Characteristics of Esaul cucumbers

Cucumber is the main vegetable in the garden. Unpretentious, easy to care for. Gardeners note that the Esaul cucumber variety is an excellent choice for gherkins lovers.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Preparing the bed
  6. Temperature and humidity
  7. Tying <
  8. Trimming <
  9. Watering
  10. Feeding <
  11. Diseases and pests
  12. Conclusion

Характеристика огурцов сорта Есаул

Characteristics of cucumber varieties Yesaul

Hybrid f1 has good taste. Can be used fresh. Often used for pres Despite the small size, the yield is high.

Characteristics of the variety

Esaul cucumbers are a beam hybrid of the gherkin type. It is characterized by the presence of partial parthenocarpy, that is, the fruits are tied without pollination cultivated in open ground. It can be grown in sandy greenhouses.

According to the description on the packaging, cucumbers of this variety are resistant to the following indicators:

  • temperature differences;
  • waterlogging or overdrying of the earth;
  • night frost;
  • the effects of pests;
  • diseases.

It bears fruiting fairly quickly – 45-50 days after first seedlings. Planting is carried out after the retreat of frost.The planting density is 3-5 shrubs per 1 m2.

Description of the bush

According to the description of the variety, the bush has a bunch type of ovary. The flowering of cucumbers is female. In one node there can be 10-12 flowers.

From one bush you can collect up to 15 gherkins. Productivity per 1 m2 is 10-15 kg. The waviness of the leaves is small. Their size is average. The color is bright green.

Description of the fruit

Gherkin fruits. The size is small – up to 10 cm in length. The average mass of the fruit is 80-100 g, not more.

Description of the fruit:

  • dark green color;
  • smooth cylindrical shape;
  • finely tuberous;
  • spiky;
  • thick and crisp skin.

The main feature is excellent taste. There is no bitterness, which is why cucumbers have a sweet taste. Not too watery in structure. Perfect for conservation. It can be a salad ingredient or a sliced ​​decoration.

Remember, you need to collect fruits at least once every 3 days. In case of drought – once a week.


The plant must be looked after

In growing cucumbers, not only planting is important, but also care. It should be properly organized and regular.

Preparation of the garden

Initially, you need to prepare the garden. Add a mixture of 10 kg of compost and 2 tbsp.tablespoons of mineral fertilizer per 1 m2. This will improve soil quality. At the same time, the seeds are treated with a manganese solution.

The day before the seedlings are planted, the soil is abundantly watered with warm water. The same is done with seedlings 2 hours before transplanting.

Temperature and humidity

It is important to observe the correct temperature conditions. The optimum value is 22-25 ° C. During planting, it should not be less than 22 ° C.

During flowering, 26-28 ° C is enough. The air humidity indicator should not fall below 90%.


An important procedure is tying. Algorithm of actions:

  1. The scourge must be tied to the trellis – a structure in the form of a lattice supporting the plant.
  2. It is necessary to pull 2 ​​wires at a height of 1.5-2 m. Observe a distance of 30- 35 cm.
  3. Twine is tied to a wire – twisted thread. It is attached under the first, upper leaves. You can use any node. The best thing is a free loop.
  4. The main rule is that one plant is tied with one wire. It is important to leave 15-20 cm of loose rope. During the growth of the plants, the garter is weakened.
  5. The twine around the cucumber bush is wrapped only clockwise.

When 3-5 leaves appear and 1-2 bunches of cucumbers pinch the top. After this, the branches from the bushes will not break, but grow actively.


Do not forget to look after the bushes throughout the growing season.Be sure to remove the flowers and processes in the sinuses of the first 2-3 leaves. After that, cut the side shoots to the trellis.

Remember to leave 2 shoots with ovaries. Pinch them at the top above the second sheet. It is important to harvest the maximum yield from the main stem.

Do not forget to prune old lashes during fruiting. Spray urea bushes of cucumbers. Thanks to her, new processes will appear. They will give some tasty fruits.


You can only water the bushes with warm water

You need to water the bushes only with warm, standing water. During a drought, irrigation is carried out once every 3 days after sunset. During rains, water on demand (when the ground is slightly dry). Most often this is once a week. After each watering, the soil is loosened.


Organic and mineral fertilizers will be needed for feeding. As organic, suitable are:

  • mullein;
  • bird droppings;
  • chicken manure.

Mineral fertilizers are used in complex. Phosphoric and potash are perfect. The nitrogen concentration should be minimal so as not to harm the soil and fruits.

Diseases and pests

Esaul cucumbers are resistant to olive blotch and cucumber mosaic virus. With proper care, they are not influenced by other pests.But if the temperature is below 22-25 ° C, powdery mildew may appear. This is a white coating on the leaves. Subsequently, they turn yellow, fade and crumble. A solution of colloidal sulfur will help get rid of the pest.

Due to overmoistening, cladosporiosis occurs. These are dark brown spots on the fruit. To stop the influence of the pest, it is enough to stop watering for a week or two. Treat the whole plant with Brodsky liquid.

White rot is removed by pruning the affected leaves and shoots. The whole bush is treated with lime. The crushed coal will also help.

The danger is ants. These are the main carriers of aphids. If their nests were found, pour kerosene inside or soak the soil around with boiling water.


Esaul cucumbers are an excellent choice for lovers of gherkins. Unusual taste, unique application, easy care – the main advantages. It is enough to carry out watering, cutting the shoots, observing the temperature regime on time.

Kauntach F1 seeds of red onion (Bayer Nunhens) fruit in a section

If vegetables are grown in the greenhouse, do not forget to harvest. Regularly wash windows and doors with soapy water. Check the soil for ants and other harmful insects.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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