Description of varieties of cucumbers Blizzard

Blizzard F1 is a hybrid from a St. Petersburg company. The Blizzard cucumber variety is ultra-early. Since the hybrid is parthenocarpic and does not require pollination by insects, it is suitable for growing both in greenhouses (for regions with a cool climate) and in open beds.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Preparation for planting
  5. Care
  6. Possible illnesses
  7. Advantages and disadvantages
  8. Conclusion <

Описание сорта огурцов Вьюга

Description of the variety of cucumbers Blizzard

Characteristics of the variety

Blizzard cucumbers will please those who want to harvest a good crop in the shortest possible time. The first fruits appear 35-38 days after the appearance of the first seedlings . From one bush you can collect up to 15 fruits at once.

The small size and good taste of cucumbers makes them universal for consumption: they are suitable for salting and canning, as well as for making salads. But you must remember that even with small overripening, voids often form inside the fruit.

Description of the bush

Shrubs of medium size with unlimited growth of the main lash. At the same time, the growth of the side shoots is very weak and slow, especially from below.

The leaves are saturated green. Flowering is quite plentiful, female type inflorescences. The ovaries are formed and laid in bundles – from 3 to 5 in one sinus.

Description of the fruit

The description tells that mature fruits have a dark green color, on which white stripes are noticeable. They have brown pubescence and a large number of rather large tubercles on the surface.

Zelentsy are quite small: about 6-8 cm long, and weight varies between 60-70 gr. They have a cylindrical shape, but when cucumbers reach 5 centimeters in length, it becomes more oval as they begin to grow in breadth, which makes them even more attractive.

The variety has good taste. The pulp is juicy, slightly sweet, does not have bitterness.

Preparing for planting

Since the variety is very popular in regions with a cool climate, the seedling method is most often used. It lies in the fact that the seeds are sown to a depth of about 1.5 cm. It is important that the soil is sufficiently moistened and its temperature not lower than 20 °.

Use special soil for sowing seeds, which consists of two parts of humus, one part of sand and one part of the earth. In the process of seedling growth, it is necessary to monitor the air temperature – it should not fall below fifteen degrees. Seedlings can be planted in open ground only after freezing ends.

In warm regions, seeds can be planted directly in open soil.It is only necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 14-16 °


Cucumber Blizzard F1 is quite unpretentious to the growing conditions. He needs an extremely simple but regular care. It consists of moderate watering, loosening of the soil and weeding of weeds, as well as maintaining the air temperature at the right level after transplanting seedlings into open soil.

If we talk about fertilizers, it is best to complete mineral fertilizing, which will prevail nitrogen. They should be carried out 1-2 times, but in a comprehensive manner.

Possible diseases

The Blizzard F1 hybrid is highly resistant to the most dangerous diseases of cucumbers. He is not afraid of either real or false powdery mildew, or many other common diseases. But, nevertheless, it should be remembered that only good care can ensure that the plants grow healthy and give a good harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of this variety cucumbers can be distinguished:

  • a high percentage of ovary (due to parthenocarpy);
  • good yield;
  • the versatility of the use of fruits;
  • excellent palatability;
  • immunity to many common diseases of cucumbers;
  • early ripening of fruits.

Among the shortcomings can be called, except that their tendency to form voids inside the fetus even with slight overriding.


The variety of cucumbers Blizzard F1 is extremely easy to grow. Caring for them will not be difficult, even for beginner gardeners.At the same time, the hybrid surprises with its high yield and short ripening period. The excellent tastes of Blizzard F1 cucumbers cannot be left unnoticed.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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