Description of Dutch cucumbers

Dutch varieties of cucumbers are in high demand among domestic gardeners and vegetable growers. The desire to try all the best varieties, to choose from them the one that suits the best and meets the necessary requirements – these are the tasks set by the cultivators of this crop.Dutch cucumbers have proven themselves on the good side, their seed material is reliable, it is self-pollinating in most cases, and this is very important for agricultural technology in closed ground.

  1. Advantages of varieties
  2. Most popular varieties
  3. Seeds <
  4. Seeding rules
  5. Landing
  6. Conclusion <

Описание огурцов голландских сортов

Description of the Dutch cucumbers x varieties

Advantages of varieties

Dutch cucumbers have many advantages.

The main advantage of seed from Holland is that he is reliable. By purchasing such seeds, you can be completely sure that they will give excellent seedlings.

The advantages of these crops are obvious:

  • both yielding varieties and hybrids of this selection are distinguished by high productivity;
  • cucumbers have excellent resistance to most diseases ;
  • on sale it is easy to find both self-pollinated and bee-pollinated species;
  • seeds are suitable for growing in open and closed ground conditions;
  • the fruits have excellent tastes and does not bite;
  • fruits are almost the same size, have a regular and accurate shape;
  • most of them are suitable for use in light same type, and for pickling.

Domestic gardeners believe that Dutch cucumbers are distinguished by qualitative characteristics. The combination of excellent qualities allowed them to conquer the world market.

When buying in a bag, there are only a few seeds. This is easily explained by the fact that the culture gives powerful and climbing branches, the fruits form whole clusters, so they need to be planted rarely: on 1 m² of a plot no more than 4 seeds.

The most popular varieties

In the distribution network, seeds of Dutch origin are represented by a wide range. You should pay attention to the best varieties that managed to win love and enjoy great success among domestic gardeners:

  • Angelina F1 is a self-pollinating variety of early breeding. Cucumbers are distinguished by gentle taste and juiciness, their length is up to 15 cm.Used fresh, suitable for salads. They are characterized by increased resistance to painful conditions.
  • The artist is grown in open and closed ground conditions, bears fruit 1.5 months after the first shoots, and is characterized by high productivity. It is advisable to grow the variety on a trellis, which greatly facilitates the collection of fruits.
  • Dolomite F1 is the earliest fruits, they are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for conservation. The fruit color is rich green, they are covered with small imperceptible tubercles, which distinguishes them from cucumbers of other varieties. The bush is notable for medium growth power, the fruits are open, the crop is clearly visible – it is easy to harvest. The hybrid is capable of regeneration, quickly recovers from unforeseen weather disasters and damage. Ideal for preservation, the fruits after processing remain the same dense and crunchy. The plant produces fruits throughout the growing season, resistant to most harmful microorganisms, grown in greenhouse conditions and open ground conditions.
  • Hector F1 is a fairly compact crop, but this does not prevent it from producing good crops. Cucumbers of dark green color, cylindrical in shape, are stored for a long time and do not change color, have a dense structure and excellent taste. Fruits do not lose their qualities after canning. Seeds are not affected by diseases, almost do not depend on a sharp change in air temperature and adverse weather conditions.
  • Bettina F1 – small fruits the size of a gherkin, have the right shape, delicate taste and are a real decoration of the festive table. Cucumbers are covered with large tubercles, have the shape of a cylinder. The variety is super early, it is recommended to grow it in the winter-spring period. It bears fruit well even in low light, has good transportability, is not afraid of temperature extremes, and is resistant to pests and diseases.
  • German F1 is characterized by high productivity and early ripening. The variety is self-pollinating, it can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The fruits are suitable for consumption not only fresh, but also for pickling. Cucumbers are saturated dark in color, covered with large tubercles. Proper care ensures fruiting throughout the growing season.

A good harvest is provided by the purchase of high-quality seeds

It is impossible to list all Dutch varieties of cucumbers, there are a lot of them. And all of them are interesting in their own way. The vegetable grower must determine which of them will be the best option for him, because local conditions must be taken into account. The right choice will come with experience, because each variety has obvious advantages.


Holland cucumber seeds are treated with fungicides, so they are protected from many diseases.Many varieties and hybrids are self-pollinating, and gardeners do not need to attract insects for pollination. Summer residents use Dutch seed material and in open ground conditions, this allows to achieve a good result.

An experienced gardener understands that the acquisition of quality seeds is only a small fraction in the entire process of growing cucumbers. Without proper sowing, regular maintenance, consisting of watering and top dressing, loosening the soil and many other components, you won’t get better results.

Sowing rules

Seeding scheme from Holland practically does not differ from the planting of cucumbers of domestic selection. It is only necessary to observe the sequence and adhere to the deadlines:

  • sow seeds in seedlings in the last decade of March;
  • maintain the distance between the seeds (2-3 cm);
  • after sowing, prepare cubes and substrate from manure, soil, sand and small peat;
  • treat the soil mixture with Redomin Gold fungicide and cover with polyethylene.

The seedlings are carefully transplanted (dive) into cubes. After 30 days, the seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse.


Dutch cucumbers are usually planted using the square planting method. Before this, the following measures must be carried out:

  • Dig and loosen the soil.
  • Dig grooves 30-40 cm deep, where seedlings will be planted.
  • Keep a distance between beds of at least 80 cm.
  • Place manure with a ball of 25-20 cm on the bottom of dug trenches.
  • Plant seedlings according to the 50 x 50 pattern.

After planting, antennae are cut off at several plants. The appearance of new antennae on the same crops indicates that the first root dressing of cucumbers is necessary.

WE SEE CUCUMBERS of Dutch selection and zoned varieties.
Dutch hybrid seeds // Secrets of good harvests.


Modern gardeners and gardeners are happy to try all the innovations of crop agricultural technology: new types of agriculture, sowing schemes, cultivated varieties and hybrids. The seeds of cucumbers of Dutch breeders differ in a number of advantages, so they are in high demand in the domestic market. Productivity of a crop largely depends on the quality of the seed material, its reliability and prospects. The Dutch cucumber varieties have excellent taste, optimal size, rich color and are immune to many diseases.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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