Viola on the balcony and in the rooms – advantages and disadvantages care

The name “violets” is so firmly entrenched in the tender and touching Saintpaulias that the real representatives of the Viol family are often forgotten in the rooms. But charming pansies, which are not the most suitable for the pot format and living quarters, can decorate both summer window sills and balconies. They are short-lived and require attention, but they reproduce easily. Yes, and among the compact flowering plants, it is difficult to find equally touching and bright crumbs. The choice of violets is so great that there is a suitable option for decorating any home.

Viola on the balcony and in the rooms – advantages and disadvantages

What kind of garden violets can grow indoors?

Collected in basal rosettes and sitting on the stems alternately, bright, oval, decorated with beautiful rounded teeth at the edges, the leaves of violets are almost invisible under their flowers. Solitary, but blooming in surprisingly large numbers for such a small bush, they flaunt larger lower petals with amusing outgrowths at the base and seem irresistible.

With a diameter of 4 to more than 10 cm, viola flowers attract attention with a bright yellow eye, velvety texture of the petals, unique and easily recognizable asymmetry, inimitable variety of petal shapes.

Only a few types of garden violets are used as a potted plant to decorate rooms or balconies, most often without distinguishing between “pansies”:

  • violet wittrock (Viola x wittrockiana);
  • violet tricolor (Viola tricolor).

They are represented by numerous hybrid varieties that are prized for their deliciously varied flowering.

Garden violets (Viola) has always been considered a versatile plant and is excellent even for novice gardeners. But for viols of a potted format, their status as an unpretentious plant is less relevant. And when transferring to a container format, you should first of all think about the few, but obvious disadvantages. It is no coincidence that this garden plant never became the star of greenhouse and interior design.

Violet Wittrock (Viola x wittrockiana)Violet Wittrock (Viola x wittrockiana). Farmer Koichi Oda
Violet tricolor (Viola tricolor). Farmer Lana37rus

Disadvantages of viola pot-balcony format

Violas are not the most suitable plants for the potted format, which need to create certain conditions at home and on the balcony. Only a few accommodation options will suit them. And before deciding to consider them as not only a garden plant, it is worth weighing all the possible risks. After all, in order for the viola to bloom relentlessly and look fresh, it still needs special attention.

Daily grooming is the first thing to think about. Even in the garden, the lack of moisture leads to the fact that instead of luxurious bushes you have to look at sluggish lifeless plants. But if in the open ground and flower girls the viols come to life by morning, then on the windowsill or balcony, irrigation mistakes can become disastrous.

Even a short drought affects the leaves, you can water the plant only so that the top layer of the substrate dries out slightly – avoiding dampness and stagnant water, but also without a lack of moisture. For viols, it will be necessary to water twice a day in the summer, only in the early morning or evening. And without an automatic watering system, this drawback is difficult to level.

It is no easier to satisfy the love of violets for fresh air. They bloom poorly and suffer even on a glazed balcony, and on the windowsill require a special approach. Without constantly ajar doors, refreshing ventilation and free air circulation, nothing will work. This does not mean that it is impossible to grow viola on a windowsill. Can. But at the ajar window and following all the recommendations as scrupulously as possible.

Viola on balconies is only suitable for those who can provide her with regular care. If you have a trip planned or you are often not at home, and there is no one to care for the plants every day, it is better to exclude her from the candidates for landscaping balconies.

Viola on balconies is only suitable for those who can provide her with regular care

The main advantages of viola on the balcony and in the room

But all the shortcomings pale in front of the extraordinary beauty and brightness of the flowering of garden violets. Even the viols transferred to the balcony are still charming. And it is very difficult to find an indifferent grower to their beauty.

The main advantages of viola as a balcony plant are the following.

Colorful bloom

In terms of the beauty of the structure of asymmetric flowers, their size and color scheme, few can compete with viols. Small “eyes” and touching veins, watercolor transitions, a combination of dozens of shades or the most dazzling colors – viols always look catchy. Some viola flowers remind of butterflies, others – of magical characters, funny faces and curious elves. But it is very difficult not to be captivated by their beauty.

