Causes of spots on the leaves of cucumbers

Spots on the leaves cucumbers – this is not a reason to immediately destroy all plantations and remain without a crop. First of all, you need to pay attention to care methods. It is possible that the problem lies in improper watering or the quality of top dressing. Also, spots on the leaves of cucumbers can appear if the plant is exposed to diseases or parasites affect it.To determine the true cause of this cultural change, you need to examine all the signs of spotting.

  1. Features of cucumber bacteriosis
  2. Insufficient nutrition
  3. Cucumber mosaic
  4. Weather
  5. Causes of the white spot
  6. The presence of brown spots
  7. Conclusion

Причины появления пятен на листьях огурцов

Causes of spots on the leaves of cucumbers

Person nnosti cucumber bacteriosis

When the cucumber leaves have yellow spots, the problem may lie in the several reasons and one of them is a cucumber bacterial blight. The main symptom of this disease is that on the back of the leaves of the cucumber, watery patches begin to appear. After this, the disease manifests itself in the fact that the leaves of the cucumbers are covered with yellow-green spots. At first glance, it may seem that this is an ordinary angular spotting. But this is not so, because bacteriosis changes not only leafy veins, but also goes beyond them. Over time, the spots will be brown, but the yellow color remains unchanged.

Treatment of such a disease should be carried out with fungicidal preparations.Give preference to substances such as Cuproxate or Oxychlor. You can also spray with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.

Insufficient nutrition

The spots on the leaves of the cucumbers can turn yellow if:

  • the farmer makes lack of nutrients in the soil;
  • uses low-quality fertilizers.

It is important to remember that cucumbers are fastidious crops, therefore they require special attention and care . If you do not know what to do in this situation, fertilize with mineral fertilizers. It is best to give preference to complex fertilizers, because they are aimed at improving the condition of cucumbers.

Cucumber mosaic

If yellow spots appeared on the leaves of the cucumbers, this may be the reason lies in a cucumber mosaic disease. It manifests itself in the fact that it forms yellow patches with a slight green undertone. Subsequently, the mosaic structure of the spots begins to develop.

As soon as you notice the presence of such signs, the first thing to do is to remove and burn all the damaged bushes. It is better to burn them away from garden plots. Neighboring bushes should be sprayed with a drug like Farmayod. Due to the fact that this disease is transmitted by aphids, you need to get rid of it. To do this, use Kinmix.


Quite often, especially when it comes to growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, the plant undergoes a change in temperature conditions. When the leaflets are fully formed, the slightest contact with glass or film can cause specks.

Leaf health is affected by temperature

To prevent this from happening, keep the foliage away from heaters and other things. To do this, tie up not only the main stem, but also the lateral shoots.

Causes of the white spot

White spots on the leaves of cucumbers have a bad feature. They can affect the plant, both in open ground and in greenhouses. The most common causes of this change are powdery mildew or white mosaic. Although, white spots can be the result of exposure to a spider mite.

  1. White mosaic is characterized by the fact that it forms white spotted areas on the leaf surface in the form of a mosaic. Treatment for this disease occurs on the same principle as in the case of cucumber mosaic.
  2. Powdery mildew affects not only the foliage, but also the stem or fruit. It is characterized by the appearance of white spots with a slight tinge of rust. As soon as the disease begins to develop, the bush completely dies.The spread of symptoms most often occurs during wet weather. You can get rid of this problem with the help of colloidal salt, from which the solution is prepared. 20 g of the substance is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. A solution from soap or copper sulfate will also help.
  3. Spider mite. Its main distinguishing feature is spotted spotted areas. If you look at the outer part of the cucumber leaf, then such spots will be visible on it. The treatment takes place according to the following principle: first of all, remove all infected parts of the bush. After that, each bush is treated with Karbofos.

The presence of brown spots

Brown spots on the leaves of the cucumber appear if the plant begins to ache with anthracnosis or ascochitosis. Such fungal infections most often affect cucumber crops.

  1. Anthracnose is characterized by the fact that the leaves give small spotted patches of brown color. Such spots have an effect of depression in the foliage. If the disease develops rapidly, then voids begin to form in such places. You can get rid of this fungal disease with the help of Polyram.
  2. Ascochitosis is characterized by the fact that it forms not only brown, but also black patches. They can occur even in greenhouses. The peel of such vegetables takes on a white hue, and the inside begins to acquire a mucous structure. This fungal disease most often affects only greenhouse plants.For treatment, experts recommend using Bordeaux fluid and spraying every other day. Copper sulfate may also help.

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As you can see, the spots on istochkah cucumbers, in most cases, occur due to poor maintenance. If the farmer realizes his mistake and begin to correct the situation, he will be able to save the culture and to obtain high levels of harvest. If the treatment is not completed on time, then no crop will be harvested. It is recommended to take preventive measures and properly care for the plants, because the treatment will require much more money, effort and time.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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