Description of the variety of cucumbers Monisia

Despite the high water content, cucumbers are popular not only in the summer, but also in the winter. Experts in the field of breeding every year try to breed several dozen varieties. One of the best types of this vegetable crop is the Monicia cucumber variety of category f1.

  1. General information
  2. Appearance of the plant
  3. Appearance of the fruit
  4. Features of growing
  5. Requirements for care
  6. Parasites and diseases
  7. Conclusion <

Описание сорта огурцов Монисия

Description of the cucumber variety Monisia

General information

The development of the Monisia variety f1 variety was developed by the company from Holland Szhenta, and it is she who supplies seed. the fact that the year of cultivation of the variety is considered to be 2005. But in 2007 Monisia f1 got its place in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

This variety of cucumbers can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses .

The yield is quite high and is about 250 kg per 1 ha.

Appearance of the plant

The bush of this variety is highly developed and has a powerful root system . The oblivion is average. The foliage is presented in a dark saturated shade of green and a slight roughness on the surface. Also on the leaves there are small tubercles that play the role of attracting bees.

This variety belongs to bee-pollinated varieties, so it is best to grow it in open ground.Type of flowering, mainly female. But, there may be individuals that have male flowering.

The main stem is not limited in its growth and can reach a height of 2 m. There is a small distance between the nodes. About 5 cucumbers can be formed in each node.

Appearance of the fruit

Cucumbers of this variety have the shape of a cylinder. The peel is dark green with small stripes of white. Also, this cucumber may have a small amount of spots. The surface is completely filled with a white edge where the minimum number of tubercles is located.

Cucumbers are characterized by an average weight of 75 grams, but the length of an individual fruit is about 8 cm. The description indicates the versatility of this variety. It can be used not only for the preparation of salads or preservation. According to gardeners, it is in a canned or pickled form that all the taste qualities of the fruit are revealed. Many people consume it fresh. A sweet taste, without bitterness, is noted. Moreover, the lack of bitterness is due to genetic parameters.

Features of growing

The preparation was carried out by the manufacturer. The cultivation of this variety of cucumber should be carried out in open ground. But, seeds for seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse so that seedlings appear much faster. Moreover, in conditions of increased heat, the seeds will germinate in a safer manner.Planting seeds of cucumber should be carried out in early May. Cucumber seeds should not be treated with growth stimulants or disinfectants. After 40-45 days, when several pairs of leaves form on the stem, seedlings can be moved to a place of constant growth.

It is important to choose only nutrient soil with a low level of acid-base balance, because an increased level of acid can negatively affect the root system. Wells for planting seedlings must be formed at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, but between the rows the distance should be about 40 cm.

Care requirements

Caring for the plant will not be a hassle

Despite the high germination and yield indicators, this species does not require special care. All care procedures are standard:

  • timely watering (2 times a month);
  • high-quality top dressing;
  • loosening the soil;
  • removal of weeds and other foreign objects from the soil

Some experts note the mandatory formation of a bush in 1 stalk, but everyone carries out this procedure at their own discretion, depending on the development of the plant. If somehow the plant began to be abundantly covered with lateral shoots, then it is simply necessary to form a bush in 1 stalk.If the number of lateral shoots is at an average level, then you can skip the formation of a bush.

Watering should be carried out with room temperature water, because cool water can adversely affect the development of the root system, which will lead to a decrease in yield. Soil cultivation and weed removal should be carried out 3 days after each watering. It is very important that the root system remains unloaded and receives the necessary amount of nutrients. Top dressing should consist of mineral and organic substances. It is advisable to use humus or peat compounds as organics, but phosphorus and potassium compounds should be preferred as mineral substances. They will help to reveal all the taste and will have a positive effect on the formation of the bush.

Parasites and diseases

This hybrid plant is completely protected from diseases such as powdery mildew, spotting brown colors and cucumber mosaic, so all preventive measures in the fight against these diseases can be skipped. The problem with this species is that it can be exposed to parasites such as the Colorado potato beetle, aphid or slug.

To get rid of the beetles, you should use Regent or Confidor. A solution of manganese will help in the fight against aphids, but you can get rid of slugs with a solution of hot pepper.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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