immobilized by a powerful blow to the head region or by the discharge of electricity. After that, they are engaged in butchering. The greatest benefit should be expected when driving a horse of meat breed, but sometimes sports or old draft animals are handed over for meat.


Horse meat is sold through retail, it is first sent to the meat processing plants frozen or chilled. In medical institutions and sanatoriums, dietary meat of young stallions is used. One of the most effective investment options is to purchase a personal sausage production workshop.


A horse requires very careful care, however, animal husbandry is more than interesting. On the one hand, meat horse breeding dictates its requirements, which state how to properly feed, care and slaughter, but on the other hand, a similar business can bring big profits, as well as please communication with graceful and amazing animals.

Beginning businessmen can be frightened by the high cost venture, however, the start-up capital will begin to pay off in a couple of years, due to the characteristics of the terrain selected for breeding and the flexible approach

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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