Rules for planting cucumbers in 2020


To get a good harvest, planting cucumbers in 2019 must comply with all the rules. When choosing a date, you need to take into account weather conditions and suitable days according to the lunar calendar. By following the recommendations, you can achieve impressive results.

  1. Landing dates
  2. According to the lunar calendar
  3. Depending on the region
  4. Landing technology
  5. Time open landings
  6. Features of the transplant

Правила посадки огурцов в 2019 году

Rules for planting cucumbers in 2019

Planting dates

The quality of cucumbers, the amount of vitamins and minerals in them directly depend on the sowing work, so you need to sow, choosing the right day on the lunar calendar or relying on the weather in your area.

An important role is played by the choice of variety (each species has its own characteristics when sowing seeds for growing seedlings and planting in open ground).

Cucumbers are usually planted from the middle May to mid-June, the air temperature should not be lower than 18 ° C (the soil is already warm enough). Dates may vary depending on the region in which the cucumbers will be grown.

If you plan to plant in the greenhouse, you can do this from mid-April. Seedlings are planted in seedlings 30 days before the moment when it is supposed to be transported to the open ground.

According to the lunar calendar

The night star affects all processes that occur on the planet.The growth and development of absolutely all cultures depend on the activity of a certain phase of the moon. In gardening, it is customary to use the lunar calendar, you can see in it which day will be favorable for sowing or harvesting crops.

All crops that grow in the ground (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, beets, carrots) should be planted on the waning moon . Vegetables, whose development occurs on the surface, on the contrary, during the growing moon. A bad period for any manipulations in the garden is the full moon.

It takes 22 to 28 days to form seedlings (depending on the variety). It needs to be sown in March (for planting in greenhouses) or in April (for a garden).

The seeds are sent to the soil according to suitable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • April. Favorable days: 6-9, 11-13, 20-26, 29-30. This month is still cold, which does not allow seedlings to be transferred to open ground even according to the lunar calendar;
  • May 2019. Transplantation into greenhouses: 3-10, 20-22, 28, 31. According to the lunar calendar, month will be most suitable for planting cucumbers;
  • in June (5, 6, 13, 15 days) late cucumber varieties can be planted in the ground.

In 2019, sowing of cucumbers do not do on April 5, 19, May 5, 19, and June 3, 4, 17. To plant seedlings on these adverse days is strictly prohibited if you do not want to waste your energy.

Depending on the region

Cucumbers are heat-loving vegetables, like the sun, moderate humidity, so the choice of the region is very important.

Southern regions (Kursk, Lipetsk, Krasnodar regions) are ideal for cucumber crops, especially early ripe ones: Zozulya F1, Björn F1. Winter is warm and mild, so the beginning of March is the time to sow, and at the end of the month or at the beginning of April seedlings are sent to greenhouses.

Harvest from these places is distributed for sale throughout the country in June.

In the middle lane (Moscow, Bryansk, Oryol and Nizhny Novgorod regions), the time starting from March 10 is suitable for sowing seeds for seedlings. In the second half of April, the culture is planted in open ground. In July, you can harvest. This month, the main varieties of cucumbers bear fruit: German F1, Kurazh F1, Murashka.

The Urals are least suitable for plants because of the climate. Here summer is much shorter, and cucumbers do not have time to ripen. For sowing, they choose May (the middle of the month, taking into account the temperature), and planting takes place in June (in the second half). The cucumber season falls in August.

Planting dates depend on weather conditions in the regions

Suitable varieties for this region (they ripen only in late July-early August): Siberian garland, Mercury, Giant.

Wherever cucumbers are grown, seed preparation should be taken seriously. Purchased are already processed with special preparations and are ready for use. They can be wrapped in a damp cloth for half a day for swelling and then used.

If the seeds are home, it is better to choose those that are 2-3 years old (one-year full seeds are easily confused with dummies), they retain germination for up to 8 years . They are poured with warm water for 2-3 hours, and then wrapped in a moist, dense tissue for 3 days, during which time the seeds will hatch.

Planting technology

To grow high-quality cucumbers, it is necessary to observe certain stages of planting:

  • we prepare the soil: 2 parts of peat and one humus and rotted sawdust;
  • we distribute it among containers or special peat pots, which can then be plant in greenhouses directly with the plant (this is convenient, because the root system of the culture is not very developed, it is easy to damage it when transplanted);
  • the soil must be moist. The depth of the hole for the seeds is 2-2.5 cm;
  • create a greenhouse effect – the containers are covered with a film and the temperature is brought to 20-24 ° C until emergence;
  • then the sprouts open , lower the temperature to 18 ° C, if necessary, conduct moderate watering.If it is too hot, the bush will stretch, take on an irregular shape and begin to hurt;
  • 2 weeks after emergence, when 2 fully formed leaves are formed, the first top dressing is performed. Of the purchased preparations, superphosphate or “Master” are ideal. Organic top dressing: manure solution (1: 6 ratio), herbal infusion, chicken droppings diluted with water in a ratio of 1:18;
  • on sunny days, it is better to remove the sprouts in the shade, avoiding direct rays from cucumbers, but if there is not enough natural light in the room, you should use special phytolamps (10-12 hours a day).

Landing time in open ground

Seedlings are placed in the ground in May (10-18) in order to collect a rich crop in July. These dates are suitable for mid-season varieties. Suitable days for planting late varieties of cucumbers in 2019: late May to early June. We must not forget about the weather. During night frosts, plants are covered with agrofibre or burlap in the evening, and the film is removed in the morning.

Considering the weather, the lunar calendar and the climate in the region, the gardener should choose the optimal day for replanting the plant on the bed.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in open ground:

  • in March – 7, 11-12, 17-18, 21 and 24;
  • in May – 8-9, 14- 18.

March 5-8, 9, 14-16 and March 19, May 10-12, 19-20 will be unfavorable.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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