Why do orchid flowers wilt?

When growing Orchid flower growers, they try their best to speed up and increase the flowering time. But all the work becomes in vain when the orchid flowers wither for unknown reasons.

  1. Causes of wilting orchid flowers
  2. Change in the conditions of detention
  3. Adverse microclimatic conditions
  4. Errors in watering mode
  5. Lack of light
  6. Pests <
  7. Saving a withering plant
  8. Pest control
  9. Prevention measures
  10. Conclusion

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Reasons for wilting orchid flowers

Reasons for wilting orchid flowers

In that about orchids wither flowers, the florist himself is guilty, who poorly organized the care of the plant.With unfavorable air temperature, humidity, watering regime, draft and other reasons, the flowers fade.

But it’s not always worth looking for problems in your own mistakes. When buying a blooming flower in a store, it is impossible to predict when it will drop the buds. To avoid such problems, you should buy Orchid flowers with closed flowers or with 1-2 open buds.

Change in conditions

If the flower arrow began to die off from the purchased orchid, it the buds fade and fall away, the reason is often a sharp change in the condition of the flower. Orchidaceous are capricious and do not like transportation, especially in cool windy weather.Just moving home from the store leads to stress.

This reason, leading to the end of the flowering period, is not dangerous for the plant. With proper care, it will get used to the new growing conditions, and will delight the grower with large bright buds.

Adverse microclimatic conditions

Temperature and humidity level are interrelated. Their balance is important for orchids, especially during flowering. The biggest problem arises in the winter. Often the reason that the flower has wilted is dry air. Since orchids are often grown on window sills above radiators, the air space around the heater is subject to change. Dry air negatively affects both the foliage of the plant and its buds.

Also, frostbite threatens flowers in winter. In frosts, the flower withers even when it comes in contact with glass.

In the summer, in addition to maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity, it is important to pay attention to protecting Phalaenopsis from the harmful effects of sunlight. The high temperature of the heating space at the window contributes to drying, peduncle and leaves. The roots of the nursery also dry out.

Errors in the watering regime

If orchid flowers wilt, errors may occur in the organization of watering. Withering of buds is a consequence of both a lack of moisture and its excess.When the roots cease to receive the necessary amount of moisture, the plant may show its dissatisfaction with the withering of 1-2 buds and all flowers.

If drought shortens the flowering period of Phalaenopsis, then waterlogging of the soil threatens to rot its roots. When the roots rot away, they cannot feed the peduncle and green mass. The first to suffer the most unnecessary parts – the buds. Flowers begin to fade and fall off. The following symptoms extend to the leaves of the flower.

Lack of light

Light intensity and the duration of daylight hours are fundamental factors in the growth and development of an indoor flower, as well as the onset of its flowering period. For Orchids, it is normal to be exposed to light 12 hours a day.

It is more difficult with light intensity. The reason that Phalaenopsis fades is often the dissatisfaction of the flower with the spectrum of illumination of home lamps. This problem is especially acute in winter, when daylight hours are reduced. Without exposure to ultraviolet lamps, the pet begins to stop growing, get sick and die slowly.


If the orchid became sluggish, the cause of this is often a defeat by the mealybug. This insect sucks juices from the green mass and plant buds. In just a few days, the flower can die. Therefore, there will not be much time to save the pet.

You can detect signs of damage by such a pest by the state of the leaf plate and the trunk. Their surface becomes sticky, and a thin cobweb forms on the surface.

Saving a withering plant

It is important to determine the cause of wilting

If the orchid began to fade, it is important to determine the main causes of this phenomenon (since finding the right way will not work otherwise ) To save a withered pet, you will have to use one of the following options:

  • if you suspect a harmful effect of sunlight, Phalaenopsis should be shaded;
  • to prevent drying of the soil in winter, the heating radiator should be covered with a thick cloth (if the orchid is nearby, on the windowsill);
  • eliminate the harmful effects of the draft;
  • install in a room where the flower is contained, a favorable air temperature (22-24 ° C), sometimes the orchid does not bloom because it is frozen;
  • increase the level of humidity spirit in the room using a household appliance (an alternative method is to install a container of water near the pot);
  • water the plant if necessary.

If the buds fade, without dissolving, the reason often lies in the poor condition of the roots of the plant. Roots can be rotten due to excessive watering or suffer from a lack of oxygen.Prepare the necessary instrument, disinfect it and proceed to resuscitate the pet:

  1. Carefully remove the flower from the pot.
  2. Rinse the roots with water.
  3. Cut the affected roots .
  4. Cut the cutting sites with activated charcoal or cinnamon.
  5. Plant the orchid in a new pot with high-quality drainage.

Fight against pests

If the orchid wilted due to the activity of pests, it will be necessary to organize the correct treatment with specialized means. A sluggish orchid will be saved if first aid is provided quickly and efficiently.

Both powdery and folk remedies can be used against powdery mildew. Among the popular methods, the most popular are:

  • treatment of damaged areas with soap and water.
  • treatment with infusions of garlic and calendula.
  • essential oils.

Folk methods are effective only with minor damage. More powerful is copper sulfate. Other fungicides are also used (Agravertin, Fitoverm, Aktara, etc.).

Prevention measures

To avoid withering of the orchid, care must be taken to properly care for it. During the flowering period, it should:

  1. Maintain a comfortable temperature for Orchids. In the summer – 20-25 ° С, in the winter – 16-19 ° С.
  2. Organize the right lighting. Light must be diffused. Duration of lighting 12-12 hours.
  3. Control the level of humidity. It should not fall below 50%.
  4. Water the plant as the soil dries.
  5. Apply top dressing every 3 weeks, adding mineral compounds to the water for irrigation.

There are certain requirements for spraying Phalaenopsis during the flowering period. Water that has got into the buds negatively affects them, so this procedure is carried out with caution. For inexperienced Orchid owners, it is better to temporarily stop spraying.


The wilting of orchid buds often occurs due to the fault of the gardener. The main reason is unfavorable conditions of detention and errors in care. If the flowers have already withered, it will be difficult to reanimate these buds. But identifying your own mistakes will avoid such problems in the future.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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