Characteristics of cucumbers of the Lenara variety

Lenar’s cucumber variety is one of the latest in the market for gardening products. Gherkin type cucumber, the seeds of which are produced by the Dutch company Rijk Zwaan. The variety gives a high yield. Both private vegetable growers and small farmers grow it.

  1. Variety description
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Planting varieties
  4. Care <
  5. Pest treatment
  6. Conclusion

Характеристика огурцов сорта Ленара

Characteristics of cucumbers of the Lenar variety

Description of the variety

Cucumber Lenara F1 is a hybrid with a powerful root system, which forms short, but strong lateral shoots.

The mass of fruits reaches 120 grams, length – up to 13 cm, diameter – 3 cm, at The cucumber has a cylindrical shape, a dark green hue, light stripes in length, a dense structure inside, the skin is not thick, tastes good without bitterness. The thorns are white, infrequent. Cucumbers are more suitable for salad.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive indicators of the Lenara cultivar:

  1. High yield
  2. Resistant to sharp temperature jumps
  3. Self-pollinating
  4. Presentable view for sale
  5. Earlier ripening due to seedling method of planting
  6. Keeps fresh long time
  7. Easy transportation
  8. Resistant enough to many ailments and pests.For example, it is resistant to such Skodniks as real flour dew, cladosporiosis and the cucumber mosaic virus.
  9. It grows well in the shade

There are also some disadvantages of cucumbers of this variety: consume Linara it is necessary only in fresh form, if you do not pick it in time, then the fruit will not taste good. Cucumber of this variety often affects aphids.

Planting a variety

Planting a cucumber Lenar F1 is carried out both in greenhouses and in open areas of soil. After the seedlings sprouts are strengthened – 3-4 leaves are let out, they are transplanted to a permanent place. Before this, it is recommended to fertilize and water the soil. This achieves a maximum yield. The next 2-3 days, the temperature in the environment where the cultivation takes place should be kept at 20 degrees. The end of January is the most suitable period for planting seedlings in hotbeds, and Lenar cultivation in open areas begins in mid-May.

Facilitating harvesting and cultivating a healthy crop will help planting seedlings using the trellis method. The normal gap between the trellis is 100-120 cm, between the funnels 40-45 cm. Pinch the main stem.

Due to the Lenar F1 cucumber properties such as good adaptation to growing conditions and quick regeneration, the variety is optimally suitable for growing both in the summer and in the autumn period.


The plant needs in regular watering

For a good growth of the bush of cucumber Lenar F1 you need the following conditions:

  1. Regular weeding of the soil from weeds
  2. Feeding
  3. Timely and generous watering

To prevent damage to the roots, weed areas with extreme caution. Watering is carried out in the evening with warm water (the culture does not tolerate cold water) every 6-8 days before flowering, every 3-4 days after the appearance of flowers. Insufficient watering will lead to a loss of taste, the fruits will dry and bitter. Mineral and organic fertilizers will also provide a good harvest. They are recommended to be used 5-6 times per season, because the bushes constantly bear fruit. Planting should be carried out not too thickly and in time to pick the fruits.

Pest control

Gardeners growing this variety often encounter the problem of defeating aphid fruits. When this disease is affected, the leaves curl and the flowers fall. So that the aphid does not cause significant damage to the crop, you can use folk remedies:

  1. On a bucket of water – 400 g of shag and 80 g of laundry soap, let it brew for a day. Sprinkle the cucumber bushes 1-2 times a week with the resulting liquid.
  2. Pour half a bucket of onion husks with 10 liters of hot water, let it brew for a day. Strain and dilute in a ratio of 1: 2.After that, process the culture.
  3. For 1 liter of boiling water, give 50 g of red capsicum. Let it brew for two hours. Add water to bring the volume of the solution to 10 liters. They spray the bushes.

Lenard cucumber on May 26
Greenhouse. Comparison of cucumbers DIRECTOR AND LENAR
Cucumber Lenara on April 13
The collection of Lenard cucumbers was completed on June 26

If folk remedies do not give a result, you can use stronger methods – chemicals. Decis, Metofos, etc. are suitable for disinfecting greenhouses and greenhouses. The bushes are processed three weeks before harvesting. preparations “Decis”, “Arrivo”, “Kinmix” or “Intavir”.


The description along with the reviews of gardeners give a positive picture in the review of the variety. Its cultivation has proved to be an excellent process. The characteristic is that over time the variety gains more and more fans among summer residents and professionals. Its versatility and ability to adapt to various conditions made it one of the most popular.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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