Azistasia – indoor shrub with magical flowering

Azistasia is unfairly deprived of the attention of flower growers. This is a unique shrub, the beauty of which blooms can outshine even the most exotic indoor stars. But delicate and delicate flowers of this plant are not at all the main “trump card”. Azistasias, with all their fabulous beauty, are so unpretentious and hardy that they are suitable even for novice flower growers. Magic blooms, amazingly beautiful greenery and a special palette can decorate an interior of any style. True, finding this plant is not so easy.

Ghanaian asystasia (Asystasia gangetica). Farmer Andres Hernandez

A rarity from the Acanthus family

One of the most unpretentious flowering indoor plants – azistasia is surprisingly little popular. It is found on sale and in gardening so rarely that it is rightfully ranked among the exotics. Meanwhile, the ease of growing from cuttings, a very long flowering period, beautiful greenery and the absence of complex care make azistasy one of the most promising large stars for modern interiors. Azistasia also has a more gentle version of the name – asystasia. Due to the low popularity of the plant, the popular nicknames of the beauty are unknown.

Asthma (Assystasia) – semi-shrubs and ground covers, forming dense and very beautiful bushes of straight and thin shoots, on which rather large leaves are densely located. The maximum height of azistases in a room culture is limited to 1 m. Azistases in rooms gradually change their appearance from a dense bush to an increasingly tree-like plant, because the shoots not only gradually become woody, but also rise above the soil. Oval-lanceolate, with a pointed tip and a serrated edge, azistasia leaves sit on short cuttings.

The flowers are bell-shaped, asymmetrical, with rounded or lanceolate petals of a wide-open corolla. Spectacular and large, they grow up to 5 cm in diameter and are collected in one-sided clusters of inflorescences. The color palette, which includes white, cream, pink and lilac colors, appears watercolor and delicate. The blooming period of azistasia begins in spring and, with good care, continues throughout the summer and even in autumn.

Azistasia is very often confused with another member of the acanthus family – macayas. In particular, the name of the most popular plant in the genus Azistasia – beautiful azistasia – is considered synonymous with the most popular macaya, and the descriptions of the plants are almost identical. Disputes about the classification of plants continue to this day, but with the exception of one species, all other azistases are considered completely independent plants. The genus of azistasia is much larger, it includes several dozen species, while macayas are represented by only three plants. Until an official decision is made, it is advisable to consider plants as different species.

Azistasia can boast of pronounced stages of active vegetation and rest. Unlike many other indoor plants, they require rare changes in conditions. The shrub blooms only when, at the dormant stage, the plant is in optimal conditions – with a decrease in temperature, illumination, humidity and the termination of feeding.

Ghanaian asystasia (Asystasia gangetica)Ghanaian asystasia (Asystasia gangetica)

In room culture, only two azistasias are common:

Azistasia is beautiful (Beautiful asystasia), which is often called the beautiful macaya in catalogs, but not officially transferred to the macaya genus, which often causes great confusion and controversy. This is an amazingly beautiful shrub that forms dense bushes from thin and straight shoots. The leaves are large, very beautiful, set on short petioles, oval-lanceolate, with a pointed tip and fine teeth along the edge. Strikingly delicate, up to 5 cm in length and even more in diameter, resembling lilies from a distance, the flowers of the plant are collected in graceful one-sided brushes. The inflorescences bloom in the axils of the leaves, which creates a special effect of lushness.

The size of the inflorescences is not limited to 20 cm, but azistasia conquers not at all by its massiveness, but by its grace: it is difficult to capture the whole inflorescence with a gaze close, since the details of each flower draw all attention to themselves. The color palette of this azistasia is usually limited to white and watercolor light shades of lilac colors, the base tone is emphasized by darker pink or purple streaks and specks. In indoor culture, the variegated form of azistasia is considered to be especially valuable.

Ghanaian azistasia (Asystasia gangetica). It differs from the more common beautiful azistasia in its white or bluish flowers, more reminiscent of lilies, and surprises with dark purple, lilac or purple veins. This azistasia is better known as a garden groundcover southern plant. But due to the very large volumes of growth, the plant in room culture in this capacity is very rare. Only the small-flowered form of Ghanaian azistasia can boast of a more compact size, but in pots it is not very decorative.

Ghanaian asystasia (Asystasia gangetica)
Asystasia beautiful (Asystasia bella)

Home care for azistasia

Even inexperienced growers can grow this plant. Careful watering and careful examinations, low temperatures during wintering and feeding during the active period of development and flowering – that’s all that azystasia needs to become the main stars of the collection.

Lighting for azistasia

In the spring, summer and fall, azistasia will prefer the brightest possible lighting. Ideal for a plant – a place on southern or partially southern windowsills with diffusing screens. Azistasia does not like direct sunlight, they have a detrimental effect on flowers and leaves, but a lack of light can cause serious disturbances in the development of the plant.

