Characteristics of Bettina cucumbers

Among vegetable crops, cucumbers are deservedly popular. Their cultivation is widespread both at the industrial level and in private areas. Bettina Cucumber F1 has many positive characteristics due to its hybrid origin.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Caring for the crop
  5. Watering <
  6. Feeding <
  7. Formation of the bush
  8. Weeding <
  9. Diseases and pests
  10. Conclusion <

Характеристика огурцов сорта Беттина

Characteristics of Bettina cucumbers

The variety was bred in order to obtain the maximum yield under adverse conditions This factor contributes to the fact that plants exhibit high resistance to the most common diseases and at the same time require minimal care.

Characteristics of the variety

Bettin F1 cucumbers have a number of features characteristic of this type of plant:

  1. Zelentsy is less palatable than the fruits of other salad varieties. Therefore, they are used mainly for industrial purposes, for factory preservation.
  2. Harvesting is carried out on day 42. This crop belongs to the category of early ripe species.
  3. The quantity of marketable yield in fruits reaches 5 kg per 1 m².

Bettin cucumbers are suitable for both open growing and closed. Before planting in the soil, seeds are recommended to germinate. Seedling method to accelerate the formation of fruits and strengthen the bushes.Also, when planting this species, you can use trellises. This will make it easier to care for your lashes and increase your productivity.

The culture feels best in a mild climate, but at the same time tolerates small temperature fluctuations. Due to the minimum requirements for care and growth conditions, the variety can be used as a room variety (grown on a windowsill or a warm balcony).

Description of the bush

Medium-branched weaving, the main stem is indeterminate . A characteristic type of flowering hybrid plant species. The number of fertile nodes (ovaries) is from 1 to 3 in the leaf sinuses.

The foliage is light green, the size of the plates is average in open ground, increased in greenhouse cultivation. Nodes form from 2 to 4 greens.

Description of the fruit

The price of cucumbers of this variety depends on their appearance. Harvest for sale should have the following characteristics:

  • fruit length – 10-12 cm;
  • diameter – 3 cm;
  • average weight – 70 g.

There are no cavities and bitterness in the pulp of Bettin F1 cucumbers. Crispy consistency is not lost after salting. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. Seeds are underdeveloped or not available.

The surface is medium hilly, with white spikes. The skin color is mostly dark green, in some cases, depending on the conditions of the soil and watering, yellow spots or stripes may appear.This color is considered the norm in soil with a high content of natural acids. The variety is grown in order to obtain gherkins. The optimal harvesting scheme: 1 time in 2-3 days.

Care for the crop

Hybrids of the F1 series have good stress resistance and are unpretentious in maintenance. However, the organization of favorable conditions allows you to grow a crop of the highest quality. The bushes need:

  • watering;
  • timely top dressing;
  • weeding;
  • the formation of lashes.


You need to water it in the morning warm water

The amount of moisture consumed depends on the period of growth of the bushes. Before the flowering period, the norm will be: about 6 liters of liquid per 1 m² with drought and 4 liters per area in a temperate climate. Ripening of greens affects the fluid needs of the culture. The rate should be increased to 9 L 1 m² in drought and up to 6 L in temperate climates.

Bettin cucumbers require breathable soil and can abruptly stop growing and die if the top ball of soil dries and takes a crust. After watering, the soil must be fluffed (dug up). However, hilling should be carried out carefully, since the root system of these plants is dangerously close to the surface of the plot.

Watering is recommended in the morning with warm water. At night, excess moisture in the ground can lead to hypothermia of the roots.

Top dressing

Top dressing is applied once during the growth period, in the second week of the growing season. The variety accepts nitrogen and potash fertilizers well. You can also additionally feed plants with mixtures prepared at home:

  • onion infusion;
  • serum solution with iodine;
  • bird droppings diluted in water.

In addition, you can enrich the water for irrigation. 10 g of urea is diluted into 10 l of liquid.

Formation of a bush

Bushes of this variety do not need serious adjustment of the lashes with the open method of growing. For a good harvest, trim 2–3 of the lower shoots. The central stem should remain untouched – it is on it that the greenbacks form.

In cases when cucumbers are grown in a closed greenhouse, the lash of the lashes and pruning plays an important role in the period of intensive growth. When the main stalk reaches the top of the trellis it must be stopped. It is important not to twist the stems very densely, otherwise they will interfere with each other.


Depending on how quickly the plot with cucumbers overgrows with weeds, the weeding should also pass. Do not forget that if the lashes are not tied, they quickly cover the soil around the main stem and drown out and the weed grass does not grow there. But if the lashes are tied up, the overgrowing of the soil with grass is more intense. In order not to start the site, weeding is carried out once a week.

Diseases and pests

The Bettin F1 species has innate immunity to common diseases. However, timely prophylaxis will help to finally reduce the risk of the disease.

Early ripening varieties are not treated with heavy chemistry, as this can lead to the poisoning of greenhouses. Solutions of organic and mineral origin help to prevent diseases:

  1. Powdery mildew will not touch bushes that are processed with a mixture of milk, iodine and soap. The solution should be applied to the leaves of the culture.
  2. Gray root rot is vulnerable to water with the addition of baking soda.
  3. Bacteriosis is not harmful to plants that have been treated with Trichopolum. 2 tablets should be diluted per 1 liter of water.

Insects can do more harm to Zelentsy than the disease. Of particular danger are slugs and spider mites. To get rid of pests, you need to dig a bed in the autumn and leave the soil freezing.

Bettin Cucumber Seeds (Nunhems) crop in the field
Kibria cucumber f1 05/10/17 and a little about heating

Between the rows you can plant garlic and onions. This will drive many pests away from the plot.

Just before the tear the seeds should be calcined by grafting. Cucumber grains do not need to be soaked, but they can be treated with potassium or sulfate solution for better growth.


Betina F1 cucumber is a self-pollinating hybrid. The description of this type of culture contains many positive qualities.

Early ripeness and good keeping quality make this Dutch variety competitive in the market. It should also be noted disease resistance and high productivity.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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