Characteristics of Perenta cucumbers

Like many varieties of modern selection, Perenta cucumber has its own advantages, which leads many summer residents to choose it for cultivation. This variety is adapted for cultivation in the middle lane, even in unstable weather it will be able to please a quality crop.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Soil selection
  6. Watering <
  7. Fertilizers <
  8. Diseases
  9. Pests
  10. Conclusion

Характеристика огурцов сорта Перента

Characteristics of Perenta cucumbers

Variety characteristics

Relate to medium early varieties. The first fruits ripen within 40-45 days from the time of germination. Perenta is a hybrid variety that requires pollinated I am a bee. It has a high yield, which reaches 750 centners per 1 hectare. Such fertility is possible due to the predominantly female type of flowering. For full pollination and the formation of the ovary, 10-15% of male flowers from the total amount are sufficient. Suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouses.

Description of the bush

Perenta f1 is an indeterminate variety. With highly developed lateral shoots. The bush is strong and well developed. The stems cling well to the supports and twist, which allows you to grow in an upright position. Covered with small whitish villi.

The leaves are deep green. They have a pentagonal shape, classic for cucumbers. The leaves are predominantly large, the pattern of veins is clear.The edges of the leaf plate are slightly dissected. In internodes, it forms several yellow flowers with well-developed pollination organs.

Description of the fruit

The fruits grow even, with a uniform green color. The shape is close to the cylinder. The ribbing is smoothed, but small tubercles are clearly visible. There are no sharp spikes that are characteristic of other varieties. The average length of Parenta’s cucumbers is 10-12 cm, and its weight is about 80 g. It has high taste characteristics, according to tasting estimates it has more than 4 points. It is well suited for fresh consumption, as well as for canning and pickling.


The variety of Parenta F1 cucumbers is undemanding to leave. But, as with the cultivation of any vegetable crop, proper agricultural technology plays an important role. For good growth, you will need:

  • choosing a planting place and preparing the garden;
  • regular watering;
  • feeding nutrients.

The place to plant this variety should be well-lit by the sun, well-ventilated, but without constant artificial drafts. To create a favorable microclimate, it is practiced to plant corn around the perimeter of the cucumber bed, which, by creating a screener, can protect the cucumbers from wind and cold.

Soil selection

Compliance distance favorably affects the crop

Cucumbers prefer well-drained fertile soil. But, if not so fertile soil prevails on the plot, it can always be improved. To do this, when digging the beds under the cucumbers make:

  • lowland peat;
  • compost;
  • river sand.

These components improve the structure of the soil, saturate with nutrients. On 1 sq. M. a bucket of a mixture of these components in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 will suffice.

When sowing seeds or planting seedlings in a permanent place, remember that Parenta, in accordance with the description, has a tall bushes, therefore between plants should be about 40 cm, and in the row-spacings not less than 0.5 m. This will allow the bushes to grow comfortably without shading each other, as well as the gas exchange processes will take place more intensively, which will favorably affect the yield and fruiting duration.


Parenta cucumbers, like other varieties of moisture lover willow. Adequate watering will ensure the growth of tasty, juicy fruits without bitterness. Bushes are watered depending on weather conditions. In hot, dry weather, you need to water twice a day, morning and evening. In the cool 1 time in several days as the soil dries.


For quality development and fruiting, cucumbers require top dressing with nutrients. It is worth while paying attention to organic top dressing when growing cucumbers. They are safer than mineral ones, and they will bring no less benefits. To fertilize cucumbers, you can use:

  • humates;
  • ash;
  • onion husks;
  • yeast;
  • herbal tincture.

Feeding is applied every 14 days or as needed.


This variety is resistant to cladosporiosis, and cucumber mosaic. But it is not safe from other diseases characteristic of cucumbers. Among them:

  • powdery mildew;
  • fusarium;
  • parasporosis.

The defeat of these fungal diseases are possible in violation of agricultural technology, as well as weak plants are more susceptible.

If you suspect that the plants are infected with any of these diseases, you must immediately process. For this, fungicides of a wide spectrum are used (Topsin, Quadris, Acrobat, Trichodermin). It will not be superfluous to carry out preventive treatment by spraying the bushes with Trichodermin solution. This biological product is safe for plants and the environment, but is effective in preventing diseases.


Among the pests that often infect pumpkin crops, they distinguish:

  • aphids;
  • whitefly;
  • spider mite.

Bioinsecticides (Lepidocide, Haupsin, Bioreid) are suitable for preventive treatment. In case of pest damage, such insecticides as Confidor, Actellik can be used for quick and effective control.


Perenta is a high-quality variety that deserves to take its place of honor in the beds of many gardeners. With proper care and cultivation, you will enjoy a high yield and tasty fruits.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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