Read also our article Pansies – beautiful, like in a fairy tale!

The appearance of the “living bouquet”

Even if you plant a single violet in a miniature pot, it will still look like a small miracle. And when planted in a group, they do seem like bouquets just plucked in the garden. Large flowers, neat leaves, dense cushions, miniature size and versatility allow this plant to be used as a small countertop decoration, a touching touch, a replacement for cut flowers and a gift. Moreover, the viols seem to be created for planting in decorative containers and experiments with decoration (sisal, fabrics, decorative mulch, etc.)

Big variety

The number of varieties of violets is almost impossible to count. Even proven seed mixes always produce several plants with unexpected color variations. And the choice of monochromatic or multi-colored, variegated or watercolor, simple or double, small and large-flowered viols seems to be very difficult. And as if the palette of viols is small, they also offer options between compact and spreading, bush and ampel forms!

The number of varieties of violets is almost impossible to count. Farmer DianesDigitals

Compatibility with other plants

Violets can be easily planted with indoor and balcony plants, used in a group with flowering and deciduous partners, planting in complex ensembles and multi-level compositions. But it is worth remembering that they still do not tolerate too close planting. For large varieties, you need to give them 10-15 cm of space in a group, or 1-2 cubic meters. dm of soil.

Ability to grow in miniature and original containers

Violets can be planted literally in any container, even the most extravagant, provided that you can think over drainage and prevent the risk of soil acidification with abundant watering. Viols are often planted in cups and teapots, watering cans, mugs and glasses, funny containers, interesting ceramic models.

They look great in boxes, hanging baskets, bowls, flowerpots on a leg, in ordinary pots made of any materials, if the size of the container does not exceed the size of the root system of a plant or a group of viols. They do not like too large “spaces” and the capacity must correspond to the plant.

Read also our article How to propagate garden violets?

Ease of reproduction

Viola is very easy to grow from seeds, especially since it is one of the most popular garden and biennials. Sowing is carried out in February in shallow grooves or with a light cover with soil and is kept after light moistening under glass or film at a temperature of about 15 degrees. Coolness and bright lighting are the best friends of viola seedlings. Diving is carried out only after the appearance of the first pair of leaves, and the seedlings can be transferred to permanent pots after 2-3 weeks.

But it’s even easier to buy ready-made seedlings. Only petunia can be compared in popularity to viols: young plants, which you can choose according to your taste, fill all counters and spontaneous markets with the arrival of heat and do not disappear anywhere throughout the summer.

Viola is very easy to grow from seeds, but it’s even easier to buy ready-made seedlings.

Conditions and care for indoor viols

For success in growing viols on balconies, and even more so on window sills, you need to take care of perfect care and special conditions:

  • the most bright and diffused lighting (the violet is not afraid of the direct sun, but not at noon, not on the southern balcony and not at the height of summer, and strong shading without at least a few hours of the morning or evening sun is destructive; viola grows best on the western and eastern balconies , and in the rooms – on the south windows with a screen);
  • temperature from 10 to 25 degrees, with the shortest possible cold snaps and protection from heat;
  • error-free regular watering with a stable average air humidity;
  • weekly feeding with special fertilizers for violets, summer plants, or at least flowering plants (starting from the second week after planting);
  • laying of a very high drainage (even for miniature containers – 2-3 cm);
  • selection of loose, breathable and highly nutritious soil;
  • carrying out regular loosening of the soil (ideally, weekly);
  • regular pruning of faded parts and timely cutting of shoots that lose their decorative effect and dry out – half to stimulate growth and a repeated wave of flowering (to a height of 5-6 cm, leaving several leaves on each shoot).

Do not forget about one more advantage. The ease of replacement and the absence of fear of transplants, even in a flowering state, allow you to replace the violet that has lost its decorative effect with a new young bush. If the variety is disappointing, due to mistakes in leaving, the violets have lost their decorative effect, you can easily plant new flowering plants to replace them.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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