Characteristics of Hurricane Cabbage

Cabbage Hurricane F1 is perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia. It has many advantages, which is why it has gained popularity among large farmers who grow vegetables on an industrial scale. A detailed description of the variety and the features of its cultivation will be considered in the article.

  1. Characteristic
  2. Advantages
  3. Features of growing
  4. Care <

Характеристика капусты Харрикейн

Characteristics of the cabbage Hurricane


Cabbage Hurricane belongs to the white variety. It is a mid-ripening variety: ripens in 97-100 days.

The mass of heads of cabbage with a miniature stump after ripening is 3.5 kg The maximum weight of the cabbage heads is 5 kg, the yield from 1 hectare is 500 centners. yield index: 850 centners per 1 ha. Accordingly, cabbage Hurricane belongs to high-yielding hybrids.

The head of cabbage is round. The leaf plates closely adjoining each other are painted in light green color, sometimes there is a light waxy coating. streaks are clearly visible on the plates.


Cabbage is well stored

  • resistant to certain diseases that affect this vegetable crop. It practically does not suffer from Fusarium wilting, which is the main enemy of vegetable crops.
  • When stopped on a bed, the heads of cabbage do not crack.
  • Ripen cabbage heads have excellent taste.The purpose of the Hurricane F1 hybrid is universal. Crispy leaves are suitable for pickling and pickling, preparing fresh salads and culinary masterpieces.
  • One of the main advantages of the hybrid is its long storage period. Healthy heads without mechanical damage can be stored for about 7 months. It’s worth mentioning that cabbages do not lose their presentation during transportation.

Features of growing

Despite the fact that cabbage Hurricane F1 is quite stable to low temperatures and is intended for open ground, it is better to grow it in the seedling method. In open ground, you can grow vegetables in the southern regions of the country. If spring frosts are planned, then planting is better covered with a film. When growing in seedlings, plants are planted in the ground in mid-May. By this time, plants should have at least 4 leaves, and their height should vary from 15 to 20 cm.

For this hybrid, nutrient soils are needed. Therefore, in the fall it is advisable to introduce organic fertilizers into the soil. We apply mineral fertilizers to the soil only if its composition is known. Garden crops do not grow well on soils with a high nitrogen content.

After 21 days after transplanting seedlings into the soil, plants need to be hilled. We repeat this procedure after another 10 days.


Stronger plants have a strong root system, which simplifies the maintenance of plantings.Cabbage needs to be watered in a timely manner, loosen the soil and remove weeds. The plant tolerates the lack of the right amount of moisture quite easily. But, with insufficient watering, heads of medium and small sizes are formed, which negatively affects the yield.

Watering a vegetable crop is advisable in the evening.Loosening the soil the next morning after irrigation. If the weather is sunny, we irrigate at least 1 time in 3 days. On cloudy days, it is enough to water Hurricane F1 cabbage once every 5 days.

Despite the fact that Hurricane F1 is a hybrid variety, it is advisable to make at least one preventive treatment against the most common diseases. To control pests, you can use marigolds, garlic, lavender and other plants whose smell repels harmful insects.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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