Characteristics of cucumbers varieties Village Raznosol

Cucumbers bring great benefits to the human body, as they contain valuable substances for health. They prepare various salads, snacks, and also add them to soups and other dishes. The variety of cucumbers rustic pickles is an excellent representative of this type of vegetables. It can be grown both outdoors and in a greenhouse.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Watering
  6. Loosening the soil
  7. Weeding <
  8. Feeding <
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Spider mite
  11. Gourd aphid
  12. White-winged whitefly
  13. Conclusion <

Характеристика огурцов сорта Деревенский Разносол

Characteristics of cucumbers cultivars Rural Raznosol

Variety characteristics

Cucumbers cultivar Rural R Aznosol is an early-ripening self-pollinated hybrid.The period from seedlings to the first harvest is about 40-43 days. It is characterized by an extended fruiting period.

This variety is planted both by sowing and seedlings. Recommended for cultivation in all regions.

Description of the bush

The plant is medium-branched. Type of flowering – female. The node contains 3-4 female flowers. The leaves on the bushes are medium sized, dark green in color. It has good resistance to cladosporiosis, as well as an average degree of resistance to the cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew.

Description of the fruit

The fruit has a cylindrical shape. It is quite short – 8-10 cm.The cucumber weighs about 90-100 g. The surface is finely tuberous. Crispy, with no voids inside. It has excellent taste characteristics. Suitable for pickling and pickling.


Plant care includes the following procedures:

  • watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding;
  • feeding.


Watering cucumbers pickles recommended after sunset. It is necessary to use warm water. It is desirable that its temperature be about 25-28 degrees. On average, cucumbers are watered every 3-5 days. The soil should be moistened in a radius of 15 cm, to a depth of about 20 cm. It is necessary that the soil remains dry near the root neck. If the weather is cold or cloudy, watering should be limited, because with an excess of moisture, the roots begin to rot, and a fungus may appear on the leaves. The water jet should be weak, otherwise there is a risk of injury to the roots. If cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse, they must be ventilated after watering. It is better to leave open containers with water near the beds so that constant moisture is kept around.

Loosening the soil

For cultivating the variety f1, medium loamy air-tight soil is suitable. Well, if the predecessors were crops such as potatoes, onions, cabbage or peppers.

Loosening the soil should be done carefully so as not to damage the roots of plants.The best option is between the rows of cucumbers. Loosening the soil should be carried out before the beginning of flowering.


Plants need sunlight

Weeding and thinning shrubs is a very important point, because cucumbers cannot tolerate dimming. Last thinning should occur when a third leaf appears on the plant. The distance between the bushes should be about 7-10 cm, and between the rows – about 60-70 cm.


Fertilizers should be applied in moderate doses, alternating mineral and organic. It is forbidden to use chlorine-containing potassium salts, since cucumbers react poorly to chlorine. The main fertilizers are slurry and bird droppings. Mineral fertilizer sprays plants in the evening in calm weather. It is important to remember that during cloudy cold weather there is no sense in feeding, as cucumbers grow slower and the root system is not able to properly absorb nutrients. You should wait until the air temperature reaches a minimum of 10 degrees, and only then apply fertilizer.

Pests and diseases

The most common pests of cucumbers are:

  • spider mite;
  • gourd aphids;
  • greenhouse whitefly.

Spider mite

A barely visible web appears on the leaves. The affected leaves must be collected and burned, or buried deep in the ground. The plants should be treated with insecticides several times during the growing season.

Melon aphid

The leaves, as well as other parts of the plant affected by the aphids, curl and dry. Since aphids with larvae winter in plant debris, it is necessary to destroy weeds in a timely manner. You can also run ladybugs into the greenhouse.

Greenhouse whitefly

Sucks the juice from the leaves. As a result, they turn black and dry. To prevent infection, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, as well as tighten the windows and doors with gauze. Affected plants need to be sprayed with water, as well as rinse the bottom of the leaves.

Beam cucumbers growing 🌟 Best cucumber varieties ❗ Seed Overview

Unfortunately, not only the above pests can be dangerous for cucumbers. They can also be affected by various types of fungi, viruses and bacteria. To combat each specific disease, there are methods of struggle.


The cultivation of cucumbers is a rather laborious process. The plant should be taken care of at all stages of its development.

Care for the bushes needs to be allocated enough time, and you also need to remember to follow the rules and recommendations. But if everything is done correctly, the reward will be a wonderful harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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