Causes of white spots on the leaves of cucumbers

It often happens that cucumbers begin to be exposed to various viral or fungal infections. The reason is improper care. In order to understand why white spots form on the leaves of cucumbers and what to do to help the culture, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its cultivation. Breeders have deduced the basic rules that allow you to cope with such unpleasant situations.

Basic rules

It is important to know the basic rules that will help to avoid such a nuisance as white plaque:

  1. You should pay attention to the fact that the remains of plants must be disposed of.
  2. Important the moment is to conduct preventive spraying, even in the absence of a disease or parasite.
  3. The greenhouse must be completely disinfected, including the walls and ceiling.
  4. The right conditions for greenhouse plants.
  5. Seeds need proper handling. Disinfection should be carried out using a solution of manganese or potassium permanganate.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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