Characteristics of Vyatich cucumbers

Cucumber is a common vegetable crop. Virtually no salad or preservation can do without this vegetable. Special attention of gardeners was earned by the Vyatich F1 cucumber variety, known for its good fruit taste and high yield indicators.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bushes
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Planting care
  6. Planting care
  7. Diseases and pests
  8. Pests
  9. Diseases
  10. Conclusion

Характеристика огурцов сорта Вятич

Characteristics of Vyatich cucumbers

Characteristics of the variety

Due to the belonging of this variety to the category of hybrid plants F1, it can be grown in greenhouses, as in the open ground.

Description of the bushes

Bushes of the variety are powerful, medium-sized. The female type of flowering dominates. This variety is fertilized without pollination. The plant is characterized by long fruiting and increased heat loving The nodes of the bush form 4 ovaries. About 40 days elapse between sowing and harvesting. The plant needs very fertile soil. Vyatich is a strong variety, like all patrenocarpic hybrids, it is very resistant to disease.

Description of the fetus

The length of the fetus is approximately 13 cm, its diameter can reach 4 cm and its weight is about 110 g. The peel of the fetus is covered with medium-sized tubercles. The fruit has good taste, the pulp is sweet, pleasant, there is no bitterness.


Plant health depends on caring for them. If you take care of the plants correctly, they will not hurt and bear quality fruits.

Care when planting

Good temperature conditions

are important for growth. Planting of cucumbers is organized in early spring. The best soil for growing the Vyatich cucumber variety (F1) is a medium clay soil saturated with oxygen. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a solution of water with useful trace elements, then dried and placed in the ground. Air temperature is kept in the region of 28⁰C. When signs of the first shoots appear, the lighting is increased and the temperature is reduced to 17⁰C. After 3 days, the shoots are tied to the trellis to give them support.

There are also 2 basic rules:

  • you cannot bury the seeds more than 3 cm;
  • For the fast growth of bushes, very good temperature conditions and saturated soil are needed.

Care after planting

According to the description, after planting, you need to monitor the site so that there are no residues of other plants and weeds:

  • sometimes you need to loosen the soil;
  • cucumbers need daily watering;
  • when growing, the plants begin feeding (organic fertilizers: 1 kg of chicken manure per 10 liters of warm water and water bushes with this solution);
  • the crop is harvested no earlier than 2 months after sunrise;
  • you can pick fruit 3 times a week.

Diseases and pests

Vyatich (F1) rarely gets sick, but some ailments can still hit him.

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  • Whitefly is a small white midge. She drinks the juice of plants and leaves behind sooty mushrooms and sluggish leaves.Against this pest, a solution of garlic and water helps (mash 5-6 cloves, dissolve in 5-6 l of warm water), which is sprayed on cucumbers, but it is better, of course, to use some branded sprayers.
  • Aphids – small green bugs. She likes colonies to settle on leaves and eat them. This pest multiplies very quickly. The consequences of its wrecking – wilting leaves. Against aphids, a solution of wood ash, soap and water helps (2 handfuls of ash, half a bar of soap per 10 liters of warm water). It is also able to help the re-planting of ladybugs.
  • Spider mites are small mites that leave a web under themselves under the leaves, where they sit. This pest eats. These ticks are killed by spraying with soapy water (half a bar of laundry soap per 10 liters of warm water).


  • Powdery mildew. White spots appear on the leaves, over time they pass to the rest of the plant. Due to powdery mildew, the leaves dry out, fruiting stops. The infected parts are cut off, all plants are sprayed with fungicides, but if the disease has gone too far, plantings will have to be destroyed.
  • Cladosporiosis. Brown ulcers appear on the bushes and fruits. The fruits themselves look like rotten. For the fight, it is recommended to stop watering the plant for 5 days and treat it with foundationazole. Affected parts are removed.
  • White rot. Viscous consistency of white color, causing the fruits to rot and the bush itself.It is required to remove the affected parts of the plant and treat it with a solution of urea, water, zinc sulfate and copper sulfate (10 g of urea, 5 g of zinc and 5 g of vitriol are diluted with 10 g of warm liquid).
  • False powdery mildew. Small yellow spots on the leaves. The disease causes the leaves to dry, and then the whole plant. Stopping watering and feeding plants for 3-4 days, as well as subsequent treatment with polycarbacin, will help in the fight against this disease (100 g of polycarbacin is mixed with 10 liters of warm (about 25 ° C) water.

It is impossible to prevent the spread of the disease across all plants, so it is important to determine the first stage in time and start to fight it, otherwise you can forget about healthy, tasty cucumbers.


Vyatich (F1) is an excellent choice, the results of investments will pay off completely.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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