All About Bee Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a slowly progressing disease that affects the adult nervous system. Moreover, people of any age can suffer from the disease.

With this disease, there is a loss of the protective sheath of nerve fibers. The process is focal in nature and prevents the transmission of nerve impulses to the periphery. As a result, various organs suffer and paralysis develops. The disease progresses – over time, the patient becomes bedridden. With a rapid form of the disease, death can occur within several months, but more often the disease stretches for several decades – remissions alternate with relapses and intensification of symptoms.

The content of the article

  • 1 The role of apitherapy
  • 2 Bee venom
    • 2.1 The benefits of poison
    • 2.2 Bites
    • 2.3 Biologically active points on the body
    • 2.4 Contraindications and first aid
    • 2.5 Electrophoresis and ultrasound
  • 3 Use of other bee products

The role of apitherapy

Beekeeping products for sclerosis help to strengthen the immune system, provoking the production of hormones responsible for relieving inflammatory processes.

Bee venom is of particular benefit to patients. The biologically active substances included in its composition are able to slow down the destruction of the protective sheath of nerve fibers and improve their conductivity. What affects the motor functions of a person.

In some cases, bedridden patients, after a course of apitherapy, were able to move independently within the apartment.

An integrated approach that includes a number of procedures gives good results. It:

  • bee sting;
  • the use of honey, royal jelly and bee bread;
  • trays with the addition of a decoction of beesworm;
  • common baths with the addition of honey.

Apitherapy contributes to the relief of the acute process and the onset of stable remission. Treatment with bee products shows the best results in combination with traditional therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Bee venom

Treatment of multiple sclerosis by bees involves stinging at biologically active points on the human body or taking poison in the form of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. Bites can be performed on different parts of the body. Ultimately, the beneficial effect of bee venom will be felt by the entire body as a whole.

Multiple sclerosis requires high doses of apitoxin. Gradually, the number of bites is increased to 6 or more times a day. The sessions are repeated three times a week, that is, the stings are carried out on average every two to three days. The course lasts several months, depending on the patient’s health and condition.

Bee venom, with regular ingestion into the human body, relieves painful muscle spasms, restores the conductivity of nerve fibers and acts as a prophylactic agent, reducing the number of relapses and residual effects. Often, after such therapy, sick people begin to walk, leaving wheelchairs.

At the stage of stabilization of well-being, the number of bites decreases, but you can leave the amount of poison the same – it all depends on the symptoms in a particular case. During this period, dietary nutrition and regular exercise therapy are also shown, which can maintain joint mobility and muscle tissue tone.

The benefits of poison

Due to its complex biological composition, apitoxin provides a complex effect on the human body:

  • enzymes affect the permeability of blood vessels and cell membranes;
  • anesthesia and removal of inflammatory processes occurs;
  • the work of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal cortex is activated – the natural production of corticosteroids occurs;
  • the demyelination process slows down – nerve fibers stop losing the myelin sheath;
  • the work of the sex glands is stimulated.


There are several ways to take bee venom:

  • under the tongue;
  • by inhalation;
  • through rubbing ointments containing apitoxin;
  • through electrophoresis;
  • by the introduction of ampoule preparations;
  • through bites to acupuncture points.

Stinging is the most effective, provided there is no individual intolerance. It should be borne in mind that patients with any type of allergy in history should be observed by a doctor for the entire period of treatment with bites !

Before starting apitherapy with bees, it is necessary to pass a test. For this, one bite is performed in the skin of the lumbar region. The sting is left on for 10-15 seconds and then removed. The next day, you need to pass a general blood and urine test to control the level of protein and sugar. On the third day, a second sting is performed, but the sting is not removed from the skin for a minute. On the fourth day, repeated tests are given.

If no deviations are found, you can start treatment. Usually, bites are performed along the affected nerves or at acupuncture points. For women and the elderly, the number of stings is reduced!

The simplest treatment regimen is from 2 to 6 stings daily or every other day, performed in the lumbar region. For one course, you need to take 40-60 bites.

Another treatment option is 50 bites in 21 days. In three weeks, the pathological process is stopped. The repeated course is carried out after 1.5 months. To consolidate the result, the treatment is repeated at least 3-4 times a year.

Other popular treatment regimens:

  1. Daily stings for 10-15 days (10 to 15 bees, one per day);
  2. Bites twice a week for 1.5-2 months (for a session from 2 to 6 stings).

During the first course of therapy, it is not recommended to take more than 40 bites! When you repeat the course, you can take 100 stings. And for the third and fourth cycles of treatment, bring them to 200.

During breaks between courses, it is recommended to conduct a weekly electrophoresis session with “Apifor” or rubbing two or three doses of “Virapin” into the limb.

Contraindications and first aid

In the presence of a late allergic reaction to apitoxin in the form of urticaria, 10 ml of 0.5% novocaine is injected under the skin. Then a bite is performed at this place. Novocaine neutralizes poison and relieves allergic reactions.

In case of an acute allergic reaction, the administration of “Tavegil”, “Suprastin”, calcium chloride, sodium bromide, adrenaline is indicated. In especially difficult cases of allergies, medical assistance is provided.

There are a number of direct contraindications to bee treatment. Bee venom cannot be taken in any form:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with general exhaustion;
  • when blood coagulability is violated;
  • with purulent infections;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with diseases of the liver and kidneys, pancreas;
  • with infectious diseases with an increase in body temperature;
  • with individual intolerance.

Electrophoresis and ultrasound

For electrophoresis, the pharmaceutical industry produces a special preparation containing apitoxin – “Apifor”. The drug is applied to biologically active points for 10-15 minutes. One taste includes 10 to 20 electrophoresis sessions.

To treat the body with ultrasound, an ointment with apitoxin is used (concentration of 150 mg of poison per 100 g of ointment). It is applied to the perineal area or to the lower back, and then these areas are exposed to continuous ultrasound for 6-12 minutes. One course of therapy includes 10-15 sessions.

The use of other bee products

As noted above, the success of therapy largely depends on an integrated approach. Treatment by bees for multiple sclerosis must be complemented by other procedures.

It is necessary:

  1. On an empty stomach and at night, drink a glass of warm honey water at the rate of a tablespoon of honey per 200 ml of water. For one course, 3 liters of honey are consumed. This beekeeping product reduces muscle tone, strengthens the entire body, saturating it with vitamins and microelements.
  2. Twice a day, a teaspoon of pollen (pollen) is absorbed in the mouth – on an empty stomach, before taking honey water, and 15 minutes before lunch. You can’t drink pollen! For one course of therapy, a kilogram of pollen is used. The courses are repeated every 3-4 months.
  3. For pelvic disorders, baths are shown with the addition of a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of 20% propolis tincture and a glass of chamomile decoction with St. John’s wort (15 g of each type of dry raw material).
  4. Royal jelly is taken in the form of Apilac tablets. During the day, you need to dissolve 10 tablets of 10 mg in your mouth – five in the morning on an empty stomach and five immediately after lunch. The course of treatment takes one month. Then you should switch to supportive therapy – dissolve 5-7 tablets daily in the morning.

Before using any treatment regimen, you should consult your doctor. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that should not be neglected. Only an individual approach to apitherapy will give positive results. There is simply no single treatment regimen for this ailment. Therefore, be attentive to your health!

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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