How to cope with the yellowing of cucumber leaves in a greenhouse

Sometimes cucumbers in a greenhouse leaves turn yellow, wither, wither, wither, dry at the edges. Any process happens for a reason: it says that the bush is sick or damaged by pests. If you do not deal with the problem in time, crop loss and plant death are inevitable. Let’s figure out how to deal with a similar problem.

  1. Causes of yellow spots
  2. Prevention
  3. Watering <
  4. Mulch <
  5. Crop rotation
  6. Regular top dressing
  7. Spraying the bushes
  8. Treatment
  9. Tick
  10. Fungus <
  11. Conclusion <

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Fighting yellow leaves with cucumbers

Causes of yellow spots

  • Improper watering. Cucumber is 95% water. Insufficient amount of moisture introduces thawing is stressful, so it saves water by dropping leaves. First, all the nutrients are redirected to the root and stem, then the leaves fall.
  • Wrong site for placing the greenhouse and planting cucumbers. Each year on the same different cultures are planted in the same place, otherwise the land is depleted. Also, for the planting of cucumber culture, a shaded place is chosen so that the sun does not burn the sheets.
  • The defeat of the cucumber by various parasites. Whitefly (the second name is the spider mite) is the most common insect in greenhouses. It draws juice from the plant, as a result the leaves turn yellow.
  • Not enough sunlight. The rays do not reach the bottom of the bush, as a result, the lower leaves turn yellow.
  • Lack of nutrients. Nitrogen starvation is displayed on the whole plant: first it acquires a light green hue, then it turns yellow, the stems become thinner. Due to a lack of calcium, the leaves become covered with yellow spots. Yellow edges appear on the lower leaves if there is not enough magnesium. The upper, young leaves turn yellow due to a lack of copper. The tips are due to a lack of zinc.
  • Diseases caused by fungus. Pitiosis, fusarium and others are the most common fungal diseases. If infection has occurred, rusty spots appear on the leaves, gradually spreading. The result – the lashes wither, dry and fall off. Fungal diseases appear with sudden changes in temperature, inaccurate ventilation of the greenhouse.
  • Overcooling. The plant loves moisture and warmth. The roots are sensitive – watering with cold water will damage the plant. Hypothermia of the soil is reflected on the leaves of the cucumber.
  • Mechanical damage to the root system. Loosening of the soil at the seedling stage, severe damage to the root damages, causes wilting, drying, yellowing.
  • Aging of the bush. Old age is an irreversible process. To slow down the wilting, it remains only to pick off the yellowed leaves.



so that the leaves do not turned yellow, it is necessary to organize competent watering of cucumbers.At the same time, inexperienced gardeners often make two mistakes:

  • watered in small doses, so that water soaks only the upper part of the soil and does not reach the roots;
  • pour cucumber, which interferes with the circulation of oxygen .

It is necessary to check the soil for moisture, take part of the soil from the depth and squeeze it with your hand: this will help determine whether to water it or not.


To retain moisture, mulch the earth. The bush is covered with freshly cut grass or green weed. This not only retains moisture, but also gives heat.

Crop rotation

It is important to change the place of planting of cucumbers every year. If a year before planting, pumpkins or zucchini grew on the garden, it is better to choose another: there is a high risk of infection with fungal diseases. The soil is recommended to be disinfected, steamed or a solution of potassium permanganate used. Fungi do not like alkaline environments – before planting seedlings are treated with a solution of soda.

Regular fertilizing

The soil must have a supply of all nutrients. Fertilizer is introduced into the greenhouse or a warm bed is used, which can not only provide useful substances, but also warm the cucumber bushes. To prepare a warm bed, first part of the earth is thrown out in the greenhouse, after which pus or compost is laid, and 20-30 cm of earth is covered with a ball of earth. You can also make mineral or organic fertilizers. The top ball of soil is sprinkled with ash to provide cucumbers with potassium and protect against pests.

Spraying the bushes

Spraying will avoid the wilting of the plant

The first 3-4 leaves are sprayed with soap infusion. 10 l of water take 1 l of milk, 30 drops of iodine and 20 g of laundry soap, spraying is carried out every 10 days.

To prepare another preventive infusion, soak the bread in water, knead, and then add iodine. The infusion comes out highly concentrated – it is diluted in a proportion of 1: 12-15 (1 liter of mixture for 12-15 liters of water). Spraying is done every 2 weeks.

You can rejuvenate the bush by spraying it with urea and placing humus under the root. Once again in 7 days they spray it with hay infusion. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 kg of hay is soaked in 1 liter of water, insisted for 2 days.


If the plant is still yellow, carry out the treatment by spraying the bushes with a milk solution. Kefir or milk is suitable for the product. 2 liters of dairy products are diluted with 10 liters of water. If desired, add 150-170 g of sugar: this helps the formation of ovaries, leading to the formation of flowers.

Parasites and pests can not tolerate onion peel. The recipe for the infusion is as follows: a liter jar is filled with husk of onion, after which 12 liters of water are poured, boiled, tightly closed and left to infuse for 10-15 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered and diluted with water: 2 liters of broth in 8 liters of water.Spray not only the upper, but also the lower part, the residues are poured under the bush.


It is impossible to allow the spider mite (whitefly) to penetrate the greenhouse. When opening windows or doors, greenhouses tighten gauze for ventilation – this prevents the insect from getting inside.

Spider mites are fought by treatment with chemical or organic preparations. Often use garlic or dandelion infusion.

To prepare the garlic infusion, take 100 g of garlic, chop until juice, then fill with water. They insist 5 days, and then dilute 5 g of the product with 1 liter of water.

For infusion of dandelions, take 40 g of greenery, add 20 g of dandelion root, add water and let it brew for 3 days.


Diseases that affect cucumbers in the greenhouse are caused by the fungus. An environment with high humidity is a good platform for the development of fungal diseases. You can fight them using fungicides:

  • Metarizine;
  • Fitosporin;
  • Forte;
  • Benomil.

Popular methods also help in the fight against fungus:

  • Kefir solution. To prepare, mix 1 liter of kefir and 10 liters of warm water. Bushes are sprayed with the solution once a week throughout the entire period of growth and fruiting.
  • Garlic solution. It is prepared from 10 minced garlic cloves in 5 liters of water. Bushes are sprayed every 2 weeks.

Folk pest control is absolutely harmless. Such methods allow you to process the bushes so that they do not wither.

In the initial stages of yellowing, a weak solution of potassium permanganate helps.


In order for the leaves of cucumbers to remain green, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures: regularly water, treat the plant from pests and diseases, protect from the effects of cool nights.

Why do the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow?
Cucumber Leaves Turn Yellow. Causes and Effective Solution.
Why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow
so that the leaves of the cucumbers are not yellow !!! EASY WAY !!!
Why do the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow

Non-observance of elementary rules leads to the fact that cucumber leaves turn yellow, curl, stain. All this affects productivity. If the leaves turn yellow only along the edges, this is not a point problem, but a whole bush.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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