Description of the black horse

A black horse, like a red or bay mare, is considered one of the fundamental and basic representatives of standard colors. The color, resembling the wing of a raven, was due to a special gene, which, combined with others, led to the appearance of derivatives of the suit: roan, ashen, “in tan.” The black coat of a horse can be seen quite rarely, despite its prevalence. The most popular representatives of the basic colors are bay and red horses.

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Black horse suit

What other black horses can be?

A black stallion may be characterized by several varieties of staining, which are determined by the breed , Molt or features of the conditions. A black horse can have several color options, consider them in more detail below.

  1. Classic black saturated horses. They do not have a molt, white spots, therefore a very bright shade is preserved throughout life. Foals can have a bluish tint, and molting can begin only with poor care. A pure black horse is recognized immediately.
  2. The brown horses are brownish or “tan”, which are slightly lighter than the classic version. The horse and the mare often have separate white, bleached hairs. Sometimes representatives have a brown tint due to the specific living conditions.In the absence of serious sun exposure, an approximation to the classic coloring is observed. Brownish brown horses are molted.
  3. Ashen and black horses have little difference from the classic color, however, when they are under strong light, you may notice a smoky, ashy shade. Sometimes ash-black representatives are associated with solo suits.
  4. Pied pinto horses have white spots that harmoniously blend with black. A suit can be called a crow only if there is a noticeable predominance of black on an animal.
  5. Smoky-black horses are much lighter than classic ones and sometimes have white blotches that look interesting in a bright black color. Often a black coat with white markings is found in business, because a similar appearance looks rather spectacularly in races and photos.

Horses of the same color without splashes and marks are less common than black suits with white admixture. It is simple to single out the black suit among others: just look at the black mane and tail with uniform coloring. Spots and impurities can be found only on the muzzle or limbs of horses.

About the existing horse breeds

A black coat can be found in a fairly large number of riding and working breeds which are used for transportation of goods.Among others, the Frisian breed stands out, since it has exclusively a black suit. The Haflinsky and Suffolsky breeds intended for transportation of heavy loads cannot be black because of the lack of the corresponding Extention gene. You can see what a particular breed looks like in the photo.

Black coats are often found because it serves as the basis for breeding other breeds. These mares can produce only black foals whose hair is bright and uniform in color. A different color is possible only in the case of crossing with red suits with a dominant gene. In general, hereditary transmission of the classic suit occurs in 70-75% of cases. The black color of horses is found in 2 varieties of staining. The smoky-black horse is distinguished by its silvery-light color due to the special genes that make up the genome. The black-roan horse has an ashen-dark or silver-gray shade.

The black suit has a rather extraordinary external description and quite simply stands out among others. To preserve the individuality of the representatives, they are provided with appropriate care.

How to care for black horses

A bay, silver-dark and classic black representative of the suit needs special requirements for survival and health preservation. What care does a black horse require?

  1. Black horses must be provided with a light, but not very dark room, in which there will be an appropriate temperature at all times of the year. Raven-wing horses should be kept in warm stables in order to have less appetite and to feel full. It follows that the boardwalks will not suit black horses – preference should be given to stone ones. A black filly can sleep and stand on an elevated floor, protected from damp.
  2. Avoid getting excessive light from the window into the eyes of animals, so as not to provoke the appearance of eye diseases. To do this, it is better to provide the stables with narrow and high windows, regularly ventilated. The stable should be ventilated daily in order to avoid skin and foot diseases.
  3. A black horse cannot live on reusable litter due to accumulating fumes. Pouring fresh hay on dirty means provoking the appearance of strong fumes. It is required to change straw to clean every day.
  4. Black suits should be provided with regular and daily care for the stable: it must be cleaned, saturated with fresh air in order to maintain the health of animals. Sometimes horse breeders use juniper berries for smoking, but do it carefully.
  5. Daily cleaning of black horses is necessary not only to maintain their health, but also to maintain an outstanding bright shine. The same goes for feeding the horse.To ensure brightness and color saturation for black horses, it is important to use a brush for cleaning, give moderate amounts of food, and supplement the diet with vitamins.

Feature of the approach to these representatives

A trip to animals each time should end with rubbing the limbs of the animal with straw, washing off the dirt from the feet. After that, individuals are wrapped in blankets and not fed without first drying. As it dries, the owner should examine the hooves of the animals. When the horseshoes are weakened, they need to be corrected, dirt should be picked up, inspected and found sharp objects that are important to immediately throw away. The wound is cleaned and filled with fat.

In order to blacken the hooves, you will need to prepare a homemade ointment from lamb, honey, wax, rosin and turpentine. Each ingredient is taken in equal amounts and melted. After everything is removed from the fire, mixed with soot and mixed with a wooden spatula until completely cooled. A similar remedy is used to maintain the color of the coat, to prevent drying and cracking. In addition, the ointment makes the hooves beautiful.

Proper nutrition

Mostly black sheep are fed with small hay. If you give animals spoiled food, serious illnesses cannot be avoided. To check if hay has deteriorated, you need to try to beat it with a stick. If a dusty cloud appears above it, then it is not subject to animal feeding due to the likelihood of developing asthma.There are cases that it is necessary to feed the animal, then the spoiled hay is beaten out with sticks before grinding. When laying it in the feeder, you should grind the hay several more times in order to get rid of harmful components, droppings, mouse nests, extra feathers, etc. In summer, hay is sometimes sprayed with liquid.

Before you feed horses with oats, you need to check that it is as clean as possible, pleasant to smell and heavy. Pre-oats are sifted, in the summer they are sprayed with water and salt. Can be mixed with straw chopping, which encourages animals to chew and not swallow food. Bran is able to cool animals, because they are not aimed at strengthening, which is why they are mainly given for food during the hot seasons or after hard work. After wetting with warm water, bran can be provided to animals without fear.

Suits horses
Horse suits
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If the black horse does not graze in the summer season, it is important to provide it with freshly cut and juicy grass.When feeding withered and mowed grass, you can provoke constipation and other gastrointestinal complications. concerns watering animals. Any muddy, decayed and too cold water do not come for a black suit, because it leads to cuts in the stomach, a runny nose.In order to properly drink a horse, it is better to give preference to clean river water in the summer season and water from a well in the winter. If there is no possibility of drinking the listed liquid, water should be insisted in the stable. p19>

Photos of black horses prove how spectacular and noble the representatives look. The black suit combines a resinous tint and incredible beauty shine, due to which the name “black” happened. A typical black horse is characterized by the presence of a uniform color in black and blue, and white blotches are sometimes found on the face. Interestingly, the hooves are also black.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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