Windowsill Queen – Begonia – Care

If a rose can be called the queen of lawns and bouquets, then the lush beauty of begonia is the queen of window sills and balconies, winter gardens. No matter what colors and shades it can be! Yellow, red, pink, white, orange, with ordinary and decorative leaves – more than a thousand varieties, begonia amazes the imagination.

Tuberous begonia (Begonia tuberhybrida). Farmer BotBln


Begonias are moderately whimsical plants, and with reasonable care they delight for a long time with lush flowering or brightly colored leaves. When choosing a begonias, you need to know which variety you choose and what to expect from it in the future.

Blooming begonias

Choosing a blooming begonia – you can’t go wrong! More luxurious colors are hard to imagine. When buying, be sure to consult with the seller and find out: the plant belongs to evergreen or tuberous species. Tuberous varieties of begonias shed their leaves for the winter, and bloom only in summer and autumn. After the autumn bloom, they are usually thrown away.

Begonia hiemalis 'Filur' Begonia hiemalis 'Filur'Wintering begonia ‘Filur’ (Begonia hiemalis ‘Filur’). Farmer Korzun Andrey

Evergreen beauties delight with their flowering all year round. The flower loves moderation in everything. It should be neither heavily shaded nor too brightly lit. Also, do not water it too much or keep it dry.

Rules for caring for blooming begonia:

  • there should be fresh air in the room, but not a draft;
  • spray the air around the plant regularly (moisture should not get on the leaves);
  • keep the soil constantly moist without flooding;
  • in spring, the flower needs to be cut short;
  • turn the pot regularly;
  • do not place flowers too close to each other.

Begonia bowerae ‘Bethlehem Star’. Farmer Korzun Andrey

Begonias with decorative leaves

The leaves of these plants are similar to butterflies and, perhaps, no less attractive than the flowers. There are all kinds of decorative leaf begonias, with small and huge leaves. Under good conditions, they grow into beautiful bushes that look like bouquets. This kind of begonias requires a slightly different care.

Rules for the care of decorative leaf begonia:

  • unlike flowering ones, they do not like abundant watering and waterlogged soil;
  • instead of spraying, you need to regularly remove wilted leaves;
  • it is better to water it not with hard, but with soft water. To do this, you can stand the water for half a day, to weather the bleach, or boil;
  • in winter it is better to keep temperature conditions within 18 degrees.

Begonia capensis. Farmer Tubifex

Follow these simple rules, and begonias will delight the eye with multicolored paints all year round.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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