Rules for spraying cucumbers with trichopolis

When growing cucumbers, summer residents often get infected with a variety of fungal and bacterial diseases. When plants are damaged, they need treatment. When searching for effective remedies, new recipes and preparations appear every time, which are used in gardening for the treatment and treatment of plants. Gardeners claim that spraying cucumbers with trichopolis effectively protects and treats diseases in cucumbers.

When deciding to use metronidazole, you need to remember the safety measures during processing.

  1. Protect your face using a mask. This is necessary to avoid inhalation of vapors and contact with the mucous membrane. Like any medicine, it can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Clothing should cover all parts of the body, this will protect the solution from getting on the skin.
  3. If the treatment is carried out on fruiting bushes, the fruits must be removed and do not eat grown for 10-14 days.


Often, traditional methods and alternative methods of treating plants give a much better effect than traditional ones using agrofungicides. A positive, repeated experience of practicing gardeners confirms the effectiveness and feasibility of using Trichopolum for the treatment of cucumbers from diseases. Sometimes it is the only effective treatment of plants with diseases that are poorly treatable.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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