Characteristics and benefits of sainfoin honey

Monofloral varieties are quite difficult to obtain in vivo. This requires an extensive melliferous base and amicable flowering of the main plant, which determines the characteristics of the variety.

Such rather rare varieties include honey obtained during the flowering of sainfoin. In this article, we will look at sainfoin honey, its properties and uses.

The content of the article

  • 1 Description – color, taste, calorie content, composition
  • 2 Where to collect
  • 3 Benefit and harm
  • 4 How they feed
  • 5 How to take (ingest)
  • 6 What are they used for (specific properties)

Description – color, taste, calorie content, composition

The variety has a characteristic taste – delicate without a sugary aftertaste, bitterness. Herbaceous aroma with a pronounced floral note.

Immediately after pumping out, the honey product is transparent, more often yellow or slightly greenish, sometimes light amber in color (variations depend on the varietal variety of melliferous plants).

It is candied, acquiring a fat-like consistency. The color gradually changes, becoming whitish-cream, pale pink, golden-amber.

On the market, the product is sold mainly in a thickened state. In liquid form, it can be purchased immediately after pumping out at the nearest apiary by agreement with the beekeeper.

This is an early summer variety – honey collection begins in late May, early June. Lasts two to four weeks. Pumping is done after the honeycomb has been sealed by at least 50-60 percent, but it is better for storage if the honey ripens completely.

The exact timing of obtaining a honey product must be clarified directly with beekeepers in a particular area.

The honey product is perfectly balanced in terms of the content of simple sugars and chemical composition.

It contains about 38-45 percent fructose, up to 48-57 percent glucose. No maltose or sucrose. Biologically active substances (phytohormones, antioxidants, essential oils), vitamins, and minerals can be found in sufficient quantities.

Information for people who monitor their weight! A tablespoon of this variety contains 58,3 kilocalories.

Where to collect

Sainfoin is cultivated in the southern and European part of Russia as a fodder legume. And the largest areas for this perennial are allotted in Ukraine, Siberia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

Also, the grass grows in the wild on the slopes of the Crimean and Caucasian mountains, in coastal zones, forest-steppe. But it is more difficult to obtain a monofloral variety from wild thickets – the territories occupied by grass can be relatively small in area.

Depending on the type of fodder crop (sandy, sowing, Transcaucasian varieties), bees collect from 40 to 160 kilograms of nectar per hectare.

You can read a separate article about the appearance, honey productivity of the plant, its agricultural technology:

Sainfoin and its benefits as a honey plant

Benefit and harm

The concepts of the benefits and harms of sainfoin honey are similar to the characteristics of this bee product in general.

Any kind of honey:

  • may cause an allergic reaction (or congenital intolerance);
  • when abused, it leads to obesity, additional stress on the liver, pancreas;
  • used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • not included in the menu in case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • used in a limited dosage and only after consulting a doctor with diabetes mellitus;
  • not introduced into the diet for skin diseases of an allergic nature – for example, diathesis;
  • not given to children under one year old (it is better to give from three years old).

A lot can be written about the benefits of the product. With moderate use and no contraindications, this variety, like any other honey:

  • calms the nervous system, giving sound sleep;
  • energizes in the morning;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • favorably affects the heart and the state of blood vessels;
  • helps the proper functioning of the stomach, intestines;
  • makes the immune system stronger;
  • helps to defeat vitamin deficiency.


Natural bee honey – its benefits and possible harm

How they feed

Storage requirements are also general.


  • clean containers made of glass, ceramics, wood;
  • lack of dampness in the pantry to avoid fermentation;
  • low temperatures – from +5 to +10;
  • reliable shelter from direct sunlight.

Storage periods from one to three years… According to GOST – one year, but in practice, the medical product does not lose its consumer and therapeutic characteristics for a long time.

More information here:

How much and in what conditions is honey stored

How to take (ingest)

They use a honey product depending on the task at hand and, of course, taking into account age.

To calm the nerves, sound sleep – a teaspoon or dessert spoon in a glass of warm milk half an hour or an hour before bedtime.

To normalize metabolism – a teaspoon in a glass of warm water in the morning.

For general strengthening of the body – one or two tablespoons half an hour before meals, without drinking water.

More information:

About the daily use of honey and its amount

Why and how they drink water with honey

Eating on an empty stomach in the morning

Drinking honey at night

What are they used for (specific properties)

The specific healing properties of the sainfoin variety (in addition to strengthening immunity, regulating metabolic processes, beneficial effects on the stomach and intestines) are:

Normalization of the hormonal background… The bee product is especially useful for men. It stimulates sexual activity and improves the production of testosterone, androgen. And it helps women cope with ovarian dysfunction.

Regulation of the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure.

Important! The product cannot be used as the only remedy. Be sure to consult with your family or health care provider to avoid health problems.

You might be interested in: How to determine the natural origin of honey at home

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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