However, during the dormant period, azistasia in the event of leaf shedding can be kept in any shade. But if the plant retains greenery and is in a normal state, a strong decrease in illumination compared to the stage of active development is undesirable, but there is no need to rearrange azistasia to new places: the seasonal reduction in the amount of light and the duration of daylight hours meets the plant’s requirements. In spring, it is better to accustom the plant to growing illumination gradually.

Comfortable temperature

It is only necessary to strictly check and control air temperatures for azistasia during the winter period, when the plant is in the dormant stage. During the rest of the year, azistasia will feel good in any room – both cool and warm. The minimum allowable air temperature in summer is 18 degrees. During the dormant period, the plant must be kept cool, but not too lowered the temperature. Comfortable indicators for azistasia in winter are from 13 to 15 degrees with a minimum value of 12 degrees and a maximum value of 18 degrees.

Ghanaian asystasia “Variegata” (Asystasia gangetica ‘Variegata’). Farmer Cyto1997

Watering and air humidity

In order for azistasia not to suffer from pests and diseases, to bloom well, to conquer the beauty of greenery, it is necessary to take care of the light, constant moisture of the substrate during the active phase of the growing season and very careful watering during the dormant period. Waterlogging for this plant can be detrimental, watering is carried out carefully even in summer, checking that the substrate dries out in the upper part. In the resting phase, a decrease in soil moisture is one of the conditions that guarantees the abundant flowering of azistasia.

Azistasia does not need measures to increase air humidity. They perfectly tolerate even the dry air of living quarters, but it is better to regularly inspect the plant and, at the slightest sign of poor tolerance to extremely dry air – drying out of the tips of the leaves – to introduce leaf spraying into the care program.

Feeding for azistasia

The rapid growth and abundant flowering of azistasia require support with regular feeding. During the entire stage of active vegetation for a plant, fertilizers must be added to the water for irrigation every 2-3 weeks. Feeding can be carried out weekly, dividing a single dose of fertilizer by 2-3 times.

Azistasia prefers complex, complete mineral fertilizers. It is better for her to choose universal fertilizers, rather than preparations for flowering plants.

Pruning Azistasia

This shrub is self-renewing, does not need shaping or pruning stimulating flowering. Only the longest, elongated shoots are cut off from azistasia, and even then only if they want the plant to retain the compactness and density of the bushes. Instead of such pruning, you can pinch the tops of young shoots. It is worthwhile to remove diseased, damaged or dry branches in a timely manner.

Asystasia beautiful (Asystasia bella)

Azistasia transplant and substrate

Azistasia is transplanted only when the roots of the plant fully assimilate the substrate. Annual transplantation may be necessary for young plants, but even in the early years, azistasia is most often transplanted as needed. It is advisable to transplant azistasia in March or April. Emergency transplants negatively affect flowering.

For azistasia, a light, loose and fertile substrate is used. If you mix the soil mixture yourself, then combine leafy soil with sand and sod soil in a ratio of 4: 1: 2.

For this exotic, you need to carefully select containers. Azystazias prefer spacious and large containers. They have a voluminous root system, so it is better not to grow this crop in tight and medium-sized containers. To increase the size of the containers, add at least 5 cm to the previous diameter. The height and diameter of the containers must be equal.

When transplanting azistasia, a high drainage layer must be laid on the bottom of the tanks and they try not to destroy the earthen lump. The level of plant penetration during transplantation must be left the same.

Diseases and pests of azistasia

Azistasia is considered a fairly resistant plant. But when grown in very dry air, you should pay attention to frequent inspections of greenery, since spider mites happily settle on dense bushes.

With constant waterlogging of the soil, the plant can be severely damaged by rot.

Azistasias are beautiful with white and blue flowers. Farmer Mokkie

Reproduction of azistasia

The main breeding method for this shrub is cuttings. You can cut rooting branches during spring and summer. For grafting, you can use a universal substrate or mix it with sand. After treatment with a growth accelerator, the cuttings are buried in a well-watered soil mixture and, until rooting, are kept under a hood in an air temperature above 21 degrees Celsius. For rooting, you need to maintain a stable light soil moisture.

Plant cuttings can be rooted in water, but you need to control its level and condition, this method is considered more risky. Immediately after the appearance of the first roots, the plants are seated in individual containers and provided with standard care. The formation of young azistasias begins when the shoots grow to half a meter in height, subsequently regularly pinching young shoots or shortening the longest branches.

The seed method of propagation for indoor plants is almost never used, but it is he who is the main one for growing azistasia in the open field in warm countries. If you are lucky to find azistasia seeds on sale, then sowing is best done in February, together with the first annuals. Sowing is carried out as rarely and superficially as possible, on a pre-moistened universal substrate. Crops under glass or film are kept at an air temperature of 23 degrees Celsius, regularly moistening the substrate. Seed germination takes at least 3 weeks. Diving into separate containers is carried out when the plants release the third true leaf.